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Posts posted by DentyDao

  1. Sean,


    For my part, I accept your apology. I consider any sins you've committed against me (real or imagined) to be absolved.


    The slate is now clean. What you choose to write on it going forward is up to you.


    And please don't take the following as an attack against you, your beliefs, the Buddah, David Shen or Uri Geller: You are NOT the sexiest man here.


    That title belongs to the other Sean (our webmaster). Always has, and always will.


    Peace out right back at ya.




    Thanx Spyrelx, I also forgive you. :)

  2. I again apologize to all on this site for my involvment in this. Lozen, (hot as she may be), seems to have lost

    The Way with this thing... I shall return to my path and try to ignore the back-ground noise of attention deprived children as I am able.

    Namaste- Wayfarer



  3. We need more studies like this:


    ( Original article -- )


    Meditation changes temperatures:

    Mind controls body in extreme experiments

    By William J. Cromie

    Gazette Staff


    In a monastery in northern India, thinly clad Tibetan monks sat quietly in a room where the temperature was a chilly 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Using a yoga technique known as g Tum-mo, they entered a state of deep meditation. Other monks soaked 3-by-6-foot sheets in cold water (49 degrees) and placed them over the meditators' shoulders. For untrained people, such frigid wrappings would produce uncontrolled shivering.



    Thanks for posting this. I've been raving about Herbert Benson for years.

  4. Pat,


    Fine. I will continue to express my strong opinion that you are wrong. You are wrong. When your wrong your wrong.


    A lot of people here do believe in enlightened teachers and immortal beings. Should they be constantly blasted for their beliefs unless they provide overwhelming scientific proof? If we wait for the rest of the world to catch up we will be dead before we get their approval.


    Dare to believe. I think for some people it's just a past life thing. They just naturally understand that such things are possible because it's deeply rooted in their awareness.


    Respectfully, S

  5. Wow. You guys sure are making a big deal out of SeanDenty's poll. ;)


    I know, it's so embarressing and overdone.... Does my hair look okay?<_< This must be kind of what winning a movie award feels like. I'd like to thank the makers of this forum and lozen, for nominating me; Hi mom, you were always my biggest inspiration. And, And... (holding back the tears) to my dead grandma who raised me like I was in boot camp and told me to be somebody (think Jamie Fox), I'll see you... (long pause to gain emotional control) in my dreams. Thank you, thank you all for making such a big deal about me.


    And then of course all the sex and spanking at the after party. Then I get drunk an cheat on my wife with some girl and masterforge is watching, but I don't care I'm too drunk.


    Who knows, maybe this will set a trend and everyone will start making polls about other people. I shouldn't be the only one to get so 'honored.'

  6. I just caught up- lets say a spelling contest... I will cast a spell on Denty to become less mean if he can cast a spell on me to be less critical of him when he is still mean- that way we find the mean (Middle way) between our differences and really mean it. Isn't that how its meant to be?


    I am still going to tell you are wrong, but I'll be keeping it palatable and real. And I will be casting a spell; by the end of the month you'll be singing my praises.


    Back to the regularly schedualed programming.

  7. For Lozen, my new buddy. To all beings that I have ever said nasty things to, sorry dudes.


    Peace out, S


    BTW, Hanging out with immortals is totally sexy, just like me.

  8. so Lozen at least for me you have been a peace-maker and blessed unto the lordy-lord lord with this thing-just please don't run one on me! I am too old for a critique


    Don't worry Pat. There's so much love in the room right now. You should join the party. Player hating is no fun.


    Whatever I said to cause you to go off. I'm truly sorry. I hope we can walk away better for it. I don't respect most of the stuff you've said to me and about me, but I want you to be happy. Just let me know what that would take and I'll shake hands.



  9. Also MASTERforge and I decided that I need to get spanked for starting this thread. (Hey Denty, does that suffice as a written apology?)


    Good enough. Master Forge, you have your orders. :lol:



    While it`s been kind of funny, I also think it`s bad for the forum. I mean, what will the people who come here for discussion about qigong and such things think when they see such things... I doubt it will attract more of them.


    There's a lot of humor here. Let's let it stand. I've decided this thread is a true work of art that needs to be preserved as a lesson for us all on how to overcome frustration by verbally beating the hell out of eachother and then laughing are asses off and finally having a sex party.


    I think that's a Taoist practice at least three thousand years old :D

  10. Because I am searching for Truth and I would like to aid others in this search in one of two ways: 1) by verifying with scientific proof that these powers are real, then it breaks down the barriers for all people to see that these powers are legitimate and can/should be cultivated for the betterment of mankind, or 2) exposing charlatans for what they are, therefore, not allowing them to mislead vulnerable practitioners down a path that will hinder their development.


    Don't you think these things are important? What would be the harm of verifying these claims scientifically? Is this something to be feared? If you have experiance with these powers, then please share.


    Anybody can jump in here with comments.


    I've been thinking about this a lot latetly. I think you should concern yourself with 'you' first before you devote your life to debunking others. I think this is the mistake people like Randi and his friends are making. Just a thought.


    I wanted to create a forum for you and Wayfarer to get out your aggression.


    No thanks. I don't need your help and it's not appreciated.


    I'm not pissed at you! This thread is cracking me up, actually.


    Me too, but I am pissed at you.

  12. Hey here's an idea...


    I hear Denty is coming to the NYC area soon, How many here want me to make him my bitch, and teach him what power/sexy can be? I'll even throw in an object lesson in manners -as in: please sir can I have some more...


    What cha say big mouth? Wanna be my beotch?



    Ah the truth. We're good ;) The great and wonderful Wayferer has no business to attend to. He is logged off and is sitting at his computer drooling over the above fantasy. When did I say I was going to New York? I guess his dillusions have really began to manifest into full blown pychosis.


    I like silly contests for fun and know that I for one had a great time... as I attack you


    I don't like silly contests and I wish you would stop. This has been my point from day one. I wish you would stop constantly coming on the threads I post and then attacking me. It's annoying.




    I still will never take a jack-ass like you seriously and will continue to call you on yr BS.
    Why? What has caused this reaction in you? I just want to set the record straight. I really want to hear an decent answer.


    But As fun as this has been I have stuff to do that is more important than helping Denty imagine what he says carries any weight.


    It's been funny, but hardly fun. I think you have made it painfully clear that you are more concerned with me than is healthy. Again for the record, I haven't gone around dissing you and cracking on your posts. I've just defended myself against your criticism which is unfounded and stupid.


    If I was intested in 'carrying any weight' I would detach your teeth from my ankle and carry you to the nearest psychiatric ward. I have no interest in being seen as some kind of sage and have been very honest about what I do and don't know. While you parade around like some kind of great master with your big advice based on what?