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Everything posted by findley

  1. Something really cool just clicked

    It is nice to see somebody writing these kinds of posts. (and without making it a story 6 pages long. . .) 'and then I realized the stagnant energy in my head could be sent along with it'... brilliant... I'm stoned, so I can totally follow...
  2. A couple so-called Tantric masters are coming into Memphis for a workshop. I think I am going to meet them, and invite them to smoke a bowl with me. How can I gauge the legitimacy of their claims? In tantra, (per Georg Feuerstein [sp?]) a master is gauged by his capacity to perform the supernatural... (siddhi's, I think they are called?) but, I am sure these two failing the religious requisite to title of master, how else might I be able to determine the mastery of these practitioners?
  3. Gauging a local 'master' ?

    whoooooaaaaa I totally blew these guys off ! I had a gig I had to work friday, when I was supposed to meet them, (and I have to feed myself. . .) and then I just didn't call them back when I could have I think it is a Karma thing. . . Or obviously some kind of deterrant. (I think I have a few 'deterrants' 'walling' my 'path' in. . . leading me to a greater destiny, I believe, [or so hope. . .]) -Because I usually would not pass up an invitation to meet these guys. The day after I called, I was sitting in a coffee-shop reading through the TTC and practicing, when I noticed a sensation in my 3rd eye and I felt, "This is the master you were asking about". -The next morning, I got the call from the local guy organzing the workshop, and told me that the masters wanted to meet me, and we scheduled the meeting. I had to work through that meeting; and when I got off of work, (as between shifts,) I was tired and wanted to rest, so I went to the 2.50$ theater to relax-- blowing off the masters. In the middle of my movie, a tornado landed a few miles from my theater and cut power for several square blocks. The storm was power; a result from a cold-front hitting a large area of warm air. That kind of weather was so acute, extreme, and extra-ordinary that I wonder if it was the will of the masters. The circumstance of coincidence is certainly there, if I will allow that to serve as any sort of evidence. I do also feel guilty, and that I have passed up a great opportunity. My only consolation is, "well, ah, I'll be in China in a few months and will work with a master in Beijing." . . . and, as I said before, I feel like Karma, perhaps, made the encounter impossible. Anybody else have cool stories like this? -the feeling of being blocked by one's "wall's", or 'karma'? -especially when it comes to meeting (or not meeting,) a teacher? (I have had cool encounters that I believe were induced by karmic intervention, for example...)
  4. Who has read "The Kybalion." What are your thoughts?

    It made me throw up. I keep it on the shelf with all the free-mason bullshit, all the Theosophy bullshit, and otherwise western new-age or occultist bullshit.
  5. Hey sean-- everybody is stupid. what if you started another split-forum: 'Amatuer TCM' ? Discussion would be dedicated strictly to discussing TCM-- particularly text-book theory. (including, 'hey, I have this health or meditation problem... what are your guys' amatuer TCM advice?' kinda questions.) Perhaps this way, I would learn something from this board. (and if I were a regular member participating in such an intellectual community as I believe proposed... for say, 5 years... Maybe I would have adequate practical skills to encourage me to... go to school and get an official degree?) It would be super-cool. (You know, because all the bull-shit would be left in the 'taoist discussion' forum...?) frank; david
  6. new Forum (split...) suggestion?

    Thanks, trunk. It seems like a simple matter of a disclaimer would solve the problem you mention. It is too worthy a project to ignore, when a disclaimer is all you need.
  7. The Eight Gates of T'ai Chi

    How interesting that you quote that poem! Just yesterday, I was thinking about this comment, (also in the TTC: highest good is like water...) ...Well, this cannot be true to pure taoist thought. The archetypes of all of the substances, (of the 8 trigrams,) should be utilized to their capacities in circumstances deeming such necessary. The most powerful 'tip-off' that such is corrupted taoist thought, lie in the dogmatic assertion, 'highest good is like water'. When it is necessary to to act like water, be like water; mountain, mountain; fire, fire. . . . Such harmony in action will be begotten from an achieved state of wu-wei... when one is truly not conscious of how one is, or ought, to be acting, but only responding appropriately. ehhh hurry for old tai-chi classics!! soudns like more homework for when I am in beijing !!!! Maybe I won't even need a master, if I have a masterful book at my command
  8. new Forum (split...) suggestion?

