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Posts posted by DentyDao

  1. You are living a lie Denty. If you were not you would not behave as you do.



    The point that you have missed here Pat is the fact that dispite my own addmission that I am not achieved or more than a beginner, the teaching and practices I experienced with David are designed so that anyone, experienced or not, can understand the real meaning of Daoist cultivation once they understand the underlying principles. That's what's so exciting, that an ordinary person like me can easliy grasp why most of the stuff out their that's being presented in the west as Daoist cultivation is very shallow and incomplete. Btw, I have been practicing and researching for over a decade and am a former HT instructor; it's not like I fell off the turnup cart yesterday. I have traveled to Euope and Asia fairly extensively over the past 6 years and learned the secrets of Daoism from people who have achieved th things many her dream of achieving and that have been written about is classical texts, but grossly misunderstood in the west and in China for that matter, the realities of these practices are there for those who look.


    As for your challenge, I cannot accept. Our school has nothing to do with martial arts really. For what it's worth I'm sorry for any offense you have perceived. I certiany never intended to offend the memory of your Mother. I think that is very clear and there is really no need for you to behave the way you have because I have nothing against you personally. I just happen to think your criticism of me is unskillful and borish.


    I will share some points from David's recent essay soon; hopefully this help clearify the message I'm putting out and the reason for secrets, etc. It is the masters obligation to keep secrets from his students, it's imortant for teh student's growth and the masters duty to only reveal what that student needs at the right time in his or her development. Simple, but easy to confuse from an outside perspective. Many traditions, such as the Jewish Cabbalists and Christain essenes held and do hold the exact same ways of secrecy and it's a safe gaurd for the student, nothing more. When you understand what cultivation is and how delicate and complex the process of creating the Dan tien and letting the process occur at the right time and in a balenced way, you will understand why the secrets are not secrets; there are actually very important karmic reasins for this and the student can bear that karma for life times if they go to fast or don't proceed according to the teachers perscription which can be different for each student.


    As for the price of the training. Many of David's masters do actually teach for free and some do not. As has been made clear here, the prices for David's retreat are more expensive than some training and less than others. I happen to think they are pretty reasonable. I really don't see how this is corrupt or evil. The idea that David is somehow putting a price on enlightenment or immortality is not really close to the reality as he is not really garenteeing anything of this magnitude. There are many paths to enlightenment, all require sacrifice.


    I understand your frustration and I hope we can make peace. The fact that I'm rude and sometimes crass has nothing to do with the truth of the experiences of myself and others. I think someone used the term 'Hornets nest,' this is basically how it gets in this board some times. I'm just one person and I'm human. When I feel unfairly attacked some times I react with sarcasm. Sarcasm doesn't translate well on the net. Anyway, as I said I hope we can put our differences aside. I would like to suggest that both parties need to respect eachother more, I think MOST people here see that point.


    With Love, S

  2. This must be what walking in to a StarTrek convention and shouting 'It's not real' must be like... :lol:


    Suddenly the angry mob of Trekies turn and go on the offensive, shouting angry bursts of hate ridden retoric, "Spok is real you horrible, horrible man!!!' And then the whole place goes ape shit and people start trying to kill the guy. One of the bigger, dumber brave Trekies, starts moving toward the offender, yelling something in Klingon. Some of the younger treks collapse in a corner with tears in their eyes, "Spok is real, it's OK, it's Ok, oh dear God.'


    Alex Chu to te rescue!


    This is really too funny.


    oh man seand the way you behave is so embarrassing it leaves me speechless, posting private correspondance and information for the third time today in this forum is really a step too far. I honestly and deeply regret I ever wrote you a mail sharing thoughts. You were not worth it in the least. shame on you. If I ever happen to meet david I hope you won't be around so I'm spared you're rude abusive shit.




    Like I care at this point :)



    No idea. I would be surprised if it's Karina. Not her style.

  3. Dear Spyrodork,


    After many posts here you invited me to NEw York to 'Grab Coffee' and hang out. Later when it suits your jealously, you start joining Pat in following my writing very closly and looking for opportunites to get a punch in.


    Then after you treat a newer member hear like a bag of shit and I call you on it you send me this assinine PM:




    I actually think you're making some good points and I appreciate what I see as a (slightly) improved tone.


