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Posts posted by Dainin

  1. Hi escott,


    Soaring Crane was one of the many forms of qigong banned by the Chinese Communist Party following the "qigong boom" which lasted from some time during the 1980s until the mid-1990s. The ascent of Falun Dafa led to many other schools being categorized as "evil cults" by the CCP. There were also rumors that some people with pre-existing psychiatric conditions had psychotic episodes due to the spontaneous qigong section at the end of the Soaring Crane form.


    In the USA, Soaring Crane seems most popular in the Pacific Northwest, where it was taught at an acupuncture college in Portand by Professor Huixian Chen. There were also some Chinese teachers who taught it in New York City (not sure if they are still active or not).


    Soaring Crane is a short form, divided into five sections with a spontaneous qigong section at the end. I practiced it for a while. It's a good form and produces a lot of qi in the hands. I learned it from Dr. Wu Dhi in Miami (both from his DVD and in-person). He calls it Flying Crane. He learned it from a Chinese doctor in Michigan. I think there are a few slight variations in what he teaches from the "original." Although I'm not currently practicing it, it is a form that I do think is one of the better ones, and one that I'll probably go back to practicing eventually. (Fragrant Qigong is another one in this category for me, btw).


    The most comprehensive information available about the form (including the book) can be purchased here: https://qi.org/products2/


    If you can find a copy of this out-of-print DVD, it features the late founding grand-master, Xiao Jin Xiang and was filmed in some beautiful locations during his trip to North America. It might be available online from the producer Maureen Goss.


    Gerald Sharp also has a DVD on it. I haven't seen that one, but have some of his others and they are very good indeed.


    Best regards,



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  2. I've had a lot of qigong experience and some limited workshop exposure to Tibetan Yoga practices like Tsa Lung and Trulkhor. Some of the foundational concepts regarding energy and meridians are similar, although the "maps" are different. One difference I noticed right away is that the Tibetan practices seemed to emphasize breath retention during the movements much more than qigong does. Breath retention can be found in Indian pranayama practices such as Kumbhaka. Since Buddhism was transmitted from India to Tibet, maybe this came along with it, although I suppose it could be indigenous to Tibet as well. Personally, I didn't really enjoy the breath retention during movement so didn't continue with the practices. They are interesting though.

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  3. Hi moreira,


    I just saw on Facebook that a student of Sifu Larry Johnson will be teaching an online introductory four week series on the Hua Shan Taoist Qigong beginning on March 4:  https://robinrosario.com/


    This was what she posted:


    Hi Everyone!!! I am starting a new beginning 4 week introductory series to the very unique and rare Hua Shan Taoist Qigong system. This is a vigorous style of Qigong. If you tend to get dizzy from vigorous breath work then I recommend taking private lessons rather than the group class. You will learn 4 exercises during the course. The first exercise is to balance your energy and eliminate toxins. Exercises two through four, respectively, work to harmonize the liver, heart and lung channels. Qigong is like having your own personal treasure trove of good medicine. Even after decades of practicing Qigong, I am more inspired than ever and am excited to share this with you. Hope to see you. To sign up please visit my website: www.robinrosario.com 

  4. I have limited exposure to Tai Chi Chih, but enjoyed what I've tried of it. I have never heard of the Yang Luchan attribution before. Some of it clearly comes from Tai Chi Ruler. The following blog post discusses Justin Stone, his Tai Chi teacher, and how some information in his books changed over time:


    Tai Chi Chih: Lineage or Lone Star?


    From what I've heard, the Guang Ping branch of Yang Tai Chi is probably the closest thing today to what Yang Luchan taught, as it is attributed to his son Yang Banhou. There is an interesting discussion about this as a bonus on the late Master Y.C. Chiang's Taiji DVD.

    •                     New course from Tom Bisio:


      Daoist Meditation Online Learning Program
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       Daoist Meditation
      Online Learning Program

      Available Now & On Sale!

      We are thrilled to announce the launch and 3-day sale of our new Daoist Meditation Online Learning Program.

