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Posts posted by Mattimo

  1. Nonsense. William Bodri seems to be under the delusion that he has the final say for all spiritual practices and that his way is the only way. Now, you might want to clarify what you think chi is because it really is a loaded word. However, anything that increases sensory awareness of where your body is in space and where one's own skeletal support is, is going to lead to a more relaxed sense of being and joy.

  2. It's A Trap, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with natural psychedelic substances. Many here are just voicing there concerns about the potentially unstable nature of their effects on the human psyche. However, I can certainly understand the allure because of the way they radically transform your consciousness - albeit temporarily. This is your journey and at this juncture ingesting psychedelic substances might be something you decide to do. I certainly learned a lot under the influence; mostly about my own toxicity. Moreover, I got taken for a ride and realized regular ingestion of substances was not a good idea for me. That being said, my ingestion of psychedelic substances was absolutely neccessary for my own realization and personal development and maybe they are for you too.


    Just be safe ;)

  3. Oh no, I'm not taking my experience as something I'm proud of or that I'd even defend. I think a lot of you are misunderstanding what I'm saying.


    No worries mate, I only phrased my initial post a certain way because I was trying to get a point across and I didn't want you to overlook it :D . Moreover, I really wanted to express my sincere belief that continued use of marijuana with the intent to think rapidly isn't a good idea. I say this from experience and have had friends become totally ungrounded and partially insane which was brought on by rapidly thinking under the influence of cannabis. The problem is that the average human being is quite toxic because we live in a toxic society. There is so much trauma often present in man, that drugs - albeit natural - can bring these things to the surface in an uncontrollable and seemingly nonsensical manner.


    You, my friend, are experiencing the dawning of awareness and no doubt crave information. This is part of the process but remember to find balance. Remember that the TAO is not some external thing, it is within you. Therefore, that is why you may resonate or remember thinking or feeling a certain way which you later discover is described in esoteric texts.

  4. It's a trap, while although you may find it extremely difficult to believe, I have indeed experienced something VERY similar. I am not trying to take away from the profundity of your experience, but what you describe is commonly uncommon. What I mean by that is common for people who have been initiated on the path, so to speak; and uncommon for the still common human, grossly immersed in the world at large. I was quite young when I experienced similar revelations, much like you I would imagine. How old are you by the way, 16-18? I urge you to be extremely cautious and let me say unequivocally that marijuana IS dangerous - even despite your discoveries. You see, one thought leads to the next thought which leads to the next thought with such ease and speed that you can arrive at a conclusion that is completely ungrounded and quite possibly insane or irrational. Moreover, the reality is that there would be no convincing you otherwise because what you experience would seem so profound and it is indeed profound in a manner of speaking. However, how can you be certain you are remaining grounded? Don't get me wrong, what you mentioned above is very lucid, sane, important and transformational. However, pursuing enlightenment through THINKING, especially in altered states, can lead to insanity. Let me ask you this, what IS enlightenment? You have asked the question and are using your revelations which have been produced by your THINKING/THOUGHT. To reiterate, you have thought a lot and have thought to ask the question: am I enlightened?


    Drop the thinking, focus on your breath, meditate.

  5. No offense taken but I dnt do heart math that way. I guess the real message for me was listen/think to/with the brain in your heart. I do just that whne I am stressed and remember to do so. I just focus in on that brain and listen to what it saids. Works for me. That would seem like whet the should be promoting as practice. Why use a machine when your heart is available to you 24 7? :wub:


    Yeah that makes a lot of sense. I did find Gregg Braden's information on the brain-heart connection interesting. I know the guys that are promoting the devices really believe in them but as you said, utilizing the information and not a machine is key here.

  6. Not to bash anyone who is recommending these biofeedback products; however, I personally bought the EM Wave by the Heart Math Institute and I think it is totally useless. It doesn't provide you with real-time info via the LEDs so what good is that eh? But more to the point, let's get real here, no-frills breath awareness is going to be far more effective than watching lights blink. Unless you get a device that is able to chart your heart-rate over a certain duration of time, something like the EM Wave is a scam. Period. I spent almost 200 bucks for that piece of garbage.

  7. If anything, the book is strange because it makes it seem so simple to reach enlightenment.


    Not at all trying to sound pretentious but WHY wouldn't attaining enlightenment be fundamentally simple? Do or do not there is no try? Moreover, since he emphasizes the importance of concentration it really adds credibility to that notion. Paying credence to doubt and the seething conflict of inner dialog is the antithesis of concentration. Have you ever done something you never thought you wouldn't do? Perhaps learned how to drive a car, ride a motorcycle or something else? What purpose did that initial doubt serve, was it valid? I would like to believe it's that simple but despite my rationalization I too still have doubt.



  8. To think that one NEEDS a teacher is doing a great disservice to his/herself. Read as much as you can and select a practice or two that doesn't deal with mental abstractions and see how far you can go. The only caveat is take every measure to remain grounded

  9. Try it and find out - really. I mean this in a completely non-offensive way, but if Drew (or someone else) told you it isn't a good idea, should you believe them? NO. The essence of the internal arts is TRUTH and no matter how convincing someone's argument is about why you shouldn't do this or do that it is still DOGMA in the end.