    Actually, I think playing 'drs n drs' is a good idea. maybe some chicks would appreciate if we expanded the forum from strictly text-book TCM theory to text-book Ayurvedic medicine. please please -- it would be such a good opportunity for me to learn some real TCM theory on the side.
  9. Sexual Energy

    I have an admirer
  10. Some Signs and Symptoms of Inner Peace

    It's dysfunctional. Ecstasy (sp? know, the street-drug...) does all of those things for you. This is not exactly what I am looking for in my practice.
  11. The Eight Gates of T'ai Chi

    Hey, that's cool... can you get any elaborate in your description of this form... or maybe suggest a text to learn this from...
  12. What is a phenomenon?

    You look like a mean person, erdweir. at least intimidating. . I bet you pick you get lots of women at the coffee-shop! I am studying philosophy in school, too... I am only just stepping into my senior year... and though I have been working hard, I cannot boast high-knowledge. -Are you earning a graduate-degree? -Kant suggested there were multiple Noumena? I thought the insistance was that noumena was (/'were'...) inconceivable. When did Kant ever suggest that there were 'multiple noumena', and what other conclusions might that have led to? ... --Oh ! there are multiple philosophy grad-students on these boards! (or is it just so it seems..?) this is nice to see... maybe I will take advantage of that, later. =)
  13. Sexual Energy

    one method I use often to 'bring sexual energy up', (to 'sublimate it',) is .... ... to to the shower, and spread your balls out under the stream of water. get the water hot. hotter. start pinching and scratching your scrotum. the water is almost scalding. it feels sooooooooooo goooood, sometimes better than sex, and you can feel the energy coming up your body.
  14. Taoist Pick Up Lines

    I think that the best 'taoist' pick-up lines would be the ones that actually work. Now, I have spent the last year or so really trying to pick up women, (didn't really get started until around turning 22.) Also, these lines/tactics may not work as well for you as they do for me, (because I am good-looking,) but here goes... When you don't know a girl, and you're walking past eachother, you have to get her to stop so you can introduce yourself: "Amanda? hey! how are you??" (she may be puzzled, but is almost guaranteed to give you her attention, whatever her real name is...) ... "Weren't you in my english class last semester?" (at this point, if you're as cool as I am, you'll have a gentle, mischievious little smile, and she may be catching on to what you are doing. Since I'm attractive, they like it. At this point, the woman responds, and so I can't give any more specific advice on how to further the pick-up, because you are going to have to respond to her attitude, body-language, and verbal response. Usually I just quickly introduce myself and shake her hand, (a bit sexy-like. It's more like I hold her hand for a moment-- maybe bring myself closer.) -Anyways, this doesn't guarantee a pick-up, but it does almost guarantee an introduction for you to work with. (and of course, from the moment of the introduction on, the attitude of whatever relationship that may develop out of it, is going to hinge on this one idea: 'I want to make love to you.') If yuo're good, and she isn't married or have a boyfriend, (which may often be the case with women worth picking up. . . . . . . .) you'll get a phone-number or something. Another cool tactic, at the bar... I'll try and situate myself somewhere near my target, and see if I get noticed at all (peripheral vision!) ... and whatever happens, I put a cigarette in my mouth and pretend that I am searching my pocket for a lighter. during my search through my pocket, I 'notice' the target and ask if I can get a light. This is important because you manage to get her to acknowledge you directly, and you can tell alot about your chances with her from this encounter. depending on how things go, you may get laid, or . . . her boyfriend is working behind the bar. The cool thing about your 'trick', is that if she gives you a light, and you manage to introduce yourself and maybe even spark a little conversation, you can have a second cigarette a little later, and use your own lighter. women seem to really like this. If she doesn't have a lighter, you can introduce yourself (if acknowledgement was good,) and then light your own cigarette, showing her you had one anyways. (though, this isn't as subtle as with the other scenario, and seems less successful.) anyways, these aren't really playing off stupid little lines that will leave her thinking you're an idiot.. but I am a taoist, and this is my tao for picking up women. . . or at least getting them to acknowledge me, anyways. . . you have to do it all the time in hopes of getting laid even just a couple times a month. . . but it's fun, and worth it... it's turning almost into a game for me, as I develop my social skills and become more and more a womanizer. (women like womanizers, I think.)
  15. Beijing?

    Maybe I could do a threesome nah, I wouldn't try and make 'big bucks'... just lead and teach a simple tai-chi class, (like 5$ a class.) memphis seems to be going through a wierd time-- before there were multiple classes, now there are none. I could totally tap that market when I get back next year. I just need some random certificate written in chinese. maybe i'll write it myself, and associate to my favorite bang in china. who'll know the difference. I'll only be fooling idiots like everybody on this board. I guess I could throw in some 'workshops'
  16. Beijing?

