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Everything posted by Ian

  1. On love and sex

    I've only had glimpses so far. I'm heartily sick of "regular old lusty sex" with about 60% of my functioning self, and still totally up for it with the rest. Much the same way as much of me wants to eat healthily and a significant minority wants to live entirely on sugar.
  2. On love and sex

    If you're interested, do get the book, or tape. Not expensive. I don't think I can summarize it any better than I have.
  3. On love and sex

    Initially, sure. It takes practice to stay present through the restlessness and dissatisfaction that will arise. We have a many-thousand-year habit of wanting to run the show and for it to be significant to our little selves. But then if you can stay with it the depth and the truth and the beauty start to open up. Surely the parallel with meditation is obvious. If you can only do nothing the most amazing things will happen. After a while. If you don't seek it.
  4. Barry Long or something better?

    Only Fear Dies, and Stillness is the Way. The latter gave me a stronger transmission than a lot of workshops. Plus any of the gender-based / love ones. To be honest, you'll either like all of them or none. Cheers, I P.S. Not being personal, but Mitch really got the wrong end of the stick there. You need to read where BL defines his terms....
  5. If it's you reading, and then distilling down for her benefit: Book 4 Part One, and Eight Lectures on Yoga, both by Crowley. Visual Magic by Jan Fries (but you must have that, surely, by now...) Chaos Magic stuff by Peter Carroll and Phil Hine, as mentioned. Also a really nice and much neglected little book called Chaos Ritual by Steve Wilson. And if you haven't already, you'd love Cosmic Trigger One by Robert Anton Wilson But for direct ingestion by a small person, I've no idea.
  6. ...

    Do you remember old shagger Larthe? "if you want to be a different person you have to do different things." I like that one.
  7. Maybe both. That wouldn't be wrong. Beautiful, honest post, btw.
  8. Nei Gung

    An initial word of warning: we can't seem to agree, on this forum, even about what nei gung actually is. So I would suggest to ignore, for now, any advice which you can't test physically and see if it feels good and stable for you, right now.
  9. Why Taoism is different

    I think it's a question here of what the words mean. Xeno is talking, I believe, about a great general impersonal field of love, and not any kind of personal attachment.
  10. kudalini poisoning for the masses

    Like it. Especially the peaceful seducer.
  11. ///

    I must say, I do genuinely believe that a lot of stuff that happens when people are drunk can best be explained by a model of possession. I had a friend at college who seemed to attract the spirit of some historical Earl of Warwick. We found him once on his knees in a corridor moaning repeatedly "I'm not huuumaaan!" And one time I woke up walking across a field about 5 miles outside Oxford, having crossed all kinds of roads and fences to get there. Who was in charge? P.S. Third eye? No idea. Apologies for irrelevance.
  12. ///

    Ayahuasca consists of something with DMT in, mixed with something else that allows one to ingest it orally. Otherwise you have to smoke or insufflate it.
  13. ///

    Spirit possession, for sure. Bodiless entities from other realms, seeking fame and physical expression in a single hit, invade the bodily shells of England's sporting heroes at crucial moments. However, being unused to functioning in meatspace, they are invariably unprepared for the physical symptoms of stress, and make a royal hash of things. Hence the poor results. Now whether the susceptibility of our sportsmen and women to such invasions is a result of bad karma accrued while working for the East India Company in a prior incarnation is still undetermined. I'm skeptical, as i reckon the mills of god grind a bit slower than that. But I'm open-minded on the subject...
  14. ///

    Given that he says that the Kennedy family have been working off their bad karma from their time as Roman Caesars, and that England's current bad sporting results are a result of their imperialist aggression karma, I would suggest proceeding with caution. He may be absolutely right, for all I know, but it does sound a bit nutty.
  15. Best book on taoist tantra

    The Heart of Tantric Sex by Diana Richardson Not especially taoist, but easily the best book I've read on the subject.
  16. AMMA

    She's in London October 26 -28th, for any Brits interested. http://www.amma.org.uk/ammas-tour.htm
  17. People need some help

    Give up the wish. When you truly, truly are happy with them as they are, they will "magically" come to you and ask for your help. Then you can do something.
  18. Hello and Question

