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Posts posted by cheya

  1. I was thinking yesterday, maybe there are two or three phases of this:


    1) How not to pick up the energies, i.e. shielding in the moment


    2) How to get rid of yucky stuff if you do pick it up, or if you feel like something has managed to stick to you.


    3) And maybe a third, energy hygiene someone called it I think. Keeping yourself and your environment un-stickable. Psychic teflon (sorry TM! :D) by cultivating that aspect of yourself and your surroundings, not just for occasional perceived  "emergencies".


    I think so far we're doing pretty well on 2) and 3), but need expansion on 1)

    • Like 4

  2. Hi Rene,

     I've never been much interested in psychic defense either, except for one brief episode a few years back.  I ended up ordering a book from Amazon, but the problem was already over by the time the book arrived. :D And no similar issues since... Still haven't read the book  :P


    But if we plan to offer some info on psychic shielding to people interested in chat room energy sharing, or even just in plain old chat room, it seems like that information needs to be as specific and useable as we can make it. I feel like Brian is starting to go there. 

  3. Wow, Brian!  Very helpful!


    This whole conversation is extremely interesting, but getting to "what do you DO?" seems to be lacking. To me, this post is a big step in getting to the "doing/not doing" of it. 


    Hope you'll delve around in there some more for any other insights on the process.... although, for me, this is a great start!


    Maybe more on locating "this aspect of the energy body,"  this "extant aspect of "self" which doesn't need direction from consciousness"... in order to rest attention there...

    • Like 3

  4. Hi DaD

    You may also be referring to Bruce Frantzis' practice of Gods Playing in the Clouds.

    I've never learned it, but I do notice youtube has a number of videos on it featuring some of Frantzis's senior students. Looks like there are also some more vids of Winn's practice with the same name. 


    Maybe you can find what you're looking for there!


    Happy hunting!

  5. OK, Psychic Defense 101.

    You're in a restaurant. Or at a movie. Or in chat.

    You start to feel... maybe... targeted.... or... influenced.... or just weird....

    What, specifically, do you do?


    How do you train that skill up? (Should you feel the need.)


    Brian, I really like your approach...

    but how do you do it?



    What is the doing of psychic defense?

    Or... actually...not doing maybe.  :D 

    • Like 1

  6. Well, I'm not much into shielding practices myself .... yet!...  :D 


    But I remember Yamu (Michael Lomax) talking about shielding in some helpful ways...

    and maybe in ways more specifically helpful for dealing with being in the presence of uncomfortable energies online.

    (As Link has maybe drolly pointed out with his previous post... :D )


    Any of Michael's students want to chime in?

    • Like 1

  7.  When my wife found me in the back yard burning entity infested items, it seemed that the negs departed the items and took up residence in her. We're going to need more salt.



    OMG, Link, this made me laugh so hard!

    It's gonna keep me tickled for  a week!

    I do hope you're kidding around with us, but the way you phrased it is just hysterical.


    What a great way to start the day.

    (And I do hope your wife is okay.)

    • Like 4

  8. Hi Liminal,

    This one might be worth a try:

    Dr. Kaltsas, in the same article linked above, writes:


    "Wu Yang Brand Plaster for Bruise and Analgesic

    Wu Yang Brand Plaster for Bruise and Analgesic is analgesic. Its warm/cool effect clears the surface and promotes blood flow. It penetrates into the subcutaneous tissue to stimulate circulation and create an analgesic effect. It helps to cure inflamed muscles and to promote healing of bone fractures. It is used for bruises, fractures, sprains, swelling and pains, poor circulation of blood, injuries and wounds, rheumatic arthritis, neuralgia, and weak limbs.


    This plaster saved my honeymoon after I broke two ribs skiing and was also of great solace after a car accident when I suffered from two herniated lumbar discs.


    My elderly patients love it and contact me from all over the world to get more. They swear by it to treat their aches and pains. Fortunately it is mild enough so that it usually does not provoke skin rashes. However, some patients with sensitive skin do get rashes so be observant the first few times you or they apply it, I tell patients to leave it on for four to six hours at first to see if redness develops. If not, I tell them to wear it overnight. Otherwise they’ll be the center of attention where ever they go in the daytime as it does smell distinctly like Christmas.


    For some reason, cats are quite puzzled and put off by the smell of this plaster. I think it is because they sense the pulverized fossilized mastodon bone within the formula, and this must trigger their innate, prehistoric fears of getting stepped on by woolly mammoths.


    One great feature of this plaster is that you can cut it to size; another is that it is often self-adhering, depending upon to which body part you affix it.


    Wu Yang Brand Plaster for Bruise and Analgesic contains the following ingredients: Fossilized Ossis Mastodi 10.42%

    Eupolyphoasinesis Walker 10.42 Sanguis Draconis 4.17 Catechu 6.25 Myrrha 6.25 Rhizoma Drynariae 4.17 Rhizomi Dipsaci 4.17 Flos Carthami 9.17 Rhizomi Rhei 8.33 Herba Taraxaci 8.33

    Mentholum 20.00 Methyl Salicylas 8.32

    Wu Yang Brand Plaster for Bruise and Analgesic is made at the United Pharmaceutical Manufactory; Kwangchow, China "


    • Like 2

  9. Welcome Marcobjj!

    Looking forward to learning more about your discoveries in chinese herbology and internal dampness in humidity! Great time to talk about that one!  :D 

    • Like 1

  10. Hi Manitou,

    If you're asking me, the author's article linked above doesn't mention neuropathy for any of the herbal formulations he discusses, and I don't know of any myself. Perhaps Zerostao or Gerard know of something that might help. 


    Is the neuropathy diabetes related?

  11. Hi RC,

    Ransomer will answer, but I will stick this in, how I first heard about negative ions.

    This is an old book, but still highly relevant, and does cover the early research. Soyka tells the story of unraveling the mystery around his peculiar health complaints and how he came to learn about negative ions. You might be able to get it from the library, but it's only one cent plus shipping from Amazon used.  :) Fascinating!


    Here you go:


    Ion EffectNov 1985
    by Fred Soyka and Alan Edmonds


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  12. Viator, I am so sorry to hear this.  Although you have stayed very much in the background for some time, I remember back when you were admin. Those were VERY difficult times (maybe like these) and I was astonished at the balance and integrity you displayed in your responses to inflammatory statements and even direct attacks. Maybe you remember me telling you that way back then.

    You set a new standard. Your evenness made me examine my own reactivity. You steadied the wheel during some very rough storms, and current events may well remind you of those times. Things do run in cycles.

    But it is actually a spiral. And the spiral is UP.  


    Your example made TDB a better place.

    We will miss your steady hand.

    Journey well, journey safe, and, truly thank you for your service.
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