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Everything posted by mewtwo

  1. would it be possible to get a philosophy subsection where all that would be discussed is philosophy and the like. Any type of philosophy from weather pinkie pie is a Taoist master to weather one has free will? I want a section where that stuff can be discussed without all the talk of chi and prana and the like. thanks
  2. for the doctor who fans
  3. Philosophy subsection?

    zeros tao no idea dont speak french
  4. So for you guys that are not ordained or the like and dont live in india or china or such, The people that live in the usa and other western worlds do you guys ever wear a shawl or sarrong or other "non-western clothing" out in your day to day activity?
  5. So a while ago i read online about a new chinese tea ceremony invented after the year 2000. It was very relaxed and basically all you did was get a group of people together and swaped tea with at least one person. Does anyone know what this tea ceremony is called. all i can find online is the tradiotional tea ceremony? Thanks
  6. So I was gifted a Tibetan skull cup and I was told it was real skull. But I am curious as to if it is and such. Any way to tell? The one I have is metal on the inside and has little skulls around the outside edge. The outside looks like wood and has detailed designs carved in it. Thanks Any info appreciated.
  8. I did it told me its name is scully and said something about being in the FBI.
  9. So I find normalcy over-rated, to me the world would be a much better place if we let people be who they are and not force them into a mold. That being said, do you do anything that is "against the norm" on purpose to gauge people reactions? Like for instance, I live around about 2 miles away from my parents in town. So they asked me if i would spend the night and be there the next day so i could sign for some furniture when it arrived. I did but while the people who were moving in the furniture i was watching my little pony with three pony plushies sitting on the couch watch too. when they were done I asked them if they thought this was weird and they said "We've seen weirder but this is up there" Anywho what do you guys do? stories? Domo Arigato MR Roboto.
  10. awsome I love day of the dead one of my favorite holidays. Also king sombra would aprove.
  11. nungali are you being serious or joke im confused?
  12. nungali as far as this goes? aberrant Daeomonic Cultural Impetus does it come with tofu cause i love tofu?
  13. Can you respond to a koan with a koan?

    Owledge What would princess celestia do?
  14. Yep here it is thoughts?
  15. The world will end on dec 4th in the year 292,277,026,569 your welcome.
  16. Hear is how i made my prediction my fellow ponies.
  17. i will let you know on dec 3rd in that year how bout that.
  18. houghts? i love this youtube channel.
  19. can bullet hell games be meditative?

    up down left right down down z b up up a down Lol i remeber goldeneye for the nintendo 64 it had alot of push button codes like that.
  20. Become Taoist Priest?

    Does anyone know of like a place/person who would accept student to become a Taoist Priest? You know its funny I thought I had this religion thing sorted out. I thought I was a Taoist then a buddhist but now I am leaning more to Taoism again. It is funny.
  21. Meditate on this koan. Who is nala's father?
  22. trekcho or thogal?

    does anyone on here know how to do the meditation for trekcho or thogal? i know in thogal you are suposed to stare at a part of the sun or a candle in one of three poses. Is this correct knowledge? thanks
  23. boredom?

    how do you deal when there is nothing to do?
  24. i will be in the chat room till 7 pm tonight if anyone wants to come and talk. why off topic? no one will see it here? test?