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Everything posted by shaolin

  1. Third Eye

    I often notice women who are overflowing with sexual energy. They look very healthy, with strong clear eyes, shiny healthy hair and glowing skin. Very seductive and very confident. Is it possible that these women are like this because so many men lust after them and "project" their lust and sexual energy towards them? Its so storng sometimes that it looks like the woman is bathing in the desire and soaking it up!
  2. Third Eye

    Thanks Drew, That explains so much. You are lucky to have such deep insight and I hope you attain what you aim for in your cultivation. Shaolin.
  3. Third Eye

    Thanks Kate! Hi That Guy, Most of what I wrote was tongue in cheek to lighten the mood of my questions about perverts and their motivations for making stealth attacks and how to spot them and prevent them. It was like emergency planning for a terror attack! I understand what Kate explained about negative vibes from people, but my questions were more specific to the type of sucking off of energy and the effect it has on a persons internal alchemy progress and de conversion of qi to jing that Drew hes mentioned. Thanks to both of you!
  4. Third Eye

    Thanks Kate. I seem to be surrounded by these kind of people, my energy and attention is constantly being scattered and directed towards others and I end up feeling very irritated and depleted. (I laugh as I write this!) I was happy as a kid, I would simply hit somone that made me feel like that and feel great, now I have to supress it all and go nuts! Dealing with people is full of responsibilities and fulfiling expectations. Holding open a door for the person behind you, being polite, smiling when expected...... Most either "act" the way they think is expected of them and develop a type of dual personality, or they get intoxicated to silence their minds and thoughts to get some peace. Its quite unhealthy. Im gonna revert to punching those who irritate me, its more healthy as long I can get away with it !
  5. Third Eye

    Hi Drew, These perverts are a serious issue if so much meditation needs to be made after an encounter with one. If a person is constantly around perverts then they must end up in real problems. There are some things that I dont fully understand. Are these perverts aware of what they are doing or are they sucking off energy unintentionally? How can a person tell when another person is a pervert and attempting to suck their energy or deconvert it and why does the pervert do this? Besides from identifying them and avoiding them, what can be done to prevent them from attempting an attack? Many thanks.
  6. Ive read it. Its a good book on yi jin jing and xi sui jing. He presents authentic training methods which he translates to english and then explains them. It mixes daoist and buddhist methods and he provides the pros and cons of each method. He himself has not trained these methods as he admits , but the method is good. His yi jin jing is good and will work , but the form he uses is not the one used that I know of from shaolin and the whole process that he advises is too long. If you're already externally strong, there is no need to do the three months of abdominal massage and you can start the striking training straight away. His xi sui jing method is very similar to the one from shaolin. Its a very good book on two types of qi qong which are the highest level qi qong for health of internal and external body. Unless you take training very seriously and are prepared to train for at least one year continuously, then there is no need to read it. He says the training actually lasts from three to 9 years.
  7. Thanks Kate, thats how I understand it to be too. Kali Yuga, Ive tried to see if practicle psychic self defense is available in the Uk but it seems its not. Is it available to download? The only way of getting hold of it is through the authors web site. Thanks.
  8. "THE STRONGER SPIRIT WINS", I think this is true. How is one spirit stronger than another's and how does a persons spirit become stronger? What is implied by "spirit", is it a frame of mind, determination or the actual "spirit" of a person?
  9. The coming economic crisis

    Very interesting topic. What exactly can lead to things getting that bad and how likley is it that these things can happen? Ive heard about these kind of predictions, but I've not yet heard a detailed and realistic explanation of what could cause such a serious situation.
  10. Avoid ejaculating for at least 6 months and do iron crotch qi qong. Sounds easy, but its not. You can find out about it in Mantak Chia "bone marrow nei kung". Its well written, but try to lift more weight than he says and lift for longer periods of time. DONT TRY LIFTING WITH INTERNAL ORGANS. Just lift normally so your kidneys become stronger. I cant asnwer any questions on the training but the above book is good enough. You can also check out iron crotch 99 power training by master Tu Jin Shen that gives you two methods of the same qi qong.
  11. how to cool the body

