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Everything posted by DentyDao

  1. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    Not at all, I would agree with everything you said. I would say both Daoism in Buddhism are two peas in the same pod. Of course both are good and have their strengths and weaknesses.
  2. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    Right on Lin. very nice
  3. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    Hi Lin, We believe that Buddhism adopted many high and effective methods from Taoists. Anyway, I would agree with most of what you wrote. David had some interesting things to say about Da Mo/Bodhi Dharma. You might find it interesting from a scholastic standpoint anyway. Of course, many Buddhist in China are very high level and Buddhism produced and still does, I have no doubt, liberated and enlightened beings. Not the point of what I wrote at all.
  4. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    Whatever you say. I spoke to guy personally and he is a member of our forum as well as a student of Mo Pai, at least he was before sifu retired. I don't know what you are talking about, but hundreds of people seek Pak John out every year, so your friend is probably someone else. Bottom line, the story in the paper made John out to be a fake and he had no interest in correcting or challenging it and was happy to be left alone. Zhai, I'm sure is happy to do the same regarding the article posted on this thread. Yes, this is just one method David teaches. There are several, all Taoist. Zhai Sifu is Buddhist, nominally, but the methods he teaches are not Buddhist. The Chinese do not have any strict rule about using Taoist or Buddhist methods exclusively. Also, as far as I know, some practitioners in this pai are Shaolin, but Sifu is not and neither are his teachers. The old grand master practices Chan, but this is not the Chan that is written about; the only similarities would be at a very high level and of course philosophical principles and perhaps the way they sit and dress, at least the old grandmasters. The Shaolin were not the only ones who received teachings from Da Mo and they didn't get all his teachings either from what Sifu says if I recall correctly. There were some Shaolin at David's cerimony, Sifu said they have no real power or achievement. All that remains is a shell, they of course have Buddha Dharma which is a very high and effective teaching, no mistake about that. I would tend to agree with the masters on this point, but my only real point is that there are vast differences in what they do. For clarity sake, I will elaborate. Zhai Sifu is a lineage holder of Da Mo Pai, the lineage that comes from Da Mo; a school that belongs to the line of the Dao called Lei Shan Dao. Despite what is written, it is unlikely that Da Mo himself was Buddhist. In any case, the lineage adopted the techniques used as well as Buddhist practices, so both are practiced. What's more, Zhai sifu neither has Dan or Dan Tian, he has Xia Tian or lower field. Actually, what John Chang and Zhai sifu practice, at least at their current levels respectively, is qigong not neigong. We can say that they are both immortal and both very high, but not enlightened and no real neigong in the true sense of the words. David specializes in double cultivation of both Hou Tian and Xian Tian. So to cultivate Dan Tian, and do neigong is double cultivation. The Dan Tian is the specialty of Wang Liping who often complains when so called masters come to talk about their Dan Tian and, in truth, don't even have Xia Tian, its lessor counterpart. There is a lot more to it of course, but for now that is enough. Well, we don't 'need' anything. The scientists have already agreed happily to run preliminary tests and it is they who are most interested in running the tests, from what I understand. It's not electricity and does not register on a voltmeter. It is qi and qi has nothing to do with electricity. It is true that some masters train with high voltage electricity to create a yin field and speed up the training. The technology was developed by a friend of Sifu John Chang and is used in special opps training for the Chinese military. The application is mostly martial in nature and has nothing to do with real Tai Ji or Yin Yang Gong and is fairly low level. It's a tool used by some masters, but not all and a very effective although limited tool. From what I remember, some people use it to train level 2a.
  5. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    It's true; and when your gong becomes good/stable, you can begin to return the Shen and the 'King' can return to his house. It is the great work. The mind has become the master and does not know its place is really to be the servant. So, Zu ji will help you to bring your own mind under control and use all your resources to do so, not just Xing which is only one half of the pie; and then the real work can begin; the return of the King. But make no mistake, this transmission has nothing to do with shamatha or vipasana or any other Buddhist or Hindu methods or paradigm; it is unique to the Daoist tradition totally. To forge the Dan Tian, in the alchemical sense that it is used above is a process that is not found in Buddhism or India or Tibet, with due exception of some remote anomaly perhaps. These more popular and widely known systems have different goals and different purposes in many cases. In any case, they use totally different methods, so it is important to draw a distinction.