    About Darin, I DON'T know, but my guess is he's a nut, or dishonest, or both. He's claiming to have spent 13 years alone on some rigorous path that he learned from a translated book of obscure esoteric knowledge. If that's true, I don't think he's balanced, and if it's false he's either fucking with us or delusional.


    If you read that thread most people said "get some help". He came back, more or less, with nonesense.


    So I wrote what I wrote to slap him around a bit so he'd wake up and take some action. (Or go away if he was just being a wiseguy). Perhaps I was wrong but that's why I did it. I think a few others had the same idea and did it in their own way.


    You've come in and saved his ass, which is charitable. And maybe you and/or David can do something for him. All I'm saying is he might be pretty unstable and you should be prepared for that.


    Good luck. "


    Get over it really. :lol: Why not just say what you really think and stop pretending your not shallow and rude as anyone on this forum.

  4. Second, you do represent David, and his masters. You mention and/or recommend David with almost every post, and every post carries links to your forum and other information about David and his teachings. So you do represent David, and his masters -- and anger, ego and a desire to ridicule (or, if you like, a consistent inability to get your true meaning across) discredits them.



  5. Jette sent me a letter explaining the reality of the prices for Denmark:


    Hi Sean


    Tobias who has put this information on should have cleared this whit me before starting this problem.


    There is a very clear policy about the price.


    The price for the seminar this summer is 1000 euro a week for people who never worked whit David or me before. People from the Danish group and people who have done seminars here in Denmark with David before pay a different price.


    We have made this policy about the price to make sure that all the new participants are really committed students. If the people that starts the practice this year comeback next year, they will of course pay the same price as everybody else.


    Please make this clear to everybody or better ask them to contact me if they have any questions. To make sure that every body gets the same answers I will suggest that any questions that has to do with the organisation of the seminar goes trough me. This is my job and David has plenty of other things to do.


    See you soon


    All the best, Jette




    So this would be my reasons for me black mailing him. This is so furiosly funny.


    I couldn't agree more. David said he really wasn't very connected with you with the exception of the incident mentioned. Certainly it seems the term 'old friend' was just more of your practical joking. A bit sad really. His version of the story wasn't very flattering for you if I understood it correctly. I'm sure you will elaborate.

  6. You know, after writing I thought about it

    (how the energy comes back only after it is being sent, now that's a mixed blessing)


    It was really the fact of getting both of you with one move that got me going. :lol:

    Sorry for Vidiami that was in the middle.


    Still I would be happy to know what the hell did David told you 'bout me.


    Thanks for being sincere. Let's just say David has a sense of humor too. Something about an HT hottie and some photos. You can ask him if you like. :) Nothing to worry about he just found it humorous and wondered if it might be the reason you tried to piss him off a bit.

  7. Gentlemen, I am just a 'beginner' and had a powerful experience with David's masters that changed my life. You can hate me all you want, but David is a Prince among men truly.


    I realize my presence here is a mixed blessing. Obviously, several members here have developed considerable animosity toward me; mostly because I have not been very polite and tend to get right down into the dirt and argue too much when people make offensive remarks. I realize this is a poor stratagy. But honestly my approach has never been to have a 'stratagy.' My attempts to engage in serious debate are sincere, with Pat being the exception. I realize that this cycle keeps taking on the same predicable patterns over and over; this last exchange with Pat has been a total waste and just makes me realize what a futile, boring approach this can be. The more I say I'm not representing anyone, the more people will hold onto the idea that I am doing exactly that. My agenda is not David's agenda and, honestly my presence here is a pet project of my own. True, I have David's blessing to share my experience, but beyond that people interested in David's work should go to the source.


    I hope most people get that. I really don't want the job of representing anybody and, if I did, I would never have been so casual and free; but really David doesn't need any help, he has hundreds of students in over a dozen countries, many of whom love him dearly and have achieved much more than I along the way with his masters teachings. As has David himself.

  8. My reply is simple. Pat has never met David or his teachers and knows nothing of our tradition. He just doesn't like me. This was as clear to me from his very first post as it is today and it's why I can't take it seriously.


    Tobias (Vidiami), my suggestion, if you don't like your privacy voilated, be a little more mindful. Lesson learned. My best to you.


    As for the 'black mail' David's words not mine. What Pietro did was a power play. Plan and simple really and not the first such behavior from him toward David. Makes sense to me.

  9. Just received David's thoughts on the matter of the practice revealed and Pietro's actions. David is always very telling about such matters and about people like Pietro who have, of course, a troubled history with David.


