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Everything posted by findley

  1. I got it a while ago, and tried using it several times-- but each time to my complete dissapointment. It just didn't work. When I go through my tantric sessions, I feel all sorts of orgasmic activity in my pelvic area. I had thought that I was experiencing prostate orgasms (via swelling of the prostate from prolonged activity,) -- but the anatomy of that proved wrong, as that orgasm was closer to the sacrum. (VERY close to the sacrum.) -I was convinced it was the prostate, because when I let myself go and 'blast' that "sacral" orgasm, an ejaculation is consequently forced. so that's not it. I figured that I have never had a prostate orgasm before, and so tried to be open-minded, willing, and 'sexy' about it. Nothing really happened. I have almost thrown the god-damned thing away-- if I wouldnt feel too guilty about tossing 50$! Maybe my frame of reference is all wrong-- maybe I have forgotten what a standard male orgasm (in ejaculation) is like, and they are all comparing it to that. and I am comparing it to my tantric practice. ANYWAYS, if the aneros can be utilized as a tool to achieve higher states of bliss, WILL SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHY IT WONT WORK FOR ME??? or tell me how to use it properly?!?! apparantly I am upset about the situation.
  2. Thanks guys. I think I've opened up and have experienced some super wonders. I realized-- now it's no wonder homosexuals are referenced as 'gay'. There must be some magic involved, too-- because I called up an ex-girlfriend for a booty-call, and she actually accepted. So I'll be seeing her tonight and she will break my curse of a dry-spell. (seriously, there must be magic involved. thank you.) weak compensation for a real lover, though. God I need one bad.
  3. I searched the forum, (kunlun..) and realized I found something when 'search results limited to first 1000'... I spent a few minutes browsing... and feel lazy so: Can someone describe the practice of kunlun to me? 1+2+3 (...+x?) -So I can experiment with it for a while? A very basic 'how to', and maybe followed up with a 'why' and 'what happens'? (By the way, I don't want to hear, "You can't do it without a master.") =)
  4. Kunlun San Diego and assorted musings

    LOL! I must be impatient. Get to the point already!!!
  5. I just had a cool experience and thougth I would share it with Tao Bums. I practice some kunlun level 1 and 2, leisurely and with short breaks for about an hour and a half this morning. I decided to follow the practice with some sexual kung-fu. I opened my mind and boy to buddha-nature, and began masturbating. It was a typical session of sexual energy rising and circulation, very pleasant initself... and then I went to my sink and started running the faucet. The running water was sexing me! I was sexing it! my conciousness, in some way I can't really explain, surrendered to the running water in my sink. It was absolutely orgasmic. Perhaps I could say, 'I shared my being' with the running water. I even reached for it, and seemed to fondle it, however without really touching it. My buddha-nature and experience seemed greatly amplified afterwards. (I hesitate to mention this, but perhaps it is important to the experience,) but I looked into my eyes in the mirror and considered myself a 'dragon' for the experience with the water. .. oh, yes, my skin began to turn a bit red, and for a short while with goosebumps. The goosebumps were cool, and probably from the water.. The redness of the skin seems a usual experience with my SKF. -- I would not be surprised to udnerstand that the running water complimented my own energy, and perhaps my 'reaching for' and 'fondling' the running water was my absorbing, perhaps, the elemental qi of the running water to compliment my own energies. This could be a miraculous way of counteracting so much yang-fire I cultivate in my practice? I am also reminded, and think I will share: guys, try going in the shower and scalding your balls (as hot as you can stand it,). Especially when you're feeling sexy. This provides, for me, an immediate rise in sexual energy for my bodies circulation. It is orgasmic, and sometimes better than sex. -this is an interesting note on how else water, (though really hot water,) influences my SKF practice. I think I will be exploring this further in my practice =)
  6. Of course, I should expect that most of us experience varying Siddhi's resulting from our practices. I'd like to hear about them. I have experiences that I would like to share. -Ever since studying the 'Secret of the Golden Flower' in highschool, I have on-and-off Psychic experiences. It feels as thought I am 'hearing' the internal dialogue of others, in very short bursts. It is stronger with some than with others. It is totally random. I have no control. I feel that sometimes I try to 'control it', or 'focus it', but that what happens most of the time, from this, is that i feel I am projecting what I want'expect to 'hear'. It is difficult for me, then, to really feel whether or not a psychic experience is genuine or not. (usually, I am pretty positive it is genuine when I am being silent, and it surprises me.) Can anyone relate with this experience? Can someone tell me what it is supposed to be like when you're 'psychic'? -Or, really, share some of your own Siddhi experiences for a good time!!
  7. god, why does anybody give a shit about any of it, back OR forth? LOL
  8. Dealing With Emotions

