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Everything posted by findley

  1. I like to think that a 'cultivate' energy with activity, and then 'digest' it with stillness. This is how I convinced myself to do both. ps- I don't like bodri, because he is insisting that 'active' meditation is completely false. Not that it is less efficient, not that it is a lesser 'path', but plainly BOGUS. So he loses all credibility as far as I am concerned.
  2. I don't know how to qualitatively/quantitatively gauge my 'previous experience'. -my nei gung is not so structured as to provide me with a resume I can take to fellow practitioners What are the prerequisites? tell me more about your practice? do you have advice..? -thank you for your concern I'd rather fail and be hurt than not follow through with my experimentation at all. (I think I do do a good job of listening to my body.) -If your concern is genuine, perhaps you will share with me your thoughts and experiences..?
  3. gosh, no indra! I am so jealous!! I have been doing something very similiar, but have no been experiencing any super effects. (My spiritual presence is improving, I mean, but I am nto sure if there is a direct link to the practice...) What I am doing is holding my breath and condensing qi into the dan tien area. (I think it is alot like iron shirt...) but seems to match exactly what you describe. While I certainly do believe that I have positive effects, nothing like what you seem to describe! Can you tell us more about your practice? how much do you practice? how long have you practiced this technique? do you hold your breath for very long? (sometimes I don't.. I 'listen to my body'...) ..and you know, I don't really concentrate on the prana being very strong. (Maybe that's a big deal??) anyways I am excited to hear abotu somebody tryign something so similiar, but still a little bit different-- and apparantly even better? please let me know!
  4. Some of you may get this.

    or was it the cone-heads?
  5. Excellent Push Hands

    gosh, I've seen so much of that, I am not sure it is real. Is she sending qi into his body in such large doses that his muscles are forced into contraction and he acts retarded? -How else to explain his apparant loss in motor control? If she is shooting so much qi into his system, why doesn't he convulse more like an epileptic? how do they prevent causing damage to his system? Surely, if she's pumping so much qi into him to make him dance like a puppet, that can't have a very good effect on his own system. I am not sure I believe what I am asked to see. can you explain what is happening?
  6. new kunlun book

    Thank you, Phore. Makes me think of the 'just do it' mentality. I think I'll do that tonight. (ie surrending to an incredible amount of red, tantric bliss that I 'just do'. I'll go all out! ) "You dont want to abuse the living shit out of a system. Eventually you will find that you have actually been abusing the living shit out of yourself, repair being questionable depending on what you've done to yourself." -I like to live dangerously.
  7. As I get more and more into my practice, I am starting to realize that I can again 'live through' a 'new me'. It is as if I have 'empowered' my 'soul' enough to the point where I can dwell in it-- instead of in my head or body. I like to think of this as buddha... For example, I feel the energy I have cultivated, dwelling mainly in my chest, and merely experience my body, mind, and senses. (As to say that I am not my body, mind, or senses.. but rather this energy. I like to think of this dwelling in the spirit as genuine zazen. What do you guys think of this experience? Anyone feel what I am talking about..? The other day I met a fellow who said his kundalini burst while he was in a sense-deprivation tank. I mentioned this to him, and he said, 'no, do not dwell in it. be present, absolutely present in your body!' 'do not start dwelling in a second self.' I even told him that I thought it was buddha. I don't know what to think. I'm going to do it anyways, though, see if it really gets me anywhere. actually, I think that this will be key to 'opening' me up to the cosmos. I need to do it more. thanks guys !!!
  8. taoists and karma

    I think that the idea of past-life karma is ridiculous. As far as I know, Taoist philosophy or mysticism does not address such an idea. My own personal, pragmatic interpretation of Karma is such: the 'blocks' in your systems that prevent you from being a Buddha.
  9. This Max character sounds like a living buddha. or Christ figure. His students are dematerializing? putting their hands through tree's and dissappearing in coffee-shops? 'max' can't practice level two of his own system, because he has to stay here? (a bodhisattva?) And he is running around teaching people enlightenment for a relatively small price? (too bad it's in maui ) I part of me doesn't even WANT to believe it. I am going to keep an eye out for this master, and I am going to practice his system, and I am going to keep an open mind and seek this path. I wonder what I will do if I discover hoax? ...I guess I have heard too many good things to give that train-of-thought any credit............ ...................................
  10. Is David Bowie an enlightened one?

    he has that one song that, ( I thought,) describes an awakening experience. though it is not explicitly stated, so is left up to interpretation. can't think of it now. why couldn't he be?
  11. new kunlun book

  12. oh my goodness. I have such a long, long ways to go. thank you so much for the description of your experiences, Drew. I would like to give random girls an orgasm with a simple nod of my head.
  13. Something new to 'live through'

    LOL! Chapter 5 - HOW TO AWAKEN THE EXTREMELY INTENSE DESIRE FOR LIBERATION I bet it works, if you think about it hard enough!
  14. new kunlun book

    Oh gosh, thank you Junbao, but if I must learn the practice from a book, I will go ahead and get it from the 'new and improved' pillars of bliss thank you for the consideration, though! I have the feeling I am going to abuse the living shit out of this system. I am going to skip all crap and move straight into experimenting with all the power-cultivating techniques!! I am only 22 now, so if I blow up maybe it will be ok in a few years?
  15. Something new to 'live through'