  6. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    Edited for lack of seriousness and unnecessary clowning around. Carry on...
  7. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    For anyone interested: Again, here are some really good indepth resources that have been written on Lei Shan Dao and Long Men Pai. If you want to take a serious look at these methods and the lineages themselves, you would really benifit by reading these two books: Opening the Dragon Gate: The Making of a Modern Taoist Wizard by Kaiguo Chen, Zheng Shunchao David is actually rewriting this book which is a biography of his main teacher Wang Li Ping, who is btw not Lei Shan Dao, although Lei Shan Dao is one of the lines he is a lineage holder of. The Magus of Java: Teachings of an Authentic Taoist Immortal by Kostas Danaos (aka Kostas Dervenise). David is still a non practicing student of John Chang and one of the few westerners still welcome in Java by John. That's really my best advice if you want to explore these paths. I'm just a student, so it's not really my place to go around 'converting people,' just to say, the best way to find out about these practices is to begin with these books and then actually go and study the methods, if you felt so inclined. David gave me permission to write a short biography of his life this year, so we will see how it evolves; maybe I will come up with something informative that will provide more insight for people.
  8. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    Gentlemen, The real test is doing the practice and achieving the results for your self. What difference does it make if some scientist or anybody else believes or finds proof? Yes, it a nice feeling and yes, it would be some validation, but life will go on and YOU still won't really know in terms of meaningful 'self' knowledge. So, again, this whole dialogue is meaningless after a certain point. I think it's good to share and get some information out there and maybe correct some of the unskillful views on these matters, but really this is a practice for the few, not the masses. Science will never quantify the human soul and spirit and no scientist ever became enlightened and never will, at least not through the scientific paradigm. Buddy, I have read a little over at the empty flower. They live in a different world under a different belief system with different goals. Why go there and start a shit storm, what would be the point? Who cares?
  9. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    Yes, I'm aware that Randi has made all kinds of claims about how easy scientists are to fool. But I also take into consideration the fact that Randi himself is not a scientist, he is not talking about strict government funded clinical trials, and he is an individual who spent most of his adult life debunking common Tarot card readers and amature psychics. What I can tell you is that I personally talked to the scientist in Vienna who did the testing and he said, it is not a known molecular structure; it was tested against millions of samples. We are a long way from having published findings, but David wants, with the masters blessing, to get one hundred masters and run tests on them. Honestly, I personally have witnessed enough to open up a little to the possibilities that science is not really a good reflection of reality, so to me it's an after thought; still such things have their place. If you want to start to be able to see into my world reading the Magus of Java by Kostas Danaos. He is a very brilliant engineer who studied under John Chang, his master, and wrote a book about his experiences from a scientific perspective. You might also check out Opening the Dragon Gate: the making of a modern Taoist wizard. Thes two books got me thinking in a different way. I followed it from there and met a few of David's masters; so gradually my eyes opened up a little and the reality is now it just seems normal.
  10. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    Zhai was not demonstrating Yin Yang Gong, the electric like phenomena, but using his qi actually burn the hand of each participant without touching them. This is totally different. How would he do that with a battery pack? The thing on his belt is his cell phone which I have seen him use... he talks into it and, amazingly, people talk back on the other end. Say it with me now, "telephone." He also drives an Audi and lives in a nice house with his wife and two kids. I met to top scientists from major European universities who have met Zhai and done research on his abilities. These are people who look for tricks and are naturally skeptical who are going to be involved in helping run clinical trials. I mean do you really believe that twenty intelligent adults wouldn't notice a battery pack on his belt? It's kind of silly. If you go to the foundation forum you can read the testamonials of regular folks who went and saw that same things and were very skeptical like most would be in the beginning. Read their stories, some of them are very well written and go into great detail about what was experienced in a very balanced and objective way. When I was in China there were dozens of masters, Jiang's students, several of them did the same demonstrations. A women student over the age of fifty with two kids passed yin yang gong to David and she was wearing no devices. Sifu was in his T-shirt and had no such device when I saw him demonstrate several of his abilities; same with his main student who also did demos for our group. Many of David's masters have, including I believe Jiang Sifu, performed the same demostrations naked; students were doing the same and even western students can do these things now. So, from my perspective, it seems really contrived to look at a video and claim that his cell phone is a battery pack. He simply wasn't wearing it whan I was there. And, more to the point, there are around one hundred masters between Jiang and his brothers students, so I mean how can you really look at that