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Everything posted by mewtwo

  1. So yeah in your own words how would you condense the tao te ching into like 5 ideas or the hua hu ching into like 5 ideas and the art of war into like at least 13 ideas. I would do it like so with the tao te ching. Tao is everything cant be told only felt non-dual yin-yang simplisety emptyness what are your guyses thoughts?
  2. For the hua hu ching i would only really have to use one Nondual
  3. So in studieing the tao te ching i was wondering why he repeats himself alot in the tao te ching?
  4. why did lao tzu repeat himself?

    Yeah but that is also debateable.
  5. um yeah half joking half serious anyone ever listen to anything repeticious that has noe meening for 24 hours and kind of get into a meditative zone? i cuently like the nyan cat 24 hour version Man i love the internet the only place where this is concidered entertainment lol.
  6. watching ancient aliens tonight saw in there some stuff about the god helmet and the god gene. Thoughts? questions? comment? concerns?
  7. Recommend me some films or documentaries

    oh um when it gets released stateside if it does or gets a fansub um will be watching "Buddha" ny osamu tezuka
  8. Smarty smarts

    um who is to say the person at mcdonalds or plunging your toilet is not really smart? mabye look more for thouse people.
  9. is there a meeting ground for them? like could a scientific person believe in god and vis versa?
  10. Taoism U.K

    Idk um this feels like spam to me. Normally i dont care about this stuff but today feels different.
  11. my god has disappeared who am i to pray to now, buddha christ zaruthustra? Thats right my god is none other than haruhi suzumiya herself. I think you guys would get a kick out of this anime.
  12. ok i see i was wondering about the goku part is all.
  13. your joking right? cause i know i was.
  14. simplicity

    be simple just breathe you dont need all these fancy things like super secret meditations and such. you just need to breathe. and do zazen and such.
  15. anyone recomend a religious taoist book like a how to, like a book that tells you how to pray and how to set up alters and to which gods and such stuff?
  16. what would you say is the more powerfull of the two water or an idea? I vote idea cause whole wars have been fought over something so trivial as an idea of who is right relgion wise.
  17. so hardyg which one is more powerful? lol
  18. Draw chi from sacrum into prostate.

    how does horse stance move chi form your sacrum to your prostate?
  19. Draw chi from sacrum into prostate.

    yes you can but it might be dangerous. but this is just my view and i am by no means an expert.
  20. Draw chi from sacrum into prostate.

    you can put the chi in anywhere weather or not it will be dangerous if another matter.
  21. horseboy(documentary)

    I must have missed the part where the shaman said the boy could become a shaman. i kind of went into the film expecting a curbie attitude. But it was a good film.
  22. horseboy(documentary)

    It was a good documentary. I am wondering though is rowan still autistic or is he fully healed some sites say he still is autistic just not as autistic as he was. So now he might be in the realm of high functioning autism. I am kind of toren because for me autism is not something to be cured it is a sort of experience.
  23. So um yeah has anyone else experienced it that in the kali yuga sanghas and meditation groups have fewer numbers and such? in the meditation group i have been trying to get started since like june i got 3 people to show up once and that was it. So i am wondering if it was me, them, or the kali yuga or a mixter of all three? But yeah what have been your experiences with this?
  24. Your Favorite Martial Art

    yoga and qigong. are my favorites.