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Everything posted by DentyDao

  1. Immortality Poll

    Sorry, but your rather bizzare request is not something I would be willing to provide even if I could. S
  2. Immortality Poll

    And yet there is more... All beings desire true happiness. This is why the great saints and sages, out of compassion, have tried to share the secrets of life with humanity. Self realization and enlightenment are hard won achievements that require blood, sweat and tears, not some 'Here and Now' cliche. How many can truly quiet the mind, be in the 'now' and remain in harmony? When we are really honest, it's clear that only the few who truly discipline themselves have achieved such things. To believe otherwise is just pride.
  3. Immortality Poll

    And your point... ?
  4. Immortality Poll

    Are we really in a position to define immortality? After a certain point all this speculation must have some kind of self distruct mechanism... or not
  5. Immortals

    I've met a couple immortals. Nice people. There's some good info on this forum:
  6. J. Krishnamurti - the ultimate Taoist?

    Did you know JKrishnamurti had a nemesis named UG. Check it out- the anti guru:
  7. Immortals

  8. Immortality Poll

    Can we vote more than once?
  9. Immortals

    Um... no. You're still going to die nomatter how much qigong you do. Ha ha... Or should I say HA HA! Hey, happy halloween
  10. Immortals

    The practices he teaches are very good for your health; providing a refreshing alternative to most of the... oh never mind.
  11. Charles Luk's Alchemy

    I had an opportunity to study with someone who received the lineage transmission from a teacher of this method. Parts of the transmission are deliberately left out of the book; add to that the fact that many of the finer points of the theory are completely lost in translation and you basically have some nice poetry. Many of the concepts written in Chinese have multiple meanings; only a lineage holder would know the correct meaning. Having said that, the book is an authentic method for enlightenment and does contain sound methods and practices for those who have been initiated into their meaning. Regards, Sean Meditation: any thought, subtle or gross, repeated more than once.
  12. IMA vs. MMA

    Just for fun; and this has nothing to do with anything other than just amusement. John Chang met Mike Tyson once. He let Tyson hit him as hard as he could for about 10 minutes; nothing. Then he tapped Tyson on the wrist with about 1.5% of his qi; Tyson was out for about two minutes and he had no idea what hit him. These types of contests are meaningless to anyone beyond a certain level.
  13. Cameron, I appreciate you sensible approach; sounds like your fairly serious. I just wanted to share my perspective and I understand that many people have great experiences with Winn. He's a good person on the whole, but I guess I have felt lately that people might like another view than the one he's giving. I have basically done what I intended to do, which was to follow up on some posting that I did about two or three years ago about John Chang that attracted some interest. I hope that some people will benifit and that I've given some food for thought. Naturally my posts were bound to attract some negative attention because they challenge some of the view points thta people hold about Daoism in the west. In any case, about thirty people that were interested are now actively discussing their interest with David on a private forum, so I'm pleased and I wish them well. What's important in all of our personal searches, is the work that we do. The opinions and coversations around that work have there place, but ultimately we each follow our own desteny and path and that's the way it was met to be. As the Daoists say, "The world is beautiful because of all the wonderful diversity." Sean
  14. Of course this doesn't apply to all teachers who are white; how silly. As I clearly stated at the beginning of teh post, my comments were about the HT.
  15. Hey triple dot, here's your homework assignment for this week: go sit down in a quite space were no one can disturb you for a few hours. Then just sit quietly; don't think; don't try not to think; don't try anything. If thoughts arise just watch them without getting involved or judgement. Do this for one hour everyday. On the last day, ask your self this question, "who am I?" Ask it from the heart and see what happens. This is the fundamental base you need to even begin to think rationally. Don't add anything to it, the "teacher will come to you." As for your discourse on the seperation of Chinese culture and spirituallity, it does not exist. That is the main difference between them and us. Sean D.
  16. John Chang Video

    Hi all, I did some research on this after Kostas recommended the book to me. The author of he Clear Light of Bliss is currently openingly supporting the Chinese government in their efforts to destroy the Tibetan culture and render the Dali Lama powerless in Tibet. When I showed this book to a Dzogchen Lineage master, he suggested I burn it. As for the practice, it goes to level three according to Kostas. Interesting stuff.