    Two very simple seated qigong exercises, which you should be able to practice without any personal demonstration. Good luck. 1. Butterfly Shake Sit comfortably on a chair which is raised enough that your waist is not below your knees. Place your feet parallel below your knees, flat on the floor and only about three inches apart. Start with your knees together and then just let gravity take your knees down to the sides. Pause for a fraction of a second, just enough to be sure the movement has stopped, and then, using as little effort as possible, bring your knees back to the middle. Again a tiny pause, and let gravity take them again. Tiny pause, bring them back up again. Your hands can rest palms down on your thighs and be carried back and forth as passengers, or can just rest on the arms if it's an armchair. And that's all. What makes it work is a) using as little strength as possible and pouring all your attention into the body to feel how it feels. Close your eyes and feel your feet lean off the ground and back again. Feel the muscles and tendons and bones in the legs. Feel how the rest of the body feels as the legs move. Feel all of these things at once, so that your attention is not concentrated, but diffused over your whole body, sunk into it. And carry on as long as you like. Whenever you catch yourself thinking instead of feeling, don't be cross, don't talk to yourself about it, and don't engage with the content of the thought, just drop back into feeling how it feels to be moving. 2. Happy Body This is another seated movement. Start sitting comfortably with arms and legs uncrossed, arms resting palms down on your legs or on the arms of the chair. Raise an arm, either one, just a few inches. Straighten it in front of you, palm still downwards. Now pull your fingers back, i.e. upwards, not as far as they will go, just enough to feel something "catch" in the muscle of the underneath of your forearm. Then back to neutral. Then move the fingers downwards to an equivalent angle, then back to neutral, and then the arm comes back in and is put down again. Same procedure with the other arm: lift, straighten, fingers up, neutral, fingers down, neutral, arm back and down. Each stage lasting about a second and everything done with as little strength as possible. Then the same with the legs. Pick one up, straighten it, pull the toes back towards you, then neutral, then push them down away, then back to neutral, then bend the leg back in and put it down. Same with the other leg. Then back to the arms. Keep going. Again, what makes it work is a) using as little strength as possible and pouring all your attention into the body to feel how it feels. Close your eyes and feel the movement of each limb. Feel the muscles and tendons and bones in each arm or leg as it moves. Feel how the rest of the body feels as each limb moves. Feel everything at once, so that your attention is not concentrated, but diffused over your whole body, sunk into it. And carry on as long as you like. Whenever you catch yourself thinking instead of feeling, as before, don't be cross, don't talk to yourself about it, and don't engage with the content of the thought, just drop back into feeling how it feels to be moving. Both the Butterfly Shake and Happy Body are designed to flush tension, blockages and stagnation out of your body. But you don't have to direct anything, visualise anything or encourage anything. If you do, they won't work. Just feel. Both exercises are very useful if you have trouble sleeping, and both are ideal to teach to elderly or convalescent relatives or anyone who is not well or has a lot of time on their hands. Happy body may make you yawn or produce tears. Or laugh. All good
  19. Spiritual Guides

    If I knew the answers to these questions, I wouldn't be giving them away for free But seriously, I don't think there is a right way, except to be totally up front about what you want and expect, and just see if the other person goes with it. I do rather like the old pagan handfasting idea. Together for a year, renew if agreed.
  20. Spiritual Guides

    Nope, me too. Or at least, the excitement and the ego-reinforcement and the stimulation and the making-something-happen. That all seems less important. The idea of a real physical sharing of how-I-am-and-she-is is still in the background, growing steadily, but at the moment I'm happy to be accumulating a happier state to share, and I think most of the sharing I might do now could be done by holding hands. There's just so much baggage attached to all that stuff with willies and girl bits, that I reckon a sounder platform of happy might be in order first. All of which is not to say that I don't have a few moments, still. But less so...
  21. Tell me the difference...

    Infallible? Has to be subjective. Everything is subjective - objective doesn't exist. So subjectively, see if you move towards whatever it is you have decided is good. There is, objectively, no other test. At all. Just my subjective opinion.