    Its boiling here in the UK and on top of hayfever , Im constantly feeling hot and sticky. Cold buckets help for about 10 mins , then I get hot and sweaty again. Its so tempting to expell the heat by ejaculating and Im being driven to do it, but I'd rather find another way. I know it sounds simple, but I just cant stay cool, and I dont want to get in to an ejaculation routine that I wont get out of ! lol. Any advice!
  12. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    If you think you're doomed to faluire then you probably are, but thats up to you. Men don't make women find them attractive. Nor do women make men find them attractive. What a person is attracted to is already within themselves and other people bring it out of them. They bring it out of them, not put it in them. This is the whole point. If you stop thinking, you will be fine. If you use your mind to try and understand the motives of another persons mind, you're heading for problems. Nothing is perfect. Accept the good and the bad and focus more on the good , or reject it all and be happy. Being in the middle, having two minds, wanting and not wanting will cause duality. I suggest having a goal. You are mixing biological needs with morality. Which one is weaker, and which is stronger? Does your morality effect your biological needs? Make a solid decision about your situation, stick to it and be prepared to face the consequences. Suffering is good. It builds a persons character. What you're looking for could be around the corner, but if you dont go around the corner how will you find it? Good luck.
  13. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    There are no Gods or Godesses, no worship of one towards the other, just decent men and decent women, who would be secure enough not to need to feel superior to anyone, especially those they love.
  14. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    Spot on Vortex, you're absolutely right. This is what contributes to the destruction of the family, the de masculisation of men and the de feminisation of women. Everyone pretending. Pretending to be somone that they are not. Its a type of personality disorder. A split personality disorder. Women wanting real men and men wanting real women, but they are both actors and actresses. They hate themselves and each other. And so much insecurity and fear of being rejected and desperation to be accepted. The problem is the misunderstanding of equality. Men and women may be equal, but they are not the same. When they act the same or are treated the same , then there are serious problems with the individual and the society. This came about because in western society women were unfairly treated, then when they were found to be capaple of being more than mothers and wives, things started to change. Instead of encouraging the good in women , they went so far as to encourage the bad too. So women are now totally exploited but think that they are totally free! What a great way to manipulate a person, let them feel free. But deep down they know they are not. They are under pressure to compete with men, under pressure to be independant ( whatever that means), under pressure to look a certian way and meet a certian criteria. For a woman to be a virgin until marriage is not what society encourages and its seen as odd, the woman must be oppressed or lack self esteem. But to be easily available, drunk and sleep around is the present expectation. Problem is that it causes pain for the woman and the society. She is used again and again and can sing "independant woman" in drunken pleasure, but once a nose is blown on the tissue , it is discarded. Or spat out like chewing gum once the flavour is gone. Then a man must put aside his masculinity and seek to please and flatter this thing that he does not value, purely to satisfy the itch of sexual desire. With women being further insecure believing "all men are dogs and all they want me for is sex". Its destroying the world. The difference between men and women is not restricted to sexual organs. It is far more than that. Men are men because they think like men, act like men and are proud of their masculinity. Women are women because they think like women and behave like women and are proud of their feminity. What woman wants a man who acts like a woman, and what man is attracted to a woman who behaves like a man? Non, Be who you are and dont compramise that for any man nor woman. Let the real you come out, dont control it. Imagine you are alone and be yourself, brutal and honest. You will be free after that. Dont let other peoples views control you. Most of them are crazy and they are of no more importance than yourself. Women are easily controled and manipulated because they seek approval,acceptance and adoration. Men are controled by sexual desire towards women and they weaken themselves to be controled by women, to get what they want. How can an enslaved controled person be in control of a free man?
  15. boosting immunity

    Its been said that all year round cold buckets or showers boost a persons immunity and can help prevent catching the common cold and flu. Its also said that by wearing light clothes , rather than wrapping up warm can also prevent colds. Do cold showers effect a persons qi qong? I was advised not to take them in winter as they deplete qi. Most of the time in winter, I find that as soon as I enter a building I start sweating because the room is heated over 20 degrees c than outside and then go back out to the cold whilst feeling hot and flustered. Any ideas?
  16. boosting immunity

    Great stuff Vortex, very serious and dedicated training. I wish I could control my mind to get those results. Too many distractions.
  17. how to cool the body

    Are moon salutations performed the same as sun ones , but facing the moon ?
  18. boosting immunity

    Thanks a lot, good advice. No money for Dukhrod.
  19. how to cool the body

    Thank you all very much! Good method Oleg, it works straight away.
  20. how to cool the body

    Yeah right! I'll stick with cucumber, green tea and melon juice thanks. Durkhrod Chogori, I'll pay you $250 USD to slap your face! YOU FRAUD. Dont ever reply to anything I post here.
  21. how to cool the body

    Durkhrod chogori, That explains why Im feeling so hot during a heat wave in the UK. Thank you. I will send you the money tomorrow and you can advise me via my email which I'll send you.
  22. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    Non, What are you afraid of? You dont need to share it, but you must ask yourself WHAT exactly IT IS. Some type of fear is controling you and you are suffering because you are not controling yourself. There is nothing to fear. Women want real men , not actors. Everyone can see through an act , and it reveals a persons weakness, which is unatractive. Be the man that you are, dont change to please anyone and listen to the advice you have been given in this thread. Not changing who you are , or bullshitting to get a woman is a powerful and attractive attribute to most women. You need to see that as a benefit and gain confidence. Do you REALLY want a relationship with a woman? Do you want a real relationship with the women around you or are their qualities replusive to you? Do you want a relationship with "a woman" that you imagine. Or do you want a relationship with a woman due to social pressure , that you seem to naturally dislike? Ask yourself these questions, think about them. Then stop. Feel. And stop thinking and either do or dont do.
  23. go to shaolintempleuk. Shifu shi yan zi and shifu shi yan lei. They teach authentic shaolin gong fu all 72 styles and sanda.
  24. how to cool the body

    Thanks guys
  25. how to cool the body

    Most of the heat is in my head.