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Everything posted by nomad

  1. So while I sit in full-lotus meditating, the posture doesn't really hurt until I immediately get out of the position, during which it is my left foot that begins to hurt - because of the bend to get onto my thigh I presume - is this normal?
  2. I'm drifting from the mindfulness of the breath meditations (or passive observation/shamatha-vipassana) because they're harder for me to concentrate with, as I am not actively exerting my mind. Visualization on the other hand is more active and is easier for me to use to attain a one-point concentration state. So my question is what are the best visualization practices that you can think of that I can eventually use to transition into that wondrous phenomena of the emptiness of pure awareness? As of now my goal is to just reach a state of samadhi and experience that, but I'm all boggled down. Thanks
  3. I used to masturbate pretty regularly as a teen up until around 21, something like 1-3 times a day, sometimes even more, I was a voracious sexual beast. This past year I've been trying to cut down on the habit for cultivation reasons and for a variety of others (which I won't get into here). In short, I had no difficulty stopping, which perhaps my meditation sessions helped with. However there was a much larger problem looming on the horizon, something that I've never felt before until around the time I first began to abstain from the pounding of my trout. The problem is that my dick really feels odd now, like a perpetual, dull, inner burning. My uretha is a little bit red as well, but the sensations feel more internal - from the middle half to the top of my dick. When I get erections now, which isn't very often anymore -- seems like I lost my libido in the process as well -- the head of my dick really STINGS. It is painful and my erections are weaker than they used to be, and harder to sustain. This past week I've started up masturbating again daily (just once) in hopes of relieving this pain and it seems to be working a little bit, as erections no longer sting with such sultry displeasure. Is this a common hurdle to overcome? How can I get over this problem, I would rather just not have to masturbate anymore because doing so is still somewhat uncomfortably and is a chore now. Masturbating is just not pleasurable to me anymore, in fact, my sexual appetite itself has declined almost to brink of nothingness.
  4. I've read numerous books on the topic of meditation yet no one book clearly elucidated the difference between the two states - mainly, what in the world is a 'dhyana' and its relationship to entering samadhi(s)? I also don't understand why there are so many conceptual hang-ups when it comes to something so quasi simple as meditation, e.g. the various stages of absorption, skhandas, etc. I can't wrap my head around how the originators of these phenomena-in-words even came to their conclusions - that there are distinct demarcations between states and so on...? Is it that once these enlightened masters discovered the true nature of mind that some sort of layout was provided to them? haha Thank You
  5. Abstaining from masturbation

    Thanks everyone. My problem isn't an addiction to masturbation - in fact I'd rather not do it, but I've been doing it again lately because it lessens the burn I find, even though it is just not as pleasurable as before. The thing is, when I abstain, I never get "wet dreams" so I think all the prostate fluid gets backed up causing all these problems. How am I supposed to dispose of seminal waste if I don't masturbate? I can't help but think it unhealthy not to masturbate... Pranaman, I'm interested in your experience. So you're saying the tip of your dick began to burn after you stopped wacking it? How long did it take for that feeling to subside?
  6. Ever since getting into meditations and all of this, I've been sort of growing apart from some of the past things that I used to enjoy. I do not enjoy watching movies or playing video games, going to parties, socializing, romanticising or anything anymore. I also don't enjoy my life anymore either - as it appears my increasing spiritual awareness has in a sense made me into a deadbeat. Is this normal to become so bored with life, or at least what seems like the frivolities of life? Even if I rejected spiritual practice, I could never go back to my old standard way of living...and I only meditate ONCE a day. I think it may be because I don't jerk off anymore, not like I even have an urge to anymore either. Depressing.
  7. the warrior diet

    The thing is that you said to avoid the fruits with more than 4 (4!) grams of fructose -- do you know how many grams of fructose is in a can of soda? try 60! A banana has about 5 grams of fructose and is with a favorable ratio of glucose -- to tell someone not to eat a fruit like that often is just plain WRONG. The apple, which according to fructose concentration, would be the worst fruit to eat because it has 7 grams of fructose in it. Do you see how ridiculous that is? Besides, its typically obese people who shy away from fruit. Fructose is only bad when it is not in the form of fruits and vegetables and in overly high concentrations.
  8. the warrior diet

