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Posts posted by shaolin

  1. Destructive side is very powerful, natural and necessary.


    Use it to destroy things that need to be destroyed but avoid using it against others. self destruction is a good place to start. Destroy all the things that harm you, but be objective and totally un emotional. after destroying then you can create. Destroy rotten, weak foundations and then build new ones to build everything else on.


    Always follow destruction with creation. Be careful. Follow the natural way. Be who you are. Destruction is part of life and it leads to birth and the balance of nature.

  2. Whether its observing actual real couples or porn, it has the same effect. Most sexual activities done for dual cultivation in taoist circles were not based on monogomous, deep love filled relationships, it was done by people who agreed to engage in sexual dual cultivation. watching live people have sex or watching it in a recorded form does the same thing - arouse desire, excite jing, and allow the observer to practice big draw and then circulate the micro cosmic orbit. Once this was practiced, one would then develop enough skill to move on to dual cultivation with a woman.


    Its accepted that there are pros and cons, it may suit some people and not others, but this fact applies to everything. That is the balance that exists in everything and by experiencing the effects, one can decide if it benefits them or not.

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  3. Tulku,


    Thank you for taking the time to share the valuable information that you have in this post.


    Its dissapointing that some people have criticised you after openly saying that they have not even read the whole post. Some may simply follow other opinions that work for them, others are not serious nor humble enough to admit their weaknesses and are too lazy and damaged to even try to develop themselves. There are some who use this forum as a way to learn and spread deep teachings for personal development and there are some who use it as a social forum to simply pass time and have a laugh. There are also those who are stuck in their lower chakras and are trying to suck energy out of people.


    I hope you continue to post what I have seen to be some excellent knowledge, although I dont agree with all of it and that you do not get pushed away by the poor creatures who suck off the most giving members on this forum like Drew.


    Whoever wants to reply to me and attempt to begin an emotional or intellectual exchange should go and suck off their sexual partner instead. They will get nothing more from me.


    All success to you and all the other sincere posters!

  4. Anyone who is serious about learning this type of qi qong is welcome to contact me. Authentic and undiluted training form original sources that are can be checked and confirmed. This is a powerful method that can harm you if done incorrectly. Master Tu, Chia and others are not reliable sources.

  5. Mihcael,


    No hate , just quotes from the Talmud. I gave no personal opinion.


    If we want to talk of violence then we can see it everywhere in the Torah or old testament.


    It clearly orders the killing of non jewish men , women, children and even animals. These are the laws of old testament war.


    Also the first suicide bomber was Jewish according to the old testament it was Sampson.


    He killed over 3000 people with the jaw of an ass and was being rediculed by many people after his eyes were plucked out. He was chained to pillars and asked Jehova or Yaweh (God) to give him strength and he "killed more people with his death than he did in his life" when he pushed the pillars and killed himself and every one else in the temple.


    This forum is open and free. We can question and criticise everything and this is healthy, but personal attacks and abuse are not helpful nor needed.

    People are people and ideas are ideas, no need to be disrespectful.


    We're discussing sacred texts and this is an open topic that everyone can critcise and give their opinions on.

  6. Hi Marblehead,


    Its a good point in that Muhammad dictated to others who wrote it and how do we know there was no corruption from that start.


    It was not just Abu Bakr and Ali that he narrated to but up to over 150 companions. This was at different times and in different locations.


    They memorised the verses and Muhammad checked them verbatim. Thats why the quran is memorised by muslims all over the world and each verse is identical. Even if all the paper qurans were to be lost or destroyed, the quran would still exist in its pure form.


    Its the chain of narration (isnad). There is only one quran that can never be changed or polluted.

  7. Hi Marblehead,


    The topic is about sacred texts unaltered by man, so the only text I know of is the Quran.


    I agree with you with regards to One unlimited powerful force that originated everything else which is limited.


    Its existance and attributes are whats important, not what we label it. Names and labels can be problematic.


    The Quran is not actually written. It is a series of words from the unlimited power that were revealled to Muhammad who narrated them and ask for them to be written.


    I accept it was written by man, just like dictation of speech, but it was not produced by man and it has been and still is preserved.


    It was mentioned by another poster in this thread that Muhammad was not a well educated man and was not capable of producing the Quran.


    There is a good book by a french scientist called "THE QURAN AND MODERN SCIENCE" by Maurice Bucaille.



    We can have general unspecific opinions about any issue, and say all books are the same or classify all beliefs as religion, but if we specify we can come to solid conclusions.


    The first monotheistic religion was haneefa, which started with Adam and continued to Muhammad and shared names and periods known as judaism, christianity and islam. All are monotheistic in their original form.


    I accept that zaroastrianism could have started as a monotheistic religion that later became idolatry by worshipping the Sun.