    oh ! oh ! oh ! I am getting good and better about emotions. First of all, I come from a philosophical taoist perspective-- so I don't believe emotions are something to be indulged in. The first thing you should do when you experience emotion is ask yourself why, and try to intellectually understand the root of the problem, (in you.) Hopefully, with long practice and dedication, you will become a very even-tempered, wise man. Next.. Because I am no sage I have had a problem with emotions. especially sicne my last girlfriend broke up with me. I would get that suffocating feeling in my chest.. you know, that emotional PAIN. Like your heart is breaking. I found that when I opened up my front channels, the emotion would flow down and dissipate. I remember one night, laying broken hearted.. I paid attention to the heart break, and then it started pulsating. It then flowed down to (through?)my belly and then went away. so, I don't know if this would work with emotions other than heart-break.. I learned a valuable lesson-- that your heart center and your front channels must be relaxed, open, and flowing so that emotion doesn't get stagnant and build on its self. ps, experiment with 'accepting' emotion. Like, if you feel super depressed and lonely, (I did the other day, I am positive because of sexual retention.........) try to accept that you feel depressed, miserable, and lonely. Don't worry about changing it, or getting better. surrender to it. 'this is how I am.' kinda like walking cloud said ? It is definately interesting to try when you find yourself in an emotional state!
  9. How do I get the jing out in the head?

    hey man I have practiced seminal kung-fu for a while.. I know exactly what you mean. ...I think. I am no master, but I would like to say: your jing is just circulating. it's not that 'it keeps going to your head'-- but maybe that it is getting trapped in your head? --probably because your front channels are not cultivated enough to deal with the output of your back, yang channels. like you're running a super-highway at full efficiency at your back, only for shit to start stalling in your head because of traffic jams on your front. What I found has been best... is opening my heart-center. As I open my heart, I do not even need to be actively aware of 'guiding' the jing down-- it seems to do it on it's own. Also, this coudl be considered an important aspect of opening up the front channels. If you don't know how to (or are having trouble with,) open your heart center... try this, that I have been doing recently with great success (great great success): find something to listen to. I have dropping water in my apartment that i pay attention to, but a clock would do great. pay attention to the sound, and then pay attention to your 'enveloping' the sound with your chest. almost like you are 'listening' to the sound with yoru chest. your heart opens as it accepts and internalizes the sound. ... anyways, migth be a fun experiment at the least. migth even help you with your stagnant jing problem. I am definately no master, and you may be better cultivated than me... but I like sharing
  10. scary stuff

    You know, on my way out of the army, I had it in my mind that I was going to cultivate a powerful spiritual presence. I that I would use my developed presence to murder a lot of people that are responsible for perpetuating this kind of corruption. 9/11 was a manufactured event. I have spent hours and hours and hours while I was in the army reading up on it. I did my best to stay objective. The facts kept pointing in the same direction. I fantasize about being a sort of modern-day 'alexander the great'. -cultivate a powerful spiritual presence, and then utilize it for social-political gain. If I developed the power of ...say... verdesi, morris, christenson, 'john chang'... before I turn 30-- I could make my way to the top on the political scene. Cure cancer here, wipe out state corruption there; save and educate the kids here, blow up the pentagon there... ... ... In fact, why DONT these sorts of Masters do this sort of thing??? I am SURE they do in China, (I mean, no proof, but I would be positive...)
  11. scary stuff

    aaaaaaaaaaaah that's the kind of shit that got my kicked out of the army I can't take it anymore. How can you handle it? I have moved on to higher callings.
  12. is reserving jing even necessary?

    Don't doubt it too much, man. Of course moderation is important, and you want things flowing to avoid stagnation, like scotty said... ... ... well... The way I figured out and convinced myself how important controlled emission is... ... Try jerking off as much as you can for a week. ejaculate as much as possible, and see how you feel after the week. (or even 2-3 days.) Then start reserving it, and hold onto it for a week at a time. I noticed that my potential to experience bliss was significantly lessened after unnecessary ejaculation. so, prove it to yourself, man.
  13. See Jane Move

    Did you speed up the part where you move real fast? I don't have audio on school computers... When you perform a form like that real fast, are you still managing to push chi around, or are you just moving your body parts through the tai chi form really fast? When I do tai chi (sorts of things...) I usually go realllllly slow, and often stop so I can indulge in the cultivated chi-field. If I go fast, I can't hold onto the 'force'.
  14. I finally got my copy of the second book last night. I've spent a couple hours practicing since. It is very nice. Though, I wonder why the kunlun posture is different from simply embracing the tree. I feel like it lies in the fact that A) you're sitting, and thus can hold the posture for an hour much more easily, your heels are raised to block and trap energy into your body, and C) the hand position probably induces a strong effect on the front channel. I remember that it was advised against doing tai chi with heels raised just for this reason. It is nice to see this utilized for good, though... though... I am wondering about doing a low-stance embracing-the-tree posture with heels raised. I suspect that this could be considered just as potent, if not more powerful, than the kunlun level one posture. I did, though, get very good results from just a couple hours of practice. ...Though, I am hesitant to say 'kunlun did it', and attribute the benefits just from the qi-cultivation. (I know, and I am always feeling guilty about it, that my practice has been severly lacking in external qigong and standing posture for qi-cultivation. Up to this point, I have only been doing jing and shen cultivation.......which is probably why I am not so good as I could be....) I am going to experiemtn with low, heels-raised embracing the tree postures, and then continue with the kunlun level 2 form. any comments? advice or suggestions? -maybe an explanation why the kunlun posture is specifically important before moving on to kunlun level 2 form?
  15. Apologies