    YEAH - go ahead and fear fruit! You will become a pansy then. I eat fruit all the time and have a 6% body fat, but I don't eat grains. I get my carbs from fruit and vegetables. Fruit has more than just sugar in them, cakes do not! NO ONE is going to get fat eating fruit. Quit reading the grain industry's propaganda that you see everywhere and just eat fruit. This is why America has its obesity epidemic. .....Also, you need to look at the calcium that fruit has. Calcium improves insulin sensitivity - you're looking at things too narrowly. Again, no one has ever gotten fat from eating fruit. Eat bananas all the time like a chimp and you're fine. Bananas are also rich in B6 and tryptophan - precursor to the wakefulness neurotransmitter 'serotonin'.
  9. the warrior diet

    Fasting improves insulin sensitivity and really is the deciding factor in fat loss/muscle retention. Most people commonly mistake that for having a 'good metabolism' but it isn't, it is having one's hormones in check -- fat loss is 100% hormonal, having a good metabolism will only affect weight and not body fat. Obese people (diabeetus peepole too) are too insulin resistant and would benefit from an intermittent fasting/no processed carbs/grains diet...but with FRUIT. It irks me seeing people avoiding fruit...just eat a few pieces a day and hold back on the fucking fig newtons or cakes. I eat bananas all the time and according to my BMI, I'm underweight.
  10. the warrior diet

    Well, I basically do something like that every day - as I skip breakfast, eat lunch around 1 and stop eating around 7-8PM the night before. So...what is that, like 17-18 hr fast... works good for me, I like the fasting feeling anyway - better concentration,
  11. I don't care to develop 'supernatural' powers or anything - but even guys like John Chang don't do movement exercises - from my understanding, he just does still meditation. I'm not saying energy work has no effect, but maybe a large portion of the effect is brought about through supplemental meditation? Yes, I've read 'Tao & Longevity' so I know about the physiological functions of chi movements in meditation as per Master Nan.
  12. Ok, hear me out. I regularly practice lucid dreaming, dream yoga and meditate (full-lotus, mind you ha) each night before sleep. I'm feeling conflicted now...with all the amount of reading I've been doing, both in the form of books and online resources. I read a couple new books each week - mostly all pertaining to this "metaphysical" stuff. I'm hounding these books and have developed quite a liking to reading... I just don't know if I should be incorporating more stuff right now, like Qigong, Tai Chi or some other derivative of energy work. I bought the complete guide to chi-kung book by Daniel Reid and will read that in a few days, but its main purpose for me really is to just get acquainted with the theory of practice as I don't know if I really want to engage in something like this as praxis. What's the purpose of it and why is it stressed so importantly here? Are the things I'm doing just not enough? I happen to believe controlling one's dreams to be one of the most important things to ever do, but Qigong...I just don't feel that way this time. I don't follow any religion and do not claim to be a Taoist, but I appreciate some of the Taoism wisdom - hence why I visit here and read Taoist books.
  13. I've been sitting in the full-lotus posture once a day - either for 20 or 30 mins each time. Anyone notice their feet falling asleep during it, though? Is this normal?
  14. mantak chia?

    My intuition tells me that Drew is 37 years old...
  15. I'd just like to know what everyones' general feelings are on a backrest when meditating, is it too far removed from being natural? I like to sit in full-lotus/half-lotus in a hard-wood, handleless computer chair when meditating or practicing the microcosmic orbit. I have my back leaning up against the rest in a fairly straight position - just want to know if anybody finds this to be a hindrance in meditation...? I personally feel better doing it this way, as it is hard for me to keep my spine straight without a backrest/wall/whatever and then my focus is usually on trying to keep my spine straight which takes away from my breathing concentration.
  16. Diabetes Treatments