    David related the whole story of his very limited relationship with Pietro. I will not repeat such embarressing details here. Definity Pietro has a motive to black mail David in this funny little charade. I will leave the rest to imagination out of respect for Peitro's reputation and emotional health.


    David did write him and requested that the material be taken down and we shall see if he will make good on his promise.


    As for Vidiami, David "understands that his actions are faultless and just asked that he contact Peitro to also request him to remove the description. Since Vidiami created the mess, he should have a part in cleaning it up." David sometimes tests his students, while he said it's up to Vidiami, if Vidiami values his relationship with David, it would be a nice gesture; that's just my feeling.






    David's letter:


    "Dear Sean

    I wrote to Pietro so to cut the head of the problem directly.


    this is the letter in italian



    sono anni che non ci sentiamo, mi spiace che debba essere a causa dell'incidente della lettera sul forum, un paio di amici mi hanno scritto in proposito, ti pregherei di cancellare le copie che hai fatto e altre note e referenze all'argomento, in rispetto di privacy e della volonta' dei maestri in proposito.

    Una descrizione cosi' generale di un esercizio non puo' far altro che generare piu' confusione e gossips. D'altronde qualunque pratica se descritta a livello generale potrebbe essera asscociata a qualunque altra ed invece non e' decisamente il caso, ti pregherei di evitare di suggerire altrimenti.


    grazie mille a buona fortuna



    English version:



    Many years passed since we last communicated, it is regrettable that the reason is an "accident" cause by a forum letter.

    A couple of friends wrote me in regard, please erase the copies and paste you made and also references and notes on the topic so to repect privacy and the masters will.

    Such a general description of a practice will only create confusion and gossips, in fact any practic if described in such general terms can potentially be associated to any other, this is not definetly the case, please do not suggest it is so.


    thanks a lot and good luck







    this argument is so boring



    Indeed, way past my bed time. This fat happy lad is going to beddy by. Sorry Pat it's 10pm here time for all good little punks to dream of cotton candy and lemon drops. I suggest you do the same. Things may look different in the morning. :)

  10. Sean,


    I think you should take the guy seriously. I think you've crossed the line with him many times, and should make amends.


    You can cop the attitude that it doesn't matter if you shit all over people in cybyerspace, that you don't have to respect anyone's version of propriety. Just like I can cop the attitude that it doesn't matter if I take David's teachings and distribute them all over cyberspace, that I don't have to respect his version of propriety. But both actions would be just what they sound like, a lack of respect for a fellow human being.


    I think you should apologize and make amends. Maybe nothing will come of this. But if he hurts you I think it's wholly of your own making.


    Hi Spyrodork,


    I'm sure you have your own fantasy about what Pat would do to me if I don't apologize. What I would like to know is what exactly did I do to warrent a death threat. Sorry, but once again you demonstrate a lack of any real ability to think clearly. All I have done is respond to his dumb insults with a dumb insult.


    Actually I do take his threat seriously; what Pat said is against the law and I have made copies of his threat in the event that Pat decides to foolishly act out his words. Infortunitly ther will be no way fro Pat to save face here.


    It's lesson he needs dearly. If people here want disregard David's wishes about the description of the practice, I will be disapointed but I would never threaten anyone, it's just not smart.

  11. No Denty, I have had it with you. I concider these interactions as face to face on some levels. You have provoked me and I am serious. I am generally proud of my enemies. You would not be much of one. But If I ever do meet you I can guarantee you that you will be shitting yourself within five minutes. And I doubt I will even have to touch you. You are not above your actions and niether am I. We are what we do, and what we say. You have gone too far. You act as if you want a fight and then back off with more BS. Rest assured I hope to meet you one day. I advise an appology is offered to me before then.


    I repeat - you may not insult me as you have been and not provoke my animosity. This is real. It is no threat. It is my reality. I concider your language a verbal attack on me and a challange to my martial arts lineage. I advise you to stop your provocations, as there will be a reply that you will not enjoy.


    I think you are a liar, a shill, and a coward. Pimp is too cool a name for you. You have no street cred, fool. Do you really think that you can get away with such arrogance on a Taoist site, belittling Shaolin traditions?


    I think that David Sham has to be a fool to allow you to represent him anywhere, in any fashion. My training is no game. There are no parlor tricks. We have a tradition of projecting qi with some affectiveness.


