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Posts posted by h.uriahr

  1. As you meditate while grounded automatically as you fill your LDT with yang chi, the perineum point will gather an equal amount of yin chi, like a mirror image. If you are ungrounded this is impossible.






    As you can see its entirely possible in mo pai to complete level 1, 2a and 2b without grounding. By the absolute truth of the mo pai you would have to spend a long time gathering yin if you ever wanted merge your solidified ball of yang qi with yin.

  2. There is an option for that if you wish, there is also an introductory text.I can't help that. The idiot who leaked that forgot to include it. It is impossible to progress at all if you are ungrounded in meditation.Some people care about the truth and what was actually taught, and everyone else just cares about satisfying intellectual curiosity.


    So you cannot complete level 1 while ungrounded? You cannot complete level 2a while ungrounded? You need yin qi to free the dantian?

  3. Uhm, I might have some difficulty with that one ;). Well 1/3 of that anyways...


    I'm sorry but it's a gender specific exercise! You can't do it! Gotcha good BKA! Just because you're lacking in the balls department doesn't meant you can't get the benefits of da big squeeze! Instead of the TBC technique you'll perform the TPC technique :) no biggie

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  4. Thanks for the definitions. They are relative for those who, only, wear the shoes for one side. One would have a different view if one sees both sides of the story. Anyway, one has to be experienced to see it like someone has been saying here constantly.

    As you can see is more of a cultural thing than what you call racism. I don't know have you been noticed in the past few months, there were some Chinese friends came to visit the forum and using the same tone as I was. However, they did not stay too long because they wear not accepted here due to the difficulty in cultural communication. Unfortunately, that is the ways things are. The reason that I am sticking around is because I had been exposed to the western culture and try to break the ice gap. Even though, I know due the constitutional rights, there are certain things are restricted not to say in public; but, hey, how are we going to communicate without some sacrifice. Somehow, we put ourselves in a dilemma.


    I do thank you for all your endurance for my presence.


    Thank you for your selfless act of good will. You've done a splendid job of breaking the gap and you've also done a most excellent job of teaching us 'lowly and unworthy' westerners. So now maybe you can explain further on how we actually fill the...oh excuse me, I mean 'sink' the qi into the lower dantian? If of course we are found worthy, if not please let me know so I can go shame myself.

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  5. A direct argument is ok with me because a great deal of the Old Testament (and even some parts of New) would have to be removed to consistently maintain the meaning and teaching of "love one another" in the Bible; why because "God" is also described as a jealous, wrathful Being who often gives orders to kill in the Old Testament. Such killings/murders have been done in the name of "God" for thousands of years by various fanatics of various Abrahamic based religions. Thus exactly which variation of "God" in the Bible the compassionate Jesus is working for is not clear to me via such contradictory doctrines. (and I don't see how such could honestly be clear for anyone else without them really stretching and rationalizing away countless facts of history related to Abrahamic religions!)


    And that is a valid argument however some things needed to be done in order to maintain this ringing of the bell. The doctrine is contradictory when wearing those blacked out glasses :) No stretching needed. I used to wrestle with a lot of things in the OT but not so anymore. Another slight side shift-why is death viewed negatively? Death is a release of limitations. The killings in the OT were necessary for certain reasons. The killings done by men like during the crusades were false. God is not a senseless killing Being. We can discuss the OT killings if need be.

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  6. Or, center your focus on the ldt, inhale while pulling in gently, your belly. Don't go crazy and suck it all the way in but gently pull it in. Make it barely noticeable at first. On the exhale release. Focus on the dantian and allow the qi to sink gently, or suck it down with a vengeance, let your nature dictate the method.

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  7. Ok so here's what I know. Breath in through all directions into the ldt. In breathing, you need to pull the qi in from everywhere, aka pore breathing to the dantian. Then lock the lower floor, ab wall and let the qi condense on itself. On the exhale pull the wall to the spine, from here you can let the qi blow off into the spine itself or keep it in the dantian or let it radiate out throughout the whole body. The breathing method is triangle breathing.

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  8. Hey keep this up you 2 and I'll start posting JC videos! :D


    No wayyyyyyyy!!! Not THE JC! Legend has it that he used his uber mind magic to like totally melt the film so like no footage exists anymore !!! One time I heard he did this one thing to this one guy and he was like totally not the same...like after that thing

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