    ???? drew... hempel?
  16. how can I get all of it? book?
  17. Kunlun book and first level

    haha ! you notice that if you take the hand position, and then move from a chair to sitting position, (ie FULL LOTUS) You have one of the falun-dafa postures?!! lol! maybe those whackjobs aren't so far off in their practices afterall !!
  18. Apologies

    Really I ask you to leave me alone and you just keep going-- again, you called me a fool. I think that your behavior is indicative of the fact that you have some sort of problem, that probably isn't me. But, thank you for your apology. (though I really doubt you're sincere, but...) perhaps we can just leave eachother alone. ...
  19. does anyone hear voices in their head?

    Hmm I have been dealing with these experiences for some time, now. I do not think they are really anything that need to be overcome. ...and, yes, despite the implied cynicism, I do think that my experiences stem from something genuine. (I guess it will be nothing new to me, to be called crazy ) I have mentioned that I struggle to differentiate between genuine and 'forced' (clairvoyance?), but it is something I think I will eventually win. I'm sorry, lozen, that your experience seems so much linked to your recent jail experience. it seems you're startign to figure out that it is somehow trauma related? ...oh well...
  20. Wishful Thinking

    uggg I sent you that private message because I thought that if I sent it to you privately it migth save us both some embarrassment, and you would probably leave me alone. Yes, this is a public discussion forum-- and a private message is a private message. They both serve their own purposes. ( ) I didn't call you a piece of shit because you 'warned me'. One of the reasons why I'm calling you a piece of shit because you have only responded to me with the utmost disrespect. You were incredibly insulting in all of your responses to me, and I wanted you to, (yes, you got that part right,) 'just leave me the hell alone'. I do not want to be your shit-heel so you can make yourself feel better about the person who you think you are. Yes, my world is the 'world-according-to-Findley'. You have made a brilliant observation. Congratulations. You are a hypocrite, Mike. You are a piece of shit, a hypocrite. I do not care if you can raise the dead or cure cancer, I do not like you or respect you. So, to reiterate the point I made last, in my private message, please just leave me the hell alone.
  21. does anyone hear voices in their head?

    Hey Lozen... ... ... ... I actually posted a thread about my experience with hearing voices a few days ago: For me, it is like I am hearing the internal dialogue of others. It is as if, they are 'thinking out loud' in their heads, if that makes sense. and I seem to pick up on it. I worry often, sometimes more often than not, that it may be a form of schizophrenia. ...EXCEPT... I was sent to a shrink when I was being kicked out of the Army, and when I described the experience to her, she blew it off. When I read her notes, later, , it was implied that for my experience to classify as some sort of schizophrenia, the voices would feel as though they're coming from OUTSIDE my head. (an actual auditory hallucination.) I think that I might have 'turned something on' with emptiness meditation (secret of the golden flower) back in highschool a few years ago. ...It goes on and off, but does not seem dependent on practice. Does this seem to correlate with your experience? Maybe more than the 'it's your higher self' theory..? -have you been experiencing new forms of 'emptiness' meditation lately? (at least for my curiousity..?) Just to be clear-- --do you here their words, (thoughts?) 'inside' your head, or as if they're coming from 'outside' your head? Like an actual sound? also... I find it almost impossible to respond to what I hear. ..So, maybe it's not so similiar, after all.. I have responded at times, but it has never been an immediate reaction. I have to be super-conscious when I do it. Also, it is alot stronger with close friends and girl's that I have been with. ...It is really, really strong with one of my old roommates at the co-op I used to live at... does this sound familiar..? ..maybe it has only just begun for you, so you can't say?
  22. Is this "chi" ? How can i help it stay ?

    Sure. It might all be in her head! who knows. But I said that it still sounds nice. I'd keep it up, either way.
  23. I have an itch every day that I need to read the Tao Te Ching. Every Day. But I don't. I think that would probably be the most profound text for me. If I took advantage of it. I think that read the tao te ching is like, you know, a super karmic-cleanser. It gives you good karma. or balanced karma. ...uh whatever. I would probably be oneo f the wisest men in the world if I read it everyday. which, I am sure, would invariably lead to great spiritual attainment. goddamnit.... maybe I should kick myself in the ass and do it.... maybe make a ritual out of it, or something... but a new copy of my favorite translation.. wrap it in silk... .... bleh...... I need to do it...