    There was a king called Darius the first and he reffered to God as Ahuramazda. he was monotheistic and rejected polythism and idolatry.


    Islam says that many nations were sent messengers and they would speak their native language. But I dont have enough knowledge to talk about him.


    I love discussing with you and I have great respect for you.

  8. Hi thelearner,


    The Quran is in Arabic and there are some english translations of quranic verses that give the wrong meaning.


    With regard to the verses you mentioned, I can explain their meaning in Arabic and you can check the words for yourself if you like.


    The world is flat, nor does it state that the sun moves around the earth. Its scientific details are 100%.




    There is only one all powerful unlimited THING that exists. Everything else is limited and reliant. This unlimited originator is the only thing worthy of worship.


    One God, many human minds that have been given free will and intelligence.


    Im happy to go over each poing in detail, its difficult on a forum where we can all chip in with more questions, so please be patient. We can go very deep and should do , to give the topic its due.

  9. Hi Marblehead, hope all is well with you!



    That is a claim that is often made and is a sweeping generalisation. This is because most people who make such a claim have not looked deeply in to the Quran but know of similarities in its content and the fact that the Quran came after the bible.


    It is due to the chronology of revelation and why there is such a chronology.


    The Old Testament or Torah was revealled to the children of Isreal who eventually defied the requests of God and returned to idolatry while Moses was leading them. They also changed their books, and removed many chapters and added new ones and even made up their own books and treated them as revelation such as the talmud.


    Then God revealed revelation to Jesus with the Bible.


    This was also tampered with and fraudently compiled and people began to actually fall in to idolatry by worshipping Jesus and his mother Mary.


    The jews rejected the new additions of the bible, and did not accept Jesus as the massiah and are still waiting for theirs to arrive.



    The bible did not copy the Torah, it re affirmed what was lost and changed and the Quran has done the same. The difference being that God promised that the Quran would not be changed and that it would be protected.


    The whole theme of revelation, right from the start was to worship One God alone without any partners. When this messege was ignored or altered it was re affirmed and finally protected in the Quran.


    This is why the books are similar and follow an order in which the Torah came first and Quran last.


    Youtube "who wrote the bible " and "the history of the bible" for more details surrounding these issues.


    The bottom line is that claims must be supported by factual evidence and the challenge has stood for over 1,420 years.

  10. The Quran is the only text that I know of that has not been altered by man. It even offers a challenge to the whole of mankind and spirts in order to test its authenticity and to try and discredit it.


    The Quran was either made by man, being an arab or non arab, or God. All texts written by man will naturally have human attributes such as having the posibility of contradictions, errors, and having the ability to be changed and revised.


    The Quran states "If you doubt that this is revelation from God, then produce just one verse like it and seek help from whoever you like from man and spirit. But you will never be able to do it , so beware of the fire , whose fuel is men( who worship other than God) and stones ( the idols that were taken as objects of worship by mankind).


    The idols were followed and worshipped and they will be placed in the fire and their followers will follow them in to it.


    The biggest idol worshipped today is money, but idols include anything that is worshipped in any way, including by love, fear, reverence, reliance, obedience, etc.



    So its a simple challenge that if met, would descredit and nullify the authenticity of the Quran as being revelation from God.


    To produce a verse "like it", would mean a single verse of the same length of the smallest one in the Quran which is about 4 lines.


    Similar in language, style, grammer, rythm and meaning.


    This has not been done since the Quran was revealed over 1,420 years ago.


    The pagan arabs could not do it and they recognised the greatness of the text and no one actually claimed that Muhammad wrote it himself. The Quran was revealled over a perion of 23 years and its style , meaning and grammer are totally different to all recorded speech of Muhammad. People were constantly looking for evidence that he produced it himself, but his speech was totally different to that of the Quran. That means if he was a fraud, he would have had to scan his speech before he said anything for over 20 years.

  11. It could be because you were totally relaxed and your nervous system just re acted, like when a person starts to sleep, they can have sudden body jolts or twitches.


    Tension and the release of tension can do that kind of thing to the body.



  12. Jews call on Yaweh , meaning God but they also call upon angels in the Qabbalah method.


    Christians call upon God, some call on Jesus or use Jesus as an intermediary to reach God with the Holy Spirit.


    Muslims call upon Allah alone , meaning God, without any intermediary or partner. They believe that God alone is to be called upon and that to supplicate or call upon something is a type of worship. The act of supplicating is worship in its self and the belief that these things can help you or protect you is also a type of emotional or sentimental worship. They say this is restricted to God alone and not to spirits or dead people or prophets or angels or abscent people.


    You would be better off ejaculating every day, than to call upon dead people or spirits and angels even once.


    Best wishes,



  13. Its true that loss of semen = loss of energy, but chanting these names and calling on them will do no good at all.


    Some are mythical charecters and each belief system that are related to them are in contradiction to each other.