    My Tradition of developing qi is martial. I do not seek anything but an apology from you. Get it done.


    I am willing to see if Sham can protect himself from my Kung Fu and zap me with his magic crap. I do not take this shit lightly Denty, believe it punk. If you want to start something with real practitioners of ancient martial traditions, you are a fool many times over. Stop provoking people here. Period.


    Come to what little senses you may have and appologize as if you were a man and then begin again trying to behave as one should on a public forum that has many points of view.


    I do not concider the people on these threads to be expendable cartoons in some cyber void. These are real people who you have attacked as if there was no reality attached. I can change your mind about that.

    This is real. You have provoked me and I am not going away just because you now want me to. I will only if and when you appologize. Otherwise I will continue to call you on your empty lies and general BS everytime I feel like it.


    I have commended your erudition. Book learning is a nice thing to have, but you exhibit nothing but empty knowledge.NOTHING.


    We all derserve this appology from you. I require it. You have insulted Shaolin tradition, I will defend it at every level.

    Now wise up boy.


    Learn not to step on a tigers' tail. I am no seeker of enlightenment at the cost of my inner animal nature. For me it is a complete package - Five animals are part of that package. You seem to want to provoke the snake in me. You do not really want to meet my snake, he plucks eyes. My tiger breaks bones. The dragon creates internal bleeding. Why do you insist on pissing us off? Are you really that stupid? Do you not understand martial tradition? You may not call me out and then act as if it means nothing. In my tradition it means something. It means you want me to be your enemy. If you do not want to be my enemy appologize.

    Simple and direct.


    As I sit here waiting for your reply, it occurs to me that this little incident could very well be just the serious break through you need to motivate you to do something meaningful with your life. I happy to facilitate this rather embaressing (for you) moment. Anyway, please continue, I will respond in between grading my students school work. :)

  12. No Denty, I have had it with you. I concider these interactions as face to face on some levels. You have provoked me and I am serious. I am generally proud of my enemies. You would not be much of one. But If I ever do meet you I can guarantee you that you will be shitting yourself within five minutes. And I doubt I will even have to touch you. You are not above your actions and niether am I. We are what we do, and what we say. You have gone too far. You act as if you want a fight and then back off with more BS. Rest assured I hope to meet you one day. I advise an appology is offered to me before then.


    Pat I have to warn you, I am skilled in the art of fart-jitsu. You really wouldn't stand a chance. :lol:



    The only one who provoked you is you. This sadly, is your undoing.

  13. SHIT!!!


    PAT, STOP WATCHING ME. I KNOW YOU ARE THERE. :unsure: The watcher... he he he. Ignor list my ass.


    This ignor list thing is the funniest thing ever. 'Your on my ignor list, but I am keeping a close eye on you.' :rolleyes:


    But for the most of all, all of you guys are right with your descriptions of what the other people are. And that's why this thread have been so entertaining.


    Neutral bastard. Cameron here is your chance to unleash your fury.

  14. Sean,

    You poor poor thing. You seem so empty, so angst ridden, mirroring your fears and faults onto others.

    My mother died of cancer two years ago Sean, after I cared for her over many, many months. You seem to want someone to kick your ass Sean. If that would help you I would be sad to do so. You can not go around insulting people like this. Some of us may take your childish ass to task.


    Seriously. Do not address me like that any more. This is a fair warning Sean Denty, I do not take crap like that from anyone. So now you had better get real and fast. You do not want to make an enemy of me. I am an old time street fighter. I have been knifed and I have broken peoples bones. I travel a lot.

    I expect an appology. After which, I will put you back on the ignore list after all of three days off.


    I strongly advise anyone else that finds this childish BS from such a fool so very tiresome to do so as well. It makes this forum much more civilized.


    Are you kidding. BACK ON YOUR INGNOR LIST!!! And now you're threatening me with physical violence.


    As I said Pat, most of us have let the issues on this thread go, My self included. Is this really how you spend your time; just looking for fights and defending your mothers honor. Are really this shallow and infantile at your age?


    What happened to the grand sage who is so above all these youthful follies.


    Pat, it's time for me to give you a little life lesson as you are clearly at the end of your perverbial rope. First of all I have never met your mother and I'm sure she was a nice lady; I also did not know you ACTUALLY lived with her, that was joke. Your 52 years old now; it's time to start waking up and deciding how you really want to spent your time. Since you are single and have no family, perhaps you should devote your life to some nobler cause like charity work or habitate for humanity.


