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Posts posted by Qijunkie

  1. Welcome to the Bums. How good is the Waysun Liao book so far?


    I bought it with caution. I have so many translations of the Tao Te Ching (I'm personally most

    fond of Stephen Mitchell's). I am absolutely blown away with Byron Katie's A Thousand

    Names for Joy wihich is a dialogue in which Stephen Mithchell (Katie's husband) pitches some

    verses from the Tao Te Ching and Katie riffs her own take on them.


    Having said all this, I find Liao's book to be very engaging with a wonderfull take on the

    Tao Te Ching. I find myself thinking (already) of going back through it for a second,

    closer reading. I highly recommend it. It comes in a "study" version for BIG

    bucks and a "regular" edition. Unless you feel especially drawn to the "study" version,

    the "regular" should be quite fine!


    Hi Qijunkie,

    That's how I found TaoBums too!

    I've read Nine Nights about 4 times now, and I just keep going deeper. It's so simple on the surface!


    Are you doing any of Master Liao's practices? I've been doing Frantzis' Energy Gates practices and a form of walking chi gung for a couple years now. I've got the Tao Gong DVD and will start adding single forms practice as soon as the DVD arrives.


    Anytime you want to talk about the book, trade questions (don't know about answers!), what you're learning, how it's affecting your practice, I'd be into it.




    Not Master Liao's. I've just resumed a chi kung I allowed to get away from me for a long time. I've also

    dusted off my favorite t'ai chi chuan form (Cheng Man Ching's 37 psotures). In addition I've started

    attending a chi kung class by one of Kumar's students (doing standing, the Energy Gates, and the Marriage

    of Heaven and Earth. Now I'm trying to keep it all focused in a coherent practice and guard against my

    tendency to jump around. I've finally convinced myslef (I'm a slow study) that persistent and consistent

    practice will generate more of what I want than to keep sampling the "buffet" line!


    Thank you all for your warm reception and generous offers!


    I look forward to some great sharing!



  2. Welcome :) Glad to have you aboard. Don't hesitate to post questions or great thoughts or telling us about the style of chi gung you practice. Is the Giles you mention the Giles at Chei Nei Tsang?




    No, Wade/Giles is an older system of Romanization (creating phonetic English

    equivalents for Chinese sounds) compared with the more popular Pinyin used

    today: tai chi = taiji, chi kung = qigong and so on. Most of my early learning

    about Chinese culture happened in college in the early 70s when Wade/Giles

    was still more prevalent. My major failing in Taoist practice is my aversion

    to change!






  3. I'm an off and practitioner of t'ai chi and chi kung (prefering the Wade/Giles Romanization). Recent stress and resulting health problems have guided me back to practices in which I used to be immersed. I'm a little rusty but it sure feels good. I am a chi junkie!


    I found you guys Googling "Tao Gong" as I am also reading and thoroughly enjoying Waysun Liao's Night Nights with the Taoist Master.