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Everything posted by MatthewQi

  1. Scriptures

    Wen-tzu (not Cleary's translation though)
  2. Couple of Tao Practitioner Links

    Tumoessence (and Farooq), Yes, he did teach at KSN for a bit , as well as Angelique (as farooq mentioned her name - yes, should add her too, good point). I remember hearing about them not teaching with KSN anymore but don't recall why. KSN is a traveling gig (different cities, being on the road) so maybe they didn't want to travel. I think when I asked Angelique about it recently, she just said she was just moving on or got bored I didn't look to deep into it as they all still seem to get along and post on the KSN site in a supportive way Matt
  3. Sacred Medicines

    Interesting site. Although it was not my path to use mind expanding hallucinagens, I do know others for whom it was and we have come to the same place It took me awhile to be able to understand how this could be because at first is was against what I thought to be a valid path. Further research into Shamanism made it clearer. There are many paths but more importantly is finding ones own way, whatever that may be. Matt
  4. what direction do you face?

    The direction of Tao Where is Tao? It is everywhere To become overly concerned with direction is to miss the point yet by considering the 4 directions as well as above, below, and within one finds the point. Matt
  5. I invented a new taoist meditation!

    Grand Trinity, Good point! Yes, one side of the body is more yin than the other. I just tried circulating energy that way and I liked it! helping me break up some stagnant stuff. Thanks, Matt
  6. Shakti helmet: Spirituality & the brain

    My too! Glenn is quite entertaining from what I here. I have not met him personally but would enjoy it for sure! And Yodster, it is interesting to me that you have intuited a connection between what Guy, Glenn, and myself say In respect of the eternal Tao, Matt
  7. What are you reading?

    Wow, did I miss a lot in High School English... I am reading "The Shamans Secret: The Lost Resurrection Teachings of the Ancient Maya". In it is a DH Lawrence qoute form "No Joy in Life" "Never, my young men, you who complain you know no joy in your lives, never will you know any joy in your lives till you ask for the lightning instead of love til you pray to the right gods, for the thunder-bolt instead of pity..." Wow! This book is excellent. Wouldn't recommend personally to those who do not know firsthand what DH is eluding to though as it will cause more confusion than it is worth as the mayans took conquering fear to the extreme. There are some excellent comparitive discourse of various traditions and the universal Divine experience that I have not seen so well stated before. Matt
  8. Definig Kundalini awakening

    Guy, Very touching story. Thanks for sharing it. I know many people who are now K awake who were abused as children. I have read that this is quite common in that the child goes inward becuase of the events in their external life. Matt
  9. Lozen

    Good points Sean! thanks for really listening to what I was getting at Matt
  10. Lozen

    Sean, With all due respect and noting the fact that I didn't read all of this thread... Buddhism is very similar to christianity in it's rituals and stepped down spirituality and heirarchy. Of course this is not to say that all schools of Buddism are that way, but many are. They often reserve the highest teachings for select few - humanly selected (which is my problem with it). So, I would echo Lozen's statement from my perspective. With that said, there are Buddists who have found the truth but many, many, many, more have not, just like with Christianity and indeed many HT practitioners as well, and others traditions. It is beyond ones chosen "denomination". We are talking about something that IS beyond any logical explanation or empirical study. It is not found that way. Science is indeed Bullshit in this sense and it is the study of this physical realm versus the tracing back to the root that each of us must do to find the Truth / Enlightenment. Regards, Matt
  11. Just to clarify, this was in reponse to some discussions in the intro area that I didn't want to clutter that area with. Great idea (intro area) though Sean!
  12. constantly sexually rev'd

    Wow that is funny... I have just started doing the inner smile and connecting with cosmic golden energy again lately myself. Definitely good stuff. It is funny what pops back up in practice and even more amazing what comes to a number of people around the same time! I was browsing awaken Healing Light a couple weeks ago and realized that I was totally ignoring cosmic energy and the inner smile Yodster, just a couple of thoughts that came to me, take it for whatever... you might consider doing some primordial qigong, fusion or inner alchemy (not sure if you are doing any HT stuff anymore). Stuff to help transform that jing! The Central Channel Meditation I posted up would be a nice experience and beneficial I think for you. Matt
  13. Power animals?

  14. constantly sexually rev'd

    Trunk, Now I understand the context of where you were coming from and cuncur with what you are saying. Matt
  15. Power animals?

