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Posts posted by Nyro

  1. Hi guys, this is Patrick from Germany.


    I enjoy Taijiquan, Qi Gong and childish tests of strength from time to time ;)


    Hope we can manage to like each other :D


    Nice to meet you Eisenhans! I am Anthony, from Texas, USA, and I do Wing Chun Kung Fu and Qi Gong as well! Also....I studied German in High School for three years, aber mein Deutsch ist nicht gut :)

  2. Begruben Sie, und hoffen Sie, dass Sie sich zuhause hier fuhlen sollen!


    Ah, I must inform you TwoTrees that.....mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut >_< lol. But, perhaps, I may be able to learn a thing or two from you ^_^.


    And no, I'm not near any temple that I'm aware of, and only recently have I looked into the subect of Taoism. I am, however, deeply interested in the philosophical aspect of Taoism, which I'm currently reading on (I read from the Tao Te Ching every night). But if I do find at least even a small gathering of Taoists out here (In SA Texas), I'll definitely look into that as well.

  3. Hi, my name's Anthony, but you can call me Nyro (pronounced ni-roh).


    I've recently purchased the Tao Te Ching from a local bookstore, and after reading into it and researching Taoism a bit, it's come to strike my interest (And being agnostic for quite some time, it has actually got me to consider converting to it). I hope to learn much more about it as well as philosophy in general, and get to meet many more people as well.


    Until we meet again,
