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Posts posted by h.uriahr

  1. Why is it that people are either "amazed" when they go to a Kunlun seminar or they laugh at it like it's a joke? A great man once said that chi works whether you believe it or not, however, not believing makes the effect take a bit longer to set in. So what's the deal?

  2. Hi guys. I'm in the Sacramento area and stumbled upon a qigong instructor. His name is Master YeYoung and was wondering if you guys could give me some insight as to whether he appears legit. sactaichi.com

  3. You can't look it up but it's very easy to calculate with Chinese numerology. Here's one formula (for a male -- a female has to use a different formula because yin qi and yang qi flow in opposite directions):


    1. Add the digits in your birth year. E.g., if you're born in 1965:



    2. Divide the sum by 9.

    25:9=18, remainder 7.


    3. Subtract the remainder from 11.

    11-7= 4


    The resulting number is your trigram. If, however, the resulting number is greater than 9, you would have to subtract 9 from the resulting number to get the number of your trigram.


    If the remainder is 0, use the number 9 instead.


    If your resulting number is 5, your personal trigram is 2.


    Then of course you need to know how the eight trigrams are numbered and which sequence to use -- Earlier Heaven or Later Heaven. This you can look up somewhere, but I don't have a bookmark for where, sorry :) -- for an in-depth treatment, use The Great Treatise on the Changes, or Ta Chuan.

    You mean you were born in a Red/Fire Rooster year? This doesn't make you a rooster or a fire sign (this is all pop astrology for entertainment purposes, nothing to do with the real thing) -- this gives you info about one animal sign out of six that govern your destiny (conception, year, month, day, hour, life). I have a Rooster in my chart too, and plenty of fire, but if you go by the most important one, that's the Month animal, and this makes me a Green/Wood Snake! :D -- but there's also a Tiger there and a what-not, a whole zoo. Then you have to consider your yin-yang patterns and your wuxing (Five Phases) qi... it gets complicated. Chinese astrology is bottomless... the "year animal" is a contributor to the picture, but its role is quite limited. However, your personal trigram gives you quite a bit of info to go on if you know where to take it. This knowledge comes gradually (in my experience), and every new piece of the puzzle that falls into place is a thrill. A worthy pursuit, AFAIK.

    I'm trying to figure out your math but it's all wrong. 25 divided by 9 isnt 18. Is it a mistake in math or operation?