      This program is the most complete course in Daoist Meditation available online, giving you access to powerful and life-changing forms of meditation.

      Daoist Meditation is unique in its internal practices that transmute, purify, and replenish the energy systems of the body, while simultaneously transforming consciousness and spiritual awareness. Daoist Meditation methods are rooted in body-mind technologies discovered over 2,000 years ago by mountain hermits and Daoist Sages who lived in tune with natural forces. They developed methods of transcending the ordinary body and mind to supercharge the body’s energy and transform and purify the mind and spirit.
      The eight lessons in our new Daoist Meditation Online Learning Program take you step-by-step through through eight interconnected methods of Daoist meditation: a lifetime learning and practice in a single course. Any one of these methods is worth the price of the entire course.
          Lesson 1 Kidney Breathing Meditation
          Lesson 2: Sitting & Forgetting
          Lesson 3: Meditation Postures & Mantras
          Lesson 4: Microcosmic Orbit Meditation
          Lesson 5: Golden Fluid Returning to Dan Tian       
          Lesson 6: True Breath Meditation
          Lesson 7: Sleeping Meditation
          Lesson 8: Sleeping Gong of the Daoist Immortals
      The Daoist Meditation Online Learning Program completes our trilogy of courses that form the core of the Daoist Health and Longevity Practices we teach.

      Instructor Tom Bisio draws on his 40+ years of training in Daoist Mediation, Qi Gong, Chinese medicine and internal martial arts, guiding you through the program while providing detailed instruction on every aspect of Daoist Meditation.
      The Most Complete Course on Daoist Meditation Available Online!
      With the Course You Receive a Bonus Book:
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      Learn more about the
      Daoist Meditation Online Learning Program


      Sale Ends December 11th at Noon EST
      Regular Price of $150 reduced to Sale price of $125

      Use Coupon Code: DM2020

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  5. It's been a long time since I did any reading in this area, but my impression at the time I did was that Stoicism had a lot of common ground with Buddhism, especially the emphasis on personal morality and being a good member of society. I also remember thinking about parallels between Epicureanism and Daoism. Although the word "epicurean" is today defined as this sort of decadent, greedy,  luxury seeker, the original ancient Greek Epicurus and his followers were very much into simplicity, nature, friendship, and moderation.

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  6. Menla Online: Igniting Your Inner Fire - Tummo Retreat


    Sounds interesting:


    Join us for this rare and precious offering, as Bob and Dr. Nida lead us through an introduction to Tummo practice, its history, and its context within Buddhist Inner Sciences, providing instruction on the foundational meditations and visualizations necessary to begin its practice.


    Purifying all negativity and enhancing innate bliss, the Tummo fire practice is one of the Six Yogas in Vajrayana Buddhism and is the foundation of other Tibetan yogic practices, including Karmamudra. Its purpose is to gain complete control over all body functions, resulting in perfect health and the experience of continuous bliss.


    Dr. Nida and Robert Thurman will explore the inner and outer yoga traditions of Buddhism through the teachings of Yuthok Yonten Gonpo the Younger, the life stories of the Wild-Yogi Ascetics or Mahasiddhas, and the philosophical writings of Atisha, Nagarjuna & Tsongkhapa to provide practical lessons, tools and perspectives to sensitive beings of any time.Dr. Nida’s senior student James Bae will provide Nine Breath Purification instruction and Tummo demonstrations. 

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  7. Hi VinC,


    Last year I had a neck problem from an improperly executed shoulder stand that resulted in an annoying crackling sound whenever I turned my head. This lingered for a long time but fortunately it didn't hurt much.


    Around this time I picked up a set of DVDs on a form called Liangong, available through Gerald A. Sharp (chiflow.com). The very first time I tried this form,  the cracking sound vanished and hasn't returned since. There are three 18 movement sets of Liangong. The first one is for " Stress, Strains and Sprains" and I think that you might find it helpful. One thing Sharp stresses a lot is the importance of lifting your chest for the movements where you turn your head. Good luck.

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