  10. One has to use their own intellect when delving into "the optimal diet." There is no definitive information on a so-called best diet either. Hey, I tried a raw vegan diet for 3 months because I was reading sources that it was a miracle-cure-all. Well, I lost nearly all my body fat, was chronically cold and it exasperated my psoriasis to the extent that it encompassed 1/4 of my face. The reality is that you have to use your own intellect and determine what foods you naturally gravitate to. I really don't think there is anything wrong with chili but I am pretty sure you wouldn't want to eat it all the time. The point the other user was making about overcooking foods is that nutrition is lost the more you cook.



  11. For a forum devoted to discussing internal illumination, some of you still seem to be in the dark regarding the nature of the commercial world. I find it interesting that the previous poster equates global bankers and black helicopters as being part of the same fringe element. Study history my friend, banking has impoverished the world in the past and continues to impoverish it presently. I guess it's a moot point that Haliburton bought an oil clean up company a week before the blow out. It's probably also a moot point that Goldman and Sachs sold 44 percent of their shares of BP a month or so before the incident. But nah, "I'm not a conspiracy theorist, those people are cooqs."

  12. Have you considered that the very thought "I need to do something - I need to go see a healer" is itself the so-called problem? Speaking from personal experience, such thinking is just a mental affirmation of anxiety. How do you truly know that you moved this chi there and that chi here? I believe it is just a rationalization of anxiety AND the idea that you were able to do this, is an ego-based delusion/defense mechanism. I fear you will take this the wrong way and it is not meant to be negative. See your situation for what it truly is...ANXIETY.

  13. Standing should make you feel more energetic, not more tired.


    If you feel tired, don't do practices. Rest.


    If you're still tired, look at other things that could cause it...


    At a higher level of zhan zhuang, it becomes more effortless, with energy easily flowing and integrating your whole body and beyond.


    I respectfully disagree. What you are experiencing is completely normal. Zhan Zhuang shouldn't necessarily make you feel energetic - at least at this stage. In my opinion the shaking you are experiencing is caused by muscle fatigue and/or the elimination of parasitic tension. The heat is thusly a result of muscular releases which will eventually subside so as to provide you with a greater awareness of your skeletal structure.


    Keep up the good work,



  14. I find that I resonate strongly with the practice of zhan zhuang. The mind has a tendency to complicate things but there is something so fundamentally basic and yet profound about zhan zhuang, that warrants further study. How many people are truly aware that structurally, the skeleton is designed to counteract gravitational forces so as to provide one with the feeling of being completely weightless? It is parasitic tension, resulting from life in general, that pulls the skeleton this way and that way making it difficult to perceive this weightless quality. All this nonsense about people debating which technique is best, spinning your qi a certain way, seems very abstract/not concrete. But here we have a practice such as zhan zhuang, where all you do is stand, so as to directly become aware of your skeletal support and let go of all your excess tension. Seems like a pretty good place to start. No, you're not going to damage yourself if you stand for more than 10 minutes. Don't endow practices with magical qualities and hold them above or outside yourself. You are the driver in the vehicle of your body and you know what's best; so do what's best for you.


    In my opinion,



  15. I believe diet plays a huge role. Making sure to consume enough healthy fatty acids would be beneficial. Mild supplementation would also help; including taking MSM. As for tai-chi and qigong, I truly believe the best exercise for this would be 'swaying hands' (I am sure you can figure it out).



  16. If you are going to do a juice fast, I would only recommend consuming fresh non-pasteurized juices. Otherwise, I think a water fast would be best. I don't believe you should have any issues at all. I have personally done a two week fast without any preparation on water only and I can tell you it was a great experience.

  17. Electric chi magnet, on the matter of demons, I believe them to be mental in origin. That is to say, mentally created by strong emotions and/or thoughts of living or formally living things. These seemingly immaterial forms likely do indeed have a form in finer/subtler realities.



  18. Wow, I had read the entire thread but somehow missed Creation's post. I believe we have similar ideas on this topic; moreover, the information regarding St. Paul is truly interesting. Mental corruption parallels my synthesis of "understanding" also.


    Sin could very well refer to the product and/or birth of the ego. We all know the ego has kinetic tendencies that can create it's own and ultimately our own "hell" (if we let it). One only has to look at his/her life or the state of the world in general to see this. A young child thusly evolves with these tendencies as well; he/she doesn't have a chance. I believe the concept of sin, relevant to the bible, may be overlooked and also overshadowed with negativity because of what Christianity and the bible represents to some people. The concept of sin isn't intrinsically negative or evil, it merely is.



  19. I don't really have much to comment about, regarding original sin. However, to me, the tree of knowledge of good and evil represents the birth of the ego and/or the trap of duality. Moreover, when God warned Adam and Eve that they would die "he" was referring to the thought-conceived notion of death which arises from identification with the ego/knowledge.