    Semen retention, energy loss and nocturnal emission are all bodily and natural issues. Energy is more subtle but also physical.


    Going to the entity side and then calling on these charecters or mantras is a different level that I'd advise staying away from.


    Keep doing what youre doing if its working for you and listen to your Traditional Chinese Doctor and dont think too much.


    I would advise you not to call upon any of these names and to never use any mantra unless you know what youre saying and why.

  14. I wont be adding any more to this thread, I apologise for my poor rushed typing!


    Just keep an open mind and check both sides to a story and verify everything. Its not about blame, its about finding the truth.


    All the best.

  15. Many Palestinians try to leave Gaza, but most do not even have freedom to travel.


    Israels blockade stops vital foodstuffs and medicines reaching Gaza, so some in Egypt dug tunnels under the border in the Sinai desert to smuggle them it. On Israels request , the Egyptian government pumped toxic gas to kill the smugglers.


    Many people who really know whats going on are against the actions of Israel, including the UN. But they are powerless to do more than complain. Why? because of its strong arm ally the US.


    The Neo cons, and the pro Israeli lobby, including the Friends Of Israel heavily influence US foreign policy.

    Britian is an Ally of US and also a leading member of the EU, which brings the EU alliance in to it too.


    Now that Arab world is also in the same alliance. There is an uneasy co dependence between two very different and mistrusting nations who have mutual interests even though they are worlds apart.


    Before the discovery of oil, Saudi Arabia had nothing, not even water. Just sand , camels and dates. Now its got lots of oil but nothing to drink, so it trades with one of the worlds larges oil consumers the US.


    With the revenue (besides pissing it up on gold cars, silver plains, escorts and villas in Monaco)they import goods in to Saudi Arabia.


    They have an uneasy alliance based on mutual dependance. So, everyone must bite their tongue and look the other way. To be too against Israel would result in Israel putting pressure on the US which would damage international relations. Saudi Arabia has a week army, as does Egypt (they both rely on US), Iraq is a US puppet government, so that just leaves Iran ( which, despite its rhetoric, is an ally with the US , in that it is against egypt and Saudi Arabia, and froms a shia block with Syria and Iraq).


    Many people from all over the world wanted to go and fight against Israel to defend the thousands of civillians killed two yeasr ago, when Iseral tried to destroy Hamas and the Gaza strip, but the arab countries stopped them. Thats why.

  16. There will never be a New World Secular Order, because mans nature is to worship something.


    They have just made the new religion democracy and consumerism, and the new "God" money.


    It is worshipped by people loving it, relying on it, protecting it, judging people by it, striving for it , sacrificing for it, making friends for it, and delclaring enemies for it.

  17. One of the places they meet is Bohemien Grove at the Cremation Of Care ritual, check it out.


    I have many friends who are jewish, one is an orthodox rabbi, he's the one who explained some things I mentioned.


    Not all Jews accept the talmud.


    When we look at these things, there are obviously some things that are off the wall, but the basis, of there being an elite, that have their own interests which are different to those of the ordinary member of the public is a reality.


    Money talks. Election campaigns need lots of money, lots of donations. Millions.

    This money is not given for free, its used to influence polticians and their legislation, as well as their business deals. This is one way that individuals are able to heavily influence politics.


    Rothschilds were able to dominate the international banking system and influence governments. How did they get in that position?


    Do a little research and you will see some serious stuff from many different sources. If it doesnt make sense then dont believe it. But make an informed decision before you write it off.


    When Obama was out campaigning, he was given lots of large donations. He need them. Now he is bound by a debt of obligation to work in favour of his sponsors, like every other "democratic" world leader.


    Secularism and the new world order is the ultimate aim of the elite. They work on this through democracy.


    But anyone who looks at democracy will see that it is nothing more than a theory and does not exist. Its used to give the illusion of people making their own legislation, in reality they dont.


    Especially here in the UK. Millions went out and demonstrated against the war in Iraq, as they did in the 80's about star wars and the nuclear arms race. The government did not listen.


    In our unwritten constitution there is something called the "royal Perogative" which means that in matters relating to national interest, the Government can do as it wants. This is a dictatorship with the illusion of democracy.


    Look at what happened when democracy was brought to Gaza. They voted for Hamas, woops! "Lets boycot them and not deal with them. Its not in our interest. Lets continue to deal with the loosers of the democratic election, Fatah and the PLO. So what that the people dont want them". = civil war in 2006.


    Democracy is a tool used to overthrow governments and start revolutions, like the orange revolution we saw in Ukrain , that was backed by UK and US, and the attempted revolution in Iran that was also supported by the same countries.


    If there was real democracy people would leave each other alone instead of occupy them. Its all economics and natural resources. Take them by force or by trickery.