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Everything posted by ryansmith

  1. Regarding KAP

    it's very likely
  2. Regarding KAP

    Doc still meditated after a full kundalini awakening. I've been doing KAP for some time and have gradually been opening up my kundalini, and Santi and Tao both meditate daily after having fully awakened their kundalini. There is always more energy to cultivate and connections to the universe to draw from and connect to. KAP 1 basically gets the microscosmic energy going in one's own body, KAP 2 connects this energy to mother earth below and the sky above on a macroscopic level.
  3. What do you think, Fire or Water?

    I need both. When I'm too firey and yang, I need some yin to cool me off. When I am too yin(which is almost never) I need some more yang. And steam I can relate a lot to what you are talking about. I am naturally a fire person and it takes a lot more to get me yin. But it is a good thing and I feel much more balanced when I do yin practices.
  4. Marrow washing

    I learned during Kap 2 a form of marrow washing that first cleans the dirty area and sweeps it out before adding energy to the area. This helps to remove any negative energy so that it will not make it worse.
  5. Taoist Pick Up Lines

    "Hey baby want to merge our orbits."
  6. Top Ten Taobums of All Time

    mak ti sin ; ) --most enlightened
  7. What are good movies to watch in (Zen, Buddhism or Tao)?

    I just recently watched The Green Mile and the healing aspects of John Coffee made me think of Eastern Healing Practices.
  8. Beijing?

    Yeah I typed in Tiannaman Square while there and no man in front of a tank. There's actually a really good documentary by I think CNN which talks of how US copmanies (Cisco, Yahoo, Google) helped to create anti-Chinese Dissent software which gives the chinese govt. the names of individuals who post anything against China via the internet.
  9. Practices for heart problem

    6 healing sounds work well. Smile into your heart red light. Exhale a dirty red mist while saying haaaaa.
  10. Beijing?

    was there 2 months ago. Very nice except certain websites(KAP) were blocked. say hi to katherine at hooter's beijing if you see her ; ).
  11. Let me preface by saying how this was just a "what if" scenario that came up during a discussion my brother and I were having concerning energy work and could possibly go into the "worst of" posts on the taobums. This question kind of pertains to Santiago and/or any other person highly developed in energy work. We were talking about how cool it was and the great feelings we got when we received shaktipat and the removal of karma, and how it would be sweet if we were to have the money to just get these personal shaktipats on a continual basis. Santiago has already posted how his presence could get people "high," and it made me think that celebrities or people with a lot of money but were living a life of pure materialism that were not happy could possibly seek happiness via the spiritual. Paying a person $100k yearly whose presence could make them feel "high" seems like a much better option than the amount of money spent on drugs/alcohol/etc... I guess my questions would be -is it possible for a person of such high energy levels to awaken a person without real practice on his/her part? -will this be a future profession for the spiritually developed? It would be kind of funny to see a spiritual guru in the posse of rappers/celebrities/fortune 500 ceo's.
  12. Personal Energy Consultants

    Very True in regards to the group practice. I have noticed big increases in my energy since and I returned from studying abroad and started doing some KAP with my brother.
  13. The more and more I do energy work, the more I see how things are related. It made me think how as a child I was diagnosed with ADD. After looking at my type of personality, as well as other kids and people who have ADD, it seems like it is just having an excess of energy in the fire chakra. Often times these students were the class clowns, laughed a lot, and couldn't say focused often because they were filled with a lot of excitement, preventing them from sitting still. If this is the case I feel it is wrong to prescribe kids drugs that just suppress these emotions. I was just wondering anyone else's thoughts?
  14. How exactly Does One FEEL Chi?

    Put your hand over the object you want to feel and observe various sensations, tingling, heat, etc. Working on your water center helps one to better feel chi.
  15. What energy practice are you doing?

    KAP cause it has improved all aspects of my life-plus i love the waves of bliss as my kundalini awakens
  16. Who is trained in Micro Cosmic Orbit?

    KAP uses MCO....Santiago posted a secret smile version which incorporates the MCO. I have taken the course and can vouch for it (the course as well as MCO's) effectiveness.
  17. How to Avoid Kundalini Syndrome

    i agree with mal
  18. Kunlun/Yogani

    I have been doing KAP since September 7 and have noticed profound changes in my energy levels. I am also much more confident, loving, and happy. Tao is an amazing instructor and each Shaktipat left me with a type of blissful feeling and aliveness comparible to when I went skydiving. My little brother will be taking the course with Santiago in a few weeks and I am very pleased this is a path he has chose for himself. All the best in your decision.
  19. Shaktipat

    It's authentic
  20. Shaktipat

    I received a shaktipat transmission 3 x by Tao Semko and each time my body was filled with huge amounts of energy that has only grown with my KAP practice.
  21. Tummo?

    I am taking the course and can vouch it's the best $288 dollars I have spent.
  22. Talking To God

    This was an amazing read. Thank you for posting.
  23. Long Distance KUNDALINI KAP Training through Skype

    You can download skype. As for the facebook group, I am sure one will be created prior to the classes. Furthermore, for skype and everything else, you will most likely receive an e-mail explaining Tao/Santiago's username and other info. This is how things went for me when I started the class. Best of luck w/ the class and prepare for major changes .
  24. Long Distance KUNDALINI KAP Training through Skype

    Yeah I started the course September 7 and the past 2 weeks have been practicing atleast an hour a day cause I love the feeling I get when doing it. I feel really fortunate to have found this course. Best, "Ryansmith"