    I would also suggest some therapy if you are starting to threaten people with physical violence on the internet. A man your age can have a heart attack if they get too worked up. If you can't handle a little humorous ribbing via internet, what are going to do when someone calls you a idiot just for walking down the wrong side of the street in New Jersey?


    I would suggest a few weeks of Oprah Winfrey show to calm you down a bit and perhaps asking out that older lady at your favorite book store on a date. Sometimes having a women in your life can help mellow a person out and help them deal with the stresses of life a little effectively. There are some good studies that bear this out. Since it's probably been a whil since you have been in a relationship, maybe you can use some of the PUA resources on this site to build up you confidence a little more. I'm sure there's someone your age in New Jersy you shares you interests in corny poetry and long, long, long speaches about Taoism based on your profound depth of knowledege and subtle wit ;)


    Really I don't dislike anyone on the forum here. I don't know any of them personally and I have not been really angry about anything said here. I mean who really cares what someone you don't even know a thousand miles away says about you? Sure now one likes being called names, but that's just part of being online as far as I can tell. No one acts the way people do on this forum in real life.


    Get over me and move on Pat. :lol:

  15. Well, I guess we can add homophobia to your list of notable attributes. :wub:


    And we can add stupidity to yours. Time to move out of Mom's basement and get your own apartment in New Jersy. :lol:


    As Plato said, 'You are a fake seeker.' I couldn't agree more. Get off your ass and do something usefull. Your existence should have a point.


    God damn that felt good. Bring it on Spyrodork.


    I wish you well Sean, you have chosen a path you seem ill suited for. By the way - I took you off my ignore list a few days ago-just in time for more insults to Sean O et al. You have something to offer, and continue to obfuscate the good that has evolved in you with an arrogance & single-minded approach to these matters. You may be right in what you say - but it remains very difficult to hear the truth of it through the emotionalism and immaturity of your approach. I have grave doubts about David Shens' ability to lead a student to knowledge if your diatribes are an example of character and comportment that he condones, much less wants to represent him. You have my respect as a loyal student , but you lost it long ago as a person. I wish that weren't so.


    The great irrelevent one has graced us with his wisdom once again!!! Good lord, you are the biggest geek to ever walk the planet and the only one who doesn't see it. No one gives a shit Pat.


    A couple months ago you were down in the dirt bragging about how you're going to make me suck your dick like some idiotic teenager. Now you pretend to be some wise sympathic old soul who swoops in and gives his sage advice and says how sorry for me he is. Your a joke.


    Your no worse or better off or more knowlegdable than anyone on this site and your in no position to make judgements. It's really not about ME. Stop pretending to care when the reality is you only care about your self and being popular here because this is your only real social outlet and these people are your only friends. That's fine, but stop pretending that your so wonderful and kind and trying to be the best you can be. If that were the case you would have dropped your fixation with me a long time ago.


    YOU NEVER EVEN TRIED TO IGNOR ME. You just keeeeep poooossting the same tired statements about how misguided I am and how wonderful you and your friends are over and over and over and over again. It's practically your hobby. When are you really going to go to China or are you really going. When are you going to hold a mirror up to your self and take a good look at your own actions and nerosis.


    Most of the people on this thread have come to the point of just making silly jokes about the whole affair, but you continue with your 'serious concerns' no one gives a damn, really nobody cares. This is the internet so just get over it.

  16. I have to admit, I do like this more assholish side of SeanO more than the PC peace maker he used to be, at least more so. I think he's evolving into a more passionate admin and setting a example of, 'If your going to play, get down in the dirt and play and stop fucking around.'


    Maybe we can just all start insulting eachother more as a rule; kind of break the ice and provide some much needed therapy for Cameron who has been repressing is rage since grade school and frankly needs to unload on some poor bastard who has no idea what he's in for.


    I think we all need to get more in touch with our inner warrior. In a non-violent way of course. This God Damn PC world view we are transitioning into is basically the castration of the American male. It's reflected in most popular TV shows where Dads are always the buttheads who fuck everything up. Robert Bly talks about this in his writing which I recommend to every man over thirty who has kids. His book called 'Iron John' is groundbreaking. He like the deviant Joseph Cambell... in a good way.


    Anyway, that's the beauty of the internet, you can't slap someone for disagreeing with you :)