    Here is a nice power animal divination site: Matt
  16. constantly sexually rev'd

    Trunk, I do not seem them as seperate but as integral. I am not sure one is really building up jing without an inward focus in the first place. Matt
  17. constantly sexually rev'd

    Yoda thanks for mentioning that similarity between the sounds. I didn't even consciously notice that! The difference seems to me that the keysound is purposely made and rolls upward in tone. The K&L sound is in response to the suction force and is more up and down and up and down. Matt
  18. constantly sexually rev'd

    Trunk, Nice write up on turning the light around! One of the qoutes I like that I read somewhere was "It is not enough to just see the light, you must become the light". If one is seeing the light they are still "seperate" from it. I think it is important to feel arousal during alchemy in addition to bringing in heaven, earth, cosmic energy as well as internal yin and yang. I actually happened to be going through some of my K&L tapes the other day and listened to about 2 minutes of Chia doing K&L and talking about imagining oneself making love to ones partner and feeling the arousal energy. It reminded me of how important it is to use that feeling during alchemy. I think Winn talks about this as something like vibrating the jing with the chi and shen. Strangely, I have been making those sounds that Winn and Chia make and sorta "ahhhaa'ing" sighing etc. and trembling in the mid section like a deep suction (in lower tan tien) that is causing me to curl over abit and tremble while feeling very blissful, as well as a lot of body twitching (kriyas). I have been doing some rapid energy circulating "hoops" from my feet up through my head and back and a lot of toning and 3 finger retention (solo only, if with my wife, I ejaculate and it actually creates more beautiful energy), oh yea, and primordial qigong. I actually got in touch with this deep suctioning while using the aneros lying on my stomach with hands and arms tucked under my chest. I think someone on that forum talked about getting the abdomin to involuntarily contract as part of the super O - which my hypothesis is, is the same as deep spiritual communion. So if you are looking for feedback for this topic for your writing, I would say that it is definitely a plus to feel horney and work with it for spiritual purposes. I personally feel that the more rev'd up the jing the better! But this topic has long been controversial and split the Complete Reality School ot Taoism into the Southern (utilizing rev'd jing) and Northern (utilizing cold jing). Matt
  19. Zen stories

    Cool link Lozen! I love Zen stories for some odd reason. I only read one so far, it was "Wanting God". Which is very true in my understanding. To which I would add "and then to stand fearless before God " Reminded me of an article I recently read about how the original baptism was actually holding a person under water until they had the death experience and were then "born again". Some came back and some didn't. Thanks to taoist inner alchemy, one can also learn how to die and merge with Tao in a more digestable and gradual way. But in the end, it is the ultimately the same. Matt
  20. La Petite Mort

    This is really quite a simple topic. Experiential understanding is different than hypothetical thoughts about what one has not experienced. Guy's experience is echoed by many Kundalini awakened people and people I have met who have "gone through" all of One Clouds formulas. If you are not awakened your perspective will not be the same. This is why this topic becomes complicated for people when they hear about others saying they can ejaculate all the time and still be in bliss most of the time. Actually, as I posted here before, Chia's sexual practices were not part of what he learned from One Cloud. One Cloud taught him inner alchemy - never taught him H&E or Reunion though, just gave him an outline on a knapkin with all the formulas which his wife took when the Chia's got divorced. So if you are practicing the sexual practices from HT, you are practicing a form of Tantra which is in itself a path. One Cloud did assume that one practicing his formulas had enough jing for alchemy. In otherwords had the sexual energy situation in check. My later (post awakening experience) has been like Guy's. Pre-awakening it wasn't, and I needed to stop the leakage so I could successfully practice inner alchemy. Chia was quite thoughtful in his system trying to prepare one for the journey in everyway he knew. Well, that was me who need to stop the jing lose. Guy awoke years ago and I beleive is in a tantric relationship, which is in my opinion very powerful if not the most powerful experience except that with the Tao itself. This can be dual cultivation with intercourse or dual subtle body exchange without it. I still wouldn't beleive it to this day if I hadn't experienced subltle body exchange first hand which was spontaneous without any sex. This blows Kan and Li out of the water! but again this was after awakening and experienced with other awakened people and it is not sex, it is beyond sex. This happens when two or more awakened people are around each other or even place their attention on each other no matter where they are physically. So this further adds to the experience of awakened ones in a loving relationship. Lucky guy!!! Most people do not understand this becuase they haven't experienced it. So in summary, I am saying that there is more to the world than I or anyone knows and people have experienced what Guy describes. Matt
  21. This is one of the first meditations I learned (it is in Daniel Reid's Chinese Health and Healing). I still use it from time to time and thought others might enjoy it... Matt
  22. Master Han's Central Channel Meditation

    Craig, That is a good point! I actually learned it from Daniel Reid's book that had a diagram in it which made it much clearer. His book has the same exact text as on the link, hmm... Anyway, you are correct, talking about the crown point as you described. Matt