    Yeah, that is something I am trying to break. I would like to be able to 'slip into' it instantaneously. I have a feeling that the more I 'dwell in the soul', the stronger it will get. The hardest part is disassociating from the mind. Sometimes I fool myself into thinking I am 'dwelling in the soul', but in fact am still tangled up in my mind. What I need to do is 'center' my consciousness into my chest, and though feel as if I am 'looking up' at my mind from my chest, (observing the mind from the heart.) -And also, be sure to bring down excess energy (from the orbit and kundalini excercises,) from my head back down. If I have alot of energy in the head, then it becomes much more difficult to disassociate from it. In fact almost impossible. I HAVE to bring that energy back down... ...but I am trying to keep enough energy up in my head so my brain and stuff adapts to the 'higher voltage' or whatever. I guess I can do both. ...Maybe I can learn to bring down that excess energy in my head really quickly. If I could move around large volumes of energy quickly and efficiently, I wouldn't have any problems centering my conciousness into my chest. thank you, passanger
  16. new kunlun book

    I am poor, humble college student who is anxious to experiment with new practices. I won't be able to get a book for ... maybe a month! I can't wait that long !!! can someone please, please explain to me kunlun 1 and 2? -or is there a site I can be refered to that has the information? You can PM me through the board, email me, ([email protected]) .. or hell, just create a new thread about it =) Yes, for the sake of enlightenment, I am asking you to pirate these teachings come on, someone be a rebel.
  17. oooooh I wish. Don't have money for that sort of thing. ..but if anyone gives it a try, let us know! I listen to some binaural sounds. It is really doing a good job of reintroducing me into stillness. (It is an aid, but I am not dependent upon it, apparantly..) ..if there is something else that does a better job? Should definately make the effort to jump right on it! It could save you months of practice, maybe?
  18. Chi kung and insanity

    yes, yes, I have experienced all sorts of adverse mental effects from my dabbling in qigong. (I think it's my qigong, anyways.. ) rooting never worked for me. not really. The idea of just attaining 'emptiness' (zazen,) was absurd by impossibility. the best antidote, I have found for me personally... is simply the micro-cosmic orbit. My thinking is that energy just begins to pool in the head, and then goes bad. So you just circulate it and it gets better. Do mantak chia's guided meditation CD on the microcosmic orbit. I think that's the best. (rooted, [though I lay down,] connect your dan tien and legs to the 'cosmos' under your feet. bring the energy up into your body slowly and powerfully [quality over quantity!] up and up into you shoot it out of your crown into the cosmos over your head. then bring it down and down and redo the cycle. focus should be on the governer/central channel, respectively, but you should feel the energy move up/down through the whole of your body. sure to keep your 3 dan tiens open to the cosmos at all times, and keep the bottom dan tien burning with fire... and everyone always says to smile, too. ... Though I don't
  19. Natural Living

    oh, that's me, Pero =) (...) I decided to drop that tag.. because I am so ashamed of my last presence as (...) here on the forum. I was in the Army and I had lost my soul. Gosh.. =) thank you for remembering !
  20. Goodbye Tao Bums

    good luck in your practice!
  21. Bye for now!

    good luck with your practice =)
  22. Walking

    I do some 'taichi' walking. I don't follow any sort of method. I just 'do it'. I root myself into the ground with my feet. my dan tien. sometimes my whole body. and I walk. every step is a movement of the cog. sometimes I use my arms and legs to develop that external qi-field. (but usually not.) It's a really good way to walk around. sometimes when I just stand there, with my knees slightly bent, and straight, (as if I am pulling my hips open with my legs,) and stand rooted.. my legs and dan tien termble with energy. it's good. I don't thin kthat to do tai chi, you necessarily have to follow specific movement patterns. once you learn how to 'tap' into energy, you just do it.
  23. Dao Zhen on Dan Tian

    oh, thank you so much! I have learned, with experimentation, that the dan tien can act like a bellows. I have been doing odd 'iron-shirt' packing into the lower abdominal area, (tryign to center on where i think my dantien is,) but often times I 'condense' as I am breathing out. what happens is that, like a bellows it seems, is that the qi is pushed up, and I have been experiencing very strong winds all in my skull for a week or two now. (these qi winds are very, very consistant.) I have felt strong 'opening' experiences in up my spine, to my 6 and 7th chakras. Do you think anyone could comment on what I am experiencing? I also like the description of kundalini awakening very much! I met a man this weekend who explaiend to me that the a sense-deprivation tank was key (for him,), (he said I should go for 2.5 hours) and that 'yang qi' (energy) would rise up and melt everything! I would like that to happen very much... but all I feel right now is the 'density' that comes up my spine (with awareness.) I become aware of my spine, various area's, (I am trying to open my my neck, to the pearly gates,) because that is where the 'density' is weakest..) but I have noticed in much of my practice I simply cannot stay silent! (in my head!) maybe I really need to let go of thought noise for an hour or two, (probably best after a strong session of the 'bellows breathing' i described above, and reproduce that 'dense' energy in parts of my spine) and just abide in silence for a couple of hours? gosh I hope this finally works =)
  24. Join me in a global cooling spell

    I could never sympathize with the western mystics desire to affect their external enviroment with magic. ...Maybe I brainwashed myself with the Tao Te Ching, 'the best way to benefit the world is to cultivate yourself' or something another.. (havent read it in a long time...................) But I let someone know about it =) I think she may be interested..
  25. Respect For Full Lotus

    Thank you guys for emphasizing this posture. I never really liked it before, because I felt that the discomfort distracted from my ability to concentrate, to be open, and to be relaxed. -I have been practicing my 'solo-cultivation' (ahem ) in the full-lotus, and am noticing a big difference. I am opening up quite a bit, ('winds' all over, especially around my skull.. and yesterday I felt a high after gazing into my [ex] girlfriends eyes-- love, or energy transfer... probably both havent really fel tit like that before.) Full-Lotus definately is worth it.