    Hey, I am expecting to be in beijing through the next year to study chinese. it would be cool to know another bum hanging around that city. or maybe good masters to learn taichi from.. (then I could make $$ teaching tai-chi classes back in memphis through grad-school.....)
  17. Taoism and the feminine divine

    Yes, I also believe that even if Laozi existed, the actual tao te ching (in its current form,) is the work of multiple others. In my studies I have found passages that are obviously confucian-- even in somewhat of a contrast to the philosophy that is pure taoism. (for example.) Yes, the feminine is a huge super-big idea in taoist theory!! you could say, that in my practice, I am pursuit of the mysterious feminine-- and am consequently fucked by the mysterios masculine, whereby bliss, peace, and potentially 'magic' capacity will be accorded to my being =p (god, don't even say it...)
  18. I'm trying to get back into serious practice through the summer-- and I am doing a decent job. I'm having a problem with what I can only think to call 'hot' 'sticky' energy in my chest when I undergo cultivation of the primal spirit (tSotGF), (most prominent to my attention after I smoke dank marijuana.) Also, I seem to have some sort of 'block' in my solar plexus, (diaphragm?) (...stomach?) that really sucks. It is very clearly different from the kind of 'block' mentioned above in the chest. It is a much more 'base' feeling, and is persistant to my attention even when I am not under the influence of marijuana. (it is painful to me when I jab my thumb under my xiphoid process. So I try and rub it out frequently.) Now, I eat very healthily and like a horse. (no crap.) but I am a heavy smoker, (including almost daily use of pot.) I, uh... haven't done well with retention of semen... ... ah... but I had some of the best sex I ever had last night (with some dude's wife. I am so bad.) and.. uh... I think I am going to keep it in my pants and do my best to maintain semen retention from here-on. Does anybody have any advice about the 'hot-sticky' energy in my chest, and the block in my diaphragm??? If it weren't for these two things, I would be really very much happier. P.S. I am also taking a few heavy doses of 'Cobra' sexual enhancement pills to encourage a fast recovery from spilling so much of my seed. -Think this works? (maybe I should take a whole lot of it for a long time!!!) thanks guys =)
  19. retention makes you gay

    'opening' the Microcosmic Orbit is a joke to me-- a corruption of thought from the tSofGF. The 'orbit', and everything else, should open of its own accord as one dwells in the primal consciousness. When I was younger, I practiced so much mantak chia-style 'microcosmic' practices to little to no fruit. (at least it is nothing compared to a genuine cultivation of the primal consciousness, in my experience.) I believe there is a strong line in the book, 'if it [the light] really moves, this is a bad thing.' circulation of the light is not subject to the control of the corporeal consciousness, but will rather happen on its own accord as one fixes ones attention to the primal consciousness, (stops thinking, and 'reverses the flow of the light') -that's Lao tzu !! from one of the penguin-classic editions of the tao te ching =)
  20. 'hot' 'sticky' energy in chest

    ough, awake, I have been 'feeling' it a great good deal; my attention does little to dissipitate the feeling, or make it any less unpleasant. but I believe I found the answer in my TCM textbook! I'm telling you guys about it here, because i think this serves as a good example to fellow experimenters on the way: Stomach-Spleen Qi Deficiency! I was first led to a diagnoses that is just simply, "damp-heat in the stomach" which leads to an oppressive feeling in the chest, but then followed the book a bit and found this. Not only is the stomach-spleen Qi deficiency the most likely cause of my discomfort, (I was portraying a majority of the symptoms,) but I think I have an understanding why I am working with this imbalance. (diet...) Anyways, learning this diagnoses led me to do... guess what... qigong! medical qigong! my practice so far has only consisted of cultivation of the primal consciousness, (tSotGF,) and I was completely blowing off qigong as inefficient, and even unnecessary. After I spent (just a little bit,) of some time practicing simple qigong, (and rubbing out my central channel, and drinking a bunch of water, and some ginger-root tea,) my worst symptoms had cleared! What's really interesting, though: I woke up about 3 in the morning with some of the worst cases of rhinitis I have had this season. My face was swollen with snot, and I probably put enough out to drown a small animal in... and so I imagine that much of the 'dampness' in my chest was forced up-and-out of my face. (I mean, it seems circumstantially correct...) Today, I feel great! I am truly walking with the light! (probably not a whole lot of it, but it is very pleasant!) -So, does anybody else see the beauty in this experience? a combination of practice with tSofGF and dank marijuana lead my being into a fuller awareness of itself, leading my attention to a stomach-spleen qi deficiency of which I was not really aware. With the help of some qigong and natural remedies, I have remedied a good deal my imbalance, and now I feel so much better, and am continuing where I started with my work with the tSofGF ! woo, I am so excited to be progressing so well in my cultivation! I am erally proving myself to myself as an adept! I am destined for enlightenment =)
  21. retention makes you gay

    hahaha thank you epicurious for your obnoxiousness! ! I'm sorry, guys, (and pietro, I respect your word in this range of matter,) ...but I'm not getting anymore specific about these experiences. In fact, I'm forgetting it. =p
  22. 'hot' 'sticky' energy in chest