say, oh well, they are just really clever at hiding battery packs in their asses. Can a battery pack drop a four hundred pound bull like a puppy dog? Go read about the Bulls of Yellow mountain and the power of the Grand masters. Oh right, I forgot, I suppose it was the energizer bunny in sifu's cell phone, right Again why not go and actually read the evidence that has been presented at the foundation forum. What sense does it make or what purpose does it possibly serve to go around on the internet trying to convince people that it was a battery pack? What are you getting out of that deal? What's your motivation behind such actions? If you were remotely serious about finding the actual truth, you would at least bother to read through the perspective of the people there and really think clearly about what you are doing and what your intention is. The demonstrations from the October trip were even more convincing and remarkable and you can read all of the eye whitness accounts from people who have no motive and nothing to gain by lying. Wouldn't it be better, if you were truly interested in such things, to actually go and find out the truth and investigate it instead of making accusations over the internet? What value are you putting on your own personal time when you engage in useless behavior and spend your time worry about whether some guy in China has a battery back that he zaps people with. I guess there are people who make a career out of debunking paranormal phenomena. Like James Randi; he spent his whole life going after Sylvia Brown and Uri Geller trying to prove they are fakes and they are both far more popular and believed in now than they ever were. While Randi sits at home having one heart attack after another because he spent his life hating people that he secretly longed to be like and admired. It's a sick twisted kind of game really, attacking others and spending your time worrying about the activities of others. My question to all the real skeptics is why waste your time. If you aren't a believer, spend your time doing something useful like promoting a cause that you believe in, or a path you find rings true to you, and doing something positive with your life that you can be proud of and have something to show for when your short life ends. Why spend your precious time attacking and player hating. It seems like most of us have at least figured that much out. Don't be a Randi.
  11. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    It's true sadly to an extent, but David is an exception; he is Italian by birth and has been excepted as Tu Di by Zhai Sifu and now Liping. Foundation alone is a complete method for liberation, so it's there if you really want it bad enough; many of David's students are progressing now to the so called level two, which is something in and of itself. David's own accomplishments are truly amazing. Some masters have restrictions about teaching to westerners, Zhai (Jiang) and Wang Liping do not. Obviously, I'm engaged in the debate here, but really it's better for people who really want to know about foundation to go to the forum. The information there is very complete and and just makes more sense to present the information there. It really seems like a waste of time to make useless spectulations and judgments formed on hearsay and gossup. If you really want to know some basic info about foundation, go to the forum and just ask. The forum will close to the public soon because David prefers to focus on his research and writing, but you can still get in for free for the next few weeks. After that, there will be a membership fee and David may do some Q&A via video conference.
  12. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    Well, he does teach publicly. If you mean to openly reveal some of the training, I think there will be some of that inevitably, but if you take a course with David you would see why the training really does require a teacher to be present and guide and give the transmission. It's a lot of theory and practice and creating the proper frame for understanding. David also creates a field to work in like his teachers and carefully monitors the progress and capacity of the group to support that field and tap into it. The teaching can vary depending on the group, so it's important to understand that it is NOT one size fits all, cookie cutter methods and techniques. It's not a few simple techniques or breathing exercises; it's rather a set or system of knowledge that is passed on, some of it very complex. And besides, David has a very good handle on making money, he really doesn't need any coaching or advice in that area, trust me. He has many irons in the fire including a 700 page manual and introduction on Long Men Pai that he is writing at the request of Wang Liping, a revised biography of Wang Liping and a major research undertaking with Zhai and the Chinese government, plus several other projects with various masters and his teaching and his own practice. Teaching is really a side hobby that he does for enjoyment.
  13. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    The guys name is not Richard, I heard the story from John Chang's close personal student.
  14. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    David was joking. David is a very sincere person and if people are sincere enough to come, he feels it is important to show them the truth. Anyway, discussing it is not something I want to invest my time in any further. I would be dishonorable to continue to even entertain what was written about sifu. I'll end by saying that the article, again, is not the truth and Sifu and his students are a remarkable group that I'm proud to be a part of. The people I met in China were some of the most brillant, successful and compassionate people I have ever met who truly embody the Dao and help to carry the tourch fro new generations. There are many tests and illusions that must be overcome and it is the hero's journey that David has taken and that his students humbly follow.
