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Everything posted by mewtwo

  1. Just be yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there are six or is it seven billion people on this planet each with there own way up the moutain. that is of course not including the countless other beings such as animals and spirits and such. Why be something your not?
  2. Ask me questions?

    So um yeah i was thinking that some of you guys could ask me questions to kind of test my knowldge and such. Mabye humble me in what all i dont know. Thanks
  3. lyin king or simbama

    i found this extremaly funny. Does this sound similar to someone we know a certain american president. Ps i dont want this to be a political bashing thread i just found this funny. PPS can anyone translate arabic? cause when i found the simbama clip i was searching for this clip.
  4. I was wondering if once a week you guys on here wanted to get together via skype and talk about spirituality? Is it possibly to do a group chat via skype?
  5. the greatt taobums experiment.

    I was kind of hopeing to see faces and hear voices though. But if you guys just wana do a chat thing i would be willing to participate.
  6. Just getting people to think with some of my videos.
  7. Lol my biology teacher would say that biologicaly speaking you are just a old dirty watter filled bag.
  8. wow just wow this is the last place i would of expected to be having this convo even if you are kidding. but yeah i do like his sexy british accent.
  9. LOL i ment first it was a top ten list and i wouuld do her first mufasa last.
  10. yes i am not not an internet robot lol.
  11. How to start a cult

    Since we are on the topics of cults woulf u guys say that bob kims aka wan qi's group of people would be concidered a cult?
  12. didnt laotzu say something like the snow goose need not bath to make itself white. So you need not do anything but be yourself?
  13. LOL I was just posting my favorite martial art cause the previous poster posted baguazhang.
  14. The case for qi?

    So um I used to belive just about any video on the internet about chi. But then I saw that the russoan pyro guy was a fraud. So um do u guys belive in chi effecting the material world? If so can u site some stories. Thanks
  15. so um yeah i was brosing my local borders in south dakota. And saw a book by ashida kim. almost bought it too.
  16. Ask me questions?

    actualy i was getting at the fact that i dont spend hours on this site i just check it every now and then. I was not getting at an are you older than me point.
  17. Ask me questions?

    shaktimama does the fact that i have been here longer than you and have fewer posts than you meen anything to you?
  18. Ask me questions?

    looking for a humble xperience but this thread kind of did the opposite. also i was looking for someone who could give me a rating as to how far i have come but i think that comes down to me to do that.
  19. The case for qi?

    I believe that chi can heal or change your way of thinking or do some stuff like living off of it and not eat or drink. I do not believe that one can fly with it. When i first started this topic i was hoping for some stories to prove me wrong. Cause i would believe you guys more than say a book written by some guy would saw say milerepa flying. One thing i do believe is that flying for example in the yoga sutras of patanjali it say something to the effect of mastery of the uppward energies alows one to levitate above swamps dirt and thorns. now taken at face value one would think this meens one could levitate or fly. But i believe that it meens to not let dirty or unpure things touch you and that you should live a clean life. Thanks
  20. A game for the gods?

    So um i have been contemplating games as a path to god. Given that we are humans with human limits, but that we are also the divine. If you had to come up with a game what would the game look like? Now I know there is Weichi or Go but um how about we be original. In my game i would have a chess based game with a bit of random throwen in like a dice roll. the pieces would be black and white and on the intersections they would move. there would also be a drop rule like in Shogi. I am not quite sure how i would put the dice in. But yeah just some thoughts i have been having lately.
  21. Ask me questions?

    There are many names for the same moutain.
  22. Ask me questions?

    Well i am that i am was kind of a throw away quote, but the i am the divine and the divine is me, well that one is harder. Well the reality i can show you is that you have inside of you what you need all you have to do is call it out. like it says in the tao te ching the true tao can not be named so if i go and try and explain this it is unexplainable it just is the divine.
  23. Ask me questions?

    Alot tons actualy but do you really want to hear me say that i have had some kenshos and such or should i just leave it at that i have matured both phisicaly and spiritualy? I dont know if i should or should not tell my story of how i got to where i am today. I wana stay as humble as possible and such but on the other hand i do want to tell it. if anyone really wants to know just say so i will make a post about it.
  24. Ask me questions?

    Scientifcal speaking no we are made up of air. In everyday life yes it is. To an enlightened being mabye somewhere in the middle. not completly solid not completly unsolid. because where one body ends another begins.