    TTT because this is important to me and I want to see it tomorrow. =)
  23. retention makes you gay

    hey, cat Thanks trunk and hagar; though, I think it is important to point out that I am not really practicing retention to any extent to which I could possibly be over-doing it. I secretly wish there really was 'nothing to retain', but unmistakenly, the drop unto the lower-soul from the higher-soul after release is so shitty and profound, that I would be a fool to keep suggesting to myself that retention may not be necessary. truly, the fertile energy of our sexuality is the medium by which the body may 'tap into' and 'receive' the subtle bliss 'energy' that comes hand-in-hand with the prominance of the primal consciousness. Fire Dragon, thank you for your post. I do also suspect that perhaps it is a just another aspect of my being as a whole; I understand perfectly that the masterful sage, in harmony, just may be androgenous. -- One interesting note I would like to make, are that the fantasies are only ...uhm... indulged in as just that: fantasy. No actual physical attraction to another male has ever overcome my sense of being. This is an important note to make, especially in light of potential psychological diagnoses. thank you guys for chatting =)
  24. 'hot' 'sticky' energy in chest

    'damp heat' ! aaaah, thank you, Trunk!! i was thinking, 'fire' (because 'sticky' somewhat = 'clinging').. but what is damp heat.. isn't that.. ah.. the liver? I'll review my TCM books! -these problems cannot be possibly due to retention, though, trunk; I am not practicing it !! I was stuck in one of the most horrid lower-soul states ever all last-night because I'm not practicing retention. I am only just now showing signs of rising out of it again. I realized that perhaps this is an answer: that the base, cramp 'block' in my solar plexus is causing a certain kind of energy to grow stagnant and gross in my chest; my central channel is probably miserably blocked! I realized that this problem is doubly justified insofar as I am having a terrible problem with excess phlegm in the head, (seasonal allergies!) -and that the 'phlegm' is not really going down the front channel like it is supposed to, clogging my sinuses. -Do you think that perhaps this is more correct a diagnoses?? but, yes, 'damp heat' may be an answer, and gives me an excuse to review my TCM book! it is a great idea, thank you, trunk =)
  25. I am studying this book, (via wilhem's and cleary's translations, together,) and have some topics for discussion, if anyone would like: Water (semen) Earth (attention) Fire (spirit) I am mixing these in the middle cauldron (well, if I can stop ejaculating,) and it is really cool. I really prefer mixing in the chest, though the book says it should be done at the mid-brow. What do you think about this? The book says that the light should crystallize into the chest, anyways, so perhaps it does not matter. People also seem to interpret the 'circulation of the light' as performing somethign along the lines of the Microcosmic Orbit, (per Chia, for example.) This is bullshit, if you read the book: the light circulates by itself, as you hold your attention to the primal spirit. 'if it really moves, this is a bad thing' the book says. Why the confusion? To me, it seems like this: I hold my attention to the primal spirit, and this feels really really good on a subtle level. by stopping my thoughts, it almost seems as if the energy that would usually go into the endless cycle of thoughts, instead of being wasted, pool into my chest and body, and feels really good-- and that is the cultivation of the primal spirit. That's it, really. It's really hard at times... and I balk just a bit in light of the fact that I am attempting a complete psychic metamorphosis. But it is also really simple and I think I might actually win this battle. Hopefully it doesn't take a whole 100 days for the light to crystalize. If I could just stop ejaculating, (OK I GET GAY WHEN I PRACTICE RETENTION!! I FUCKING SAID IT!! I'M NOT GAY AND I DON'T WANT TO BE GAY, BUT IF I HOLD IT IN I GET GAY! OK!!! I SAID IT!!! I FUCKING SAID IT!!!! .. in fact I'll say it again in another thread, because it's important...) anyways, when the light crystalizes... do you think... that it is a 'sudden' experience? kinda like a climax after a long build-up? Because I already feel really good, and my head is really clear.. maybe there is no climax, but just a long-progression of gradual build-up? (do you think you'll ever reach a 'point-of-no-return'???) -basically any thoughts/opinions/experiences on this holy book?