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Posts posted by cheya

  1. Hey lifeforce (or anybody)

     Would love to hear you expand on the difference between the downward flow and the "upward thrust", both of which I am also noticing these days.


    I'm doing a meridian massage course that has us standing wuji every day, and focusing in different ways on the energy coming up from the earth, dantain, rooting, etc, and the energy flow is very strong.


    Another practice I do every night, sitting Chat Light as I call it, initiates a very strong downward flow.


    So, do you ever do both at the same time? Can you get them both going simultaneously? So far I can alternate, but stumble trying to get both flows going together.


    (OP, if you feel this is going off topic, let me know, we can open another thread.  :) )

  2. Believable (to me), and sobering. Curious what others think.


    "Surprised by the results of the 2016 presidential race, [Professor Jonathan] Albright started looking into the ‘fake news problem’. As a part of his research, Albright scraped 306 fake news sites to determine how exactly they were all connected to each other and the mainstream news ecosystem. What he found was unprecedented – a network of 23,000 pages and 1.3 million hyperlinks."  ~~   from the important article "The Rise of the Weaponized AI Propaganda Machine"


    The Rise of the Weaponized AI Propaganda Machine


    "There’s a new automated propaganda machine driving global politics. How it works and what it will mean for the future of democracy."

                                      By Berit Anderson and Brett Horvath



    “This is a propaganda machine. It’s targeting people individually to recruit them to an idea. It’s a level of social engineering that I’ve never seen before. They’re capturing people and then keeping them on an emotional leash and never letting them go,” said Professor Jonathan Albright. 

   became clear to Scout that this phenomenon was about much more than just a few fake news stories. It was a piece of a much bigger and darker puzzle — a Weaponized AI Propaganda Machine being used to manipulate our opinions and behavior to advance specific political agendas.


    By leveraging automated emotional manipulation alongside swarms of bots, Facebook dark posts, A/B testing, and fake news networks, a company called Cambridge Analytica has activated an invisible machine that preys on the personalities of individual voters to create large shifts in public opinion. Many of these technologies have been used individually to some effect before, but together they make up a nearly impenetrable voter manipulation machine that is quickly becoming the new deciding factor in elections around the world."

  3. I haven't been taking it recently, I just use a less expensive green superfood, not the same quality, but good enough for right now.  Back then I did feel like I could feel a lift when I took the Pure Synergy.  I take many more supplements now than I did then, so don't feel the green powder needs to be so exceptional. 

  4. Great! I've done a little of his stuff too, but nothing in person. I inherited his vids and the first big medical qigong book, and worked with it a fair bit some time back. Love to hear about your experiences!

  5. Not from a dictionary, but cultivation is also what you do with a garden, taking care of the plants every day, supplying what they need, protecting them, removing weeds, and thus supporting the unfolding of their inherent nature.


    So... caring for (work) and attending to (focus) the growth and development of a plant, a skill, or even your own health.

    • Like 6

  6. I think if we put up the verses here and then use the thread I started to interpret each chapter :)



    On the other hand, if each chapter gets its own thread, people can come back to the conversation later to comment on a previous chapter, without the confusion that would result from that if all chapters were discussed in a single thread...


    (Maybe this comment would be better in the other thread, feel free to relocate.  :))

    • Like 3

  7. Aeran, this old post might interest you...


    I downloaded an episode of "Bizarre foods", this episode was from Korea. 
    Andrew Zimmern went to a sort of TCM restaurant where he had a tea that cleared the sinusses immediately.
    Anyone know which herb this could be, specifically?

    "Im not sure but it could be astragalus.. The first time drinking it, RIGHT after my second gulp of the tea.. I had a large ball of mucus/blood drop onto my tongue, went to the bathroom quickly and spit it out.

    For months/years one side of my nose would very often be closed, since then it hasn't.

    It could very well be Astragalus, I would only take it under supervision/being diagnosed by a TCM doctor.

    Taking any during a fever or sickness can be very very dangerous."

    • Like 1

  8. Don't know this will be any help, but it has been helpful to me in similar situations, when I feel that being direct is going to be too painful, or just won't work with that person.

    See if you can embed the message in a story about some unnamed other, a story that taught you something, and a story that you value. Don't be super specific. And don't try to cover all the feedback in one story.  :D 


     Some really good teachers have used this technique on me, so well that it took me a couple days to realize the story not only applied to me as well, but was probably directed at me in the first place! The best one was when the teacher told the story to my practice partner. As a mere bystander, I was all ears.  :P  Since the story wasn't directed me, I wasn't at all defensive... which I would have been for sure had I realized he was talking about me:D


    Good luck!

    • Like 2

  9. The "breathing from the heels" thing has fascinated me forever. 

    Quoting from a previous thread, I wrote:


    In Chace and Shima's book on the Eight Extraordinary Vessels, in the short chapter on spiritual practice, Chace talks about "the Great Thoroughfare" apparently arising from yin qiao mai on the inside of the ankle. (Maybe it was just that the "Great Thoroughfare" was most easily accessible via the yin qiao...)� He speaks of it as a primitive path�or may-be just an alternative path�to spiritual development, a path that does not start with the microcosmic orbit. In the footnotes, Chace relates the Great Thoroughfare path from the heels to Chaung Tzu's quote about breathing from the heels.


    I wrote more about my experiences breathing from the heels at that thread, but the bit above was the most pertinent.

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