    Why not tell him to start eating 1 to 1/2 an onion bulb a day -- so long as he chows on some parsley at the end of his meal or incorporates some plain yogurt into the mix, the exuding distasteful smell will dissipate (both from the pores and the mouth). ""Blood Sugar-Lowering Effects The higher the intake of onion, the lower the level of glucose found during oral or intravenous glucose tolerance tests. Experimental and clinical evidence suggests that allyl propyl disulfide is responsible for this effect and lowers blood sugar levels by increasing the amount of free insulin available. Allyl propyl disulfide does this by competing with insulin, which is also a disulphide, to occupy the sites in the liver where insulin is inactivated. This results is an increase in the amount of insulin available to usher glucose into cells causing a lowering of blood sugar. In addition, onions are a very good source of chromium, the mineral component in glucose tolerance factor, a molecule that helps cells respond appropriately to insulin. Clinical studies of diabetics have shown that chromium can decrease fasting blood glucose levels, improve glucose tolerance, lower insulin levels, and decrease total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, while increasing good HDL-cholesterol levels. Marginal chromium deficiency is common in the United States, not surprising since chromium levels are depleted by the consumption refined sugars and white flour products as well as the lack of exercise. One cup of raw onion contains over 20% of the Daily Value for this important trace mineral." "
  17. Wait, why no mention of those books by Colin Wilson - like 'Mysteries' and 'The Occult'? I haven't read them yet, but I'm planning to. I've only heard good things about his take on the Western Magick scene -- although, I believe his work is more of a discourse on them, and not a practical tome -- which is a good thing since I think the actual practicing of magick is beyond silly ha.
  18. blue orbs

    I had an OBE this past January that enabled me see my ethereal form, the vehicle for the soul/astral body/whatever -- and it was of a bluish hue. I've read that not all people see themselves as blue once OOB (out of body) so, this means something... just not at the level to understand it, yet.
  19. Arriving

    Well, this is my gateway post. I am too much a neophyte to actually post stuff here, but lurking lots I will do.
  20. anyone ever heard of this guy?

    I just watched a couple of his videos and aside from their immanent hilarious factor, there is nothing else of any real worth - they're misleading. I don't care for his whole speech/demeanor either...he's trying too hard to be ostensibly 'mysterious' ha - i.e. you don't need to pause and catch your breath after each phrase, I mean c'mon, that is so corny! But, maybe he truly is an embodied ascended master...ha
  21. pineal gland calcification

    I'm going to quote a passage from this site that I came across one time: "By the age 12 the pineal gland calcifies, hardens, and the production of Pinoline, DMT, 5meoDMT decreases. Power Thinking, Einsteins focussing techniques, and image streaming aid in reawakening this, or maintaining it. Most people are enzyme deficient. The Amino acid Tryptophan is destroyed by cooking, and so are the relevent enzymes that enable it to convert to 5meoDMT and Pinoline (Harmine, beta carboline). Hence, even with years of enzyme supplementation the enzyme level for Zon Power thinking (Neo Tech jargon for Unified Integrated Thinking), for the majority of humanity, is difficult to revert to. The specialised diet mentioned by Tony Schneider, appears to have enabled a 3 month process of pineal gland decalsification, so that his own higher cortical neurotransmitters could be reawakened, as antennas to his Vortexjah Field. Also 14 hour day shifts, or work stress, force the body to produce DMT - hence Integrated Power Thinking that taps the Civilisation of the Universe. "Since these same Psychoactive tryptamines occur in humans, it is possible that their activity may be promoted by the actions of endogenous beta-carbolines for normal psychological processes; e.g. the production of visual / emotive imagery in sleep. The periodic altering of consciousness in sleep may even be necessary for the maintenance of normal mental health, since only a few days of sleep deprivation will result in a seepage of hallucinatory phenomena into the waking state." --Tryptamines, Beta-carbolines and You. Dr J.C. Callaway, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Kuopio, Finland" I came across that as I was doing my research into manipulating DMT levels in the spinal fluid - mainly for lucid dreaming techniques.