  15. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    David promised me that he would not injure anyone involved. Really, David wants to clear people's doubt; often the best way to do this is to have the student play the part of test subject. Zhai sifu will use just enough energy to give you a mild burn anywhere on your body. He has gone so far as to remove his clothing and stand in the next room to prove this and will be happy to do so under any conditions you request. There are of course other ways he can show you what he does by manipulating your body in various way, all from a distance without any set up, in any location or setting. If you really want these things proven to you then please do come and see for yourself.
  16. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    It's fine. I would probably come to the same conclusion in your shoes. Like I said, I met Zhai personally as an insider and he demonstrated things to me that I cannot explain any other way. Anyway, Wang Liping headed up a major government research project in the 1980's and was not received well and basically accused of fraud. It was very public and Wang realized that the bridge was too far to cross and happy receeded from the public eye. As for Chang, I did have a chance to speak with the guy who is the subject of this post I wrote several months ago. This is really the way it's always been in China. The masters reveal themselves on there own terms. The person who wrote that article about Jiang (zhai sifu) was not a student. Just an ignorant fool; sifu was happy to play his game and send him on his way. You can argue about the ethics, but that is the reality and it's not likely to change anytime soon; just another door in the matrix. Again, it's for free if you just want to have your doubts removed. If you can get their Zhai will do whatever is necessary to convince you.
  17. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    Well, I would just simply say one, go to the foundation forum and read what David has written there. I have met Zhai Sifu and he proved to me beyond any doubt that he is real. David has made an open invitation for anyone interested to come and see for themselves if it is reality or fraud. You can choose the conditions and setting and Sifu will submit to whatever checks you would like to do. Bring scientists and lawyers or whatever else you like. Free of charge.
  18. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    Nothing new under the Sun... the article is bogus of course. But, people will believe whatever they want. There were similar articles about John Chang and Wang Liping; masters even often agree to play along at the request of the Chinese government. We wouldn't want the masses to start believing in such things now would we The truth of course is that men of power like Wang Liping and Zhai Shifu are themselves goverment officials and hold tremendous influence in their communities because they are a tremendous resource. I personally met the two scientists who tested the water in a mass spectrometer; it was tested against millions of existing molecular structures and could not be identified: it's not a sugar or a known substance. In China, Sifu turned the bodies of over forty people into sweet necture; they were licking themselves for days and even tested their urin. He will under go clinical trials in China next year. Btw, Jiang can now change the water with unopened bottles due to his recent breakthough in his own practice and did so for one of our groups which provided their own bottles. The grand master, a simple monk who lives with no modern or worldly possessions, demonstrated pyrokenisis at a distance on the people that were there and materials that students provided; he demonstrated telekenisis under similar conditions; he extracted the life force from plants and animals and transfered it to those in attendence. These are but the superficial manifestations of his attainments. Again this is a man who literally has no personal possessions and lives in a cave in China, having nothing to lose or gain by such demonstrations of power. Go to the foundation forum and read the testimonals of the students who went to China this last August and October to meet the 120 year old grand master and his 99 yr old student. They performed all of the above and more and made a point of disproving such claims. But again, to each his own. David and his students don't really care, ultimately, what others in the media have to say because we are developing these abilities for ourselves, that is he true 'acid test;' which is really beside the point since it is a spiritual endeavor and these are but the trappings. The masters are happy to have the public believe whatever they want and leave them in peace, truly. The idiot who went to the press with his story is grossly misrepresenting what Zhai Sifu does and is. Sad, but this is not an uncommon reaction. The more Zhai Sifu brings his work out to the public, the more the witch hunt will be intensified; that's is really the main reason David is keen to run clinical trials.
  19. Your views about DAN TIAN!

    Yes, David takes groups to see both Jiang and Sifu Wang Liping. David lives with Liping when he is training, so he sometimes invites students to come and do retreat when Liping is available. You need to have a strong foundation before David will invite you to see Liping... Liping has no time to waste, so you need to be able to sit 2-4 hours in stillness and have your base. About one year and you will be ready.