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Everything posted by cheya

  1. The perfect weapon

    I've been researching this stuff for awhile and I totally recommend the approach suggested here: Check out the hyperlinks if you're feeling skeptical. And you can use it along with any other treatments you choose.
  2. The perfect weapon

    The Trump administration totally screwed up the return of the Americans infected from the cruise ship, supposedly headed for 14 day isolation at the naval base.They sent a team of twelve officials to "welcome them", but they met without protective gear! They had no instruction in how to keep themselves from contracting the virus. And then those twelve exposed officials returned to the general population! Some of the exposed officials flew back to where they came from. The naval base is in the same town where the new "untraceable" case happened. It almost seems like an intentional move to spread the disease. "Just" total and utter incompetence? Or something more nefarious?
  3. How/why does qigong work?

    This is a subject that has fascinated me for some time. For me, it is not just intent. Somehow, some ancients discovered that certain movements done a certain way start to move the body energy in palpable ways that develop patterns over time. After doing those movements for some time and becoming very familiar with the energies, I became able to activate and move those energies with just my intent. When my energy is not so strong though, or my concentration not so good, I have to go back to the physical practices to get those energies moving again. Stopping the mind seems to be the key, as well as my general level of...what? chi? which reveals itself in my ability to stay focused and avoid the intrusion of thoughts. Intent is different from thinking. This thread could be really interesting and helpful if we can stay constructive in the conversation. Thanks to alchemystical for starting it...
  4. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    No, Railis I think no one's experience with Jeff qualifies them to makes assumptions about other people's experiences with him. Of course you're qualified to talk about your own experiences with him!
  5. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    I'm off to work, so can't respond more now.... But I appreciate what feels like a change in the the feel of the conversation.
  6. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    @ Ralis OF COURSE I don't speak for all! What are you thinking???? I have read the entirety of this thread as it emerged. And held my tongue. Until I had to jump in, because it is so one-sided, and there is so much projection. I don't deny people have had problems with Jeff's methods. I just want to give voice to the "other" side.
  7. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    @Ilum... expecting words of feminine wisdom from jeff misses the point. It's the energy experience, not words. Viewing it as switching between transmitting ("male") and receiving ("female") helps me keep it straight, and staying with my own energetic experience, which Jeff facilitates, is the point for me. And no, it was never sex connection for me... and Jeff even says, it's a purely energetic experience which is so strong, most people's minds interpret it as sex. I never did female deity consort work, but met some amazing female deities. Female power! Actually another member did stronger deity work with me than Jeff. I have seen people who work with him grow energetically. I don't just mean in "power". But I do understand how people can be put off by his methods, at least in how they appear, and how they can tap into deep issues... which is actually a lot of the point!
  8. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    @Ralis Amazing you can so clearly see and label other people's experience. From my perspective, you clearly don't know what you are talking about, so much so that I find it amusing. I have found much "utilitarian function" in my work with Jeff. And totally fine that it's not your cup of tea. But you actually can't know what it is for other people.
  9. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    @Wizz, I just want to say I LOVE this post!
  10. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    No, I don't know where that post is, but i do remember it. Wherever it was, it's still there. Turns out I pretty much stay "male" or, in Jeff's parlance transmitting, which I prefer to "male". Concentrating on the polarity, rather than the gender, helped me, because using the gender term just carries so much baggage. Lots of people do not "see" but instead feel. Feeling works too.
  11. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    I met Jeff through this forum, and will be eternally grateful for that experience. I think it would be a shame for him not to post here, or to offer his help when people seek it. When people come seeking help ask to be scanned, I feel confidant that those of you who have problems with him or how he works will immediately warn the newbie off him, as you have done in this thread. As a "member" of Jeff's "cult", , I'd like to say that most of y'all, IMHO, are projecting all over the place. The issues this topic touches clearly go deep in many psyches, and soon many people jump on board with no actual experience with him, but LOTS of opinions and judgements.
  12. Thank you, Sean! It's actually kind of cute for a rat... Anybody gonna comment on what's in store for the Year of the Metal Rat?
  13. Same has happened here. I prefer the condensed option, but it's no longer working.
  14. Damaged lower dantian

    Any chance this is actually something physical? Like a hernia?
  15. There's a tiny bit of activity there. Wonder why sean dropped the link?
  16. Hi

    Be more fun if you told us a little more about what you're "not a beginner" at...
  17. New member, in search of teacher

    Welcome! Newcomer Corner is a good place to start posting...
  18. pyroluria acupuncture points

    It might be helpful to tell us a little about pyroluria and how you are experiencing it... Not an acupuncturist, but my understanding is that there would be a couple approaches to this. One is symptom driven, so, activating points (rather than "hitting" them ) that have known effects on given symptoms. Another approach would be balancing the whole system, from a five element or five phases perspective. Sometimes, balancing the whole system can eliminate symptoms that arise from imbalance without seeming to address them directly. Maybe a real acupuncturist will jump in if you give a little more information. And of course, making an in-person appt with a real acupuncturist might move you along most effectively.
  19. WOW! Welkin, thank you! Very helpful links, great graphics! So much to digest. Would definitely buy this in a book...
  20. Thank you, Bindi... lots of interesting and fun stuff found by following that link...
  21. Wonderful resource! Thank you!
  22. Will to resist the flu (and other illnesses)

    Get your vitamin D levels checked. You want to be in the neighborhood of 50-80 ng/mL to support your immune system. Some say it works better than the flu shot... Doesn't sound like you get much sun, so you'll need to take D3 supplements, best consumed with your highest fat meal. Also, 500 mg of vitamin C is not a lot for immune support. It's said the body can only absorb 500 mg. orally at one time, but you could take that 4 or more times a day if you are feeling flu vulnerable. Many people take way more than that on a daily basis as a matter of course. Good luck!
  23. Scott Meredith

    Hi Sebastian, Scott mentioned it in his first book, Juice, and has mentioned it periodically in almost all of his books. Packing is probably the next most useful reference, but I can't remember that he ever actually said how to find it, lol. I recall my experience locating and activating it in the thread Finding Niwan:
  24. Scott Meredith

    Hi Tao Stillness, I chose that image as closest I could get to my experiences after locating.. and activating... what Scott calls Niwan, the energy center in the very middle of the brain. Never in a zillion years would I have found that without Scott's input, and finding it was a transformational discovery for me. That said, I'm interested in all things brain, and will definitely have a look at Ken Cohen's piece on brain cleansing. Thank you!