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Everything posted by Mattimo


    Fair enough. What I would say though, is that normally there is a certain quality in legitimate demonstrations, which I couldn't perceive in the videos above. At the very least, the black fellow is definitely exaggerating. Nonetheless, it's good to know that there might be some skill here. Will look into it some more. Thanks, Matt

    You think so? The thing that gets me is the apparent pain that the black fellow appears to me in when Clyman is demonstrating his technique(s). Seems a little contrived to me. What system is his alleged skill attributed to?

    Total load of shit. This guy is faker than fake.
  4. Disturbing conclusion

    Non, In an earlier thread of yours I posted a response that criticized certain people who seemed to respond quite rudely when it was clear you were/are going through a hard time in your life. I believe I have a better understanding of the responses you were receiving. My friend, you need to get out of your head, and I truly mean that in the most non-offensive way possible. The path of over-analyzing your life and the world around you through excessive thinking is NOT HEALTHY. I've been there. The nature of the TAO and the underlying philosophy of this forum holds that it is not possible to achieve clarity solely through thought or excessively thinking. Ask yourself what the reality of your present situation is: Does your thinking and comprehension of your life influence how you feel i.e. your emotional state, vitality, etc? Or, does your emotional state, vitality, etc influence your thinking and comprehension of your life? Speaking from personal experience, I really believe that if you attempted to introduce as much exercise as possible into your life, coupled with an introduction to short social events, you would really start to see things differently. Take care, Matt
  5. involuntary celibacy and isolation

    Goodness, some of you could use a lesson in tactfulness. Seriously, what the hell. That said, there has certainly been some good advice and I hope I can add to it. I think foremost it is important to realize that while you may feel alone Non, nearly everyone at some point has had or does have personal issues and barriers that they must overcome. I am not meaning to downplay your situation, because I recognize that loneliness despair, apathy, etc is a horrible state to be in. However, believe it or not, your struggle will make you a better person; the knowledge you will gain in your journey will make you more whole and wiser. What motivates me is to be a better person, to be that wise man later in life; to not contribute to chaos in the already chaotic world. What is your goal in life Non? What is your greater purpose? What makes sense to you? Don't be disillusioned with the dictates of how one should live life and what time-line life should follow. Stand up for yourself and live life at your own pace. Don't be concerned with what anyone else/society thinks. You have your whole life to meet the girl of your dreams - and you will. But truly ask yourself what you must do to conquer your demons. The very fact that you are posting in this forum means that you are one step closer to resolution. You are searching for answers and there is nothing wrong with that. Anyone who tells you to shut up or that you have already given up or that meditation is the only way, etc is fucked in the head (hows that for tact eh). Ultimately your outward search might lead you back to yourself - keep up the quest. Personally, I have found that distracting myself with work or hobbies or social activities quiets my mind from over analyzing my own issues. And in doing so, I actually learn a bit about myself when I reflect afterward. Take care Non, -Matt Edit: I want to say that I deeply angered and disheartened by some of the posts in this thread. When trying to help someone in distress, there is a thing to be said for tactfulness and diplomacy. There are obstacles which the thread-starter must overcome and it must be done in his own time. No amount of mental will-power is going to instantly or nearly instantly let him cross a barrier which may feel insurmountable when gazed through the filter of his current mental state. His whole life has led him to feel this way, so quite frankly, I don't understand the somewhat callous remarks. If someone is feeling lonely, who in their infinite wisdom thinks it prudent to alienate that person further? I would add that I have seen people begin to seek help and remain stuck in a victim mentality for decades, so I may slightly understand certain posts and recognize that caution and AWARENESS is needed - but so is tact, respect and heart.
  6. how to erase bad karma

    The new-age concept of karma is a total load of BS IMO. think of it this way: if you are a person who consistently commits so-called bad acts, you are mentally aligning yourself with a certain negative psychological persuasion and experiencing life through that persuasion. It's all about programming. Matt
  7. Knee problems..

    You should get a "SCENAR." Try Googling it for some more info. Expensive little thing but it is absolutely amazing.
  8. NanoThermite

    I used to react quite heatedly and oppositional to anything regarding so-called conspiracies... ...but then I started to think for myself. I guess I better take my nut pills
  9. Respectfully, reality is how YOU define it relative to your own existence. Moreover, THE answer is YOUR OWN coclusion. Moreover, how can one even say "getting away from reality" when one is in fact still in reality? Granted, I am certain most people with similar aspirations as More_Pie_Guy might not have what it takes, nor even thought things through. However, there is a possibility he knows what he wants and what he is doing. And I support you in your decision More_Pie_Guy Good luck!

    I absolutely believe the so-called NWO and Enlightenment are intertwined, in some fasion. Really what we are talking about when we refer to the NWO is the elitist, corporate mentality that is the psychological make-up of many people in industry and government. Moreover, really what we are talking about is the perineal issue of the master-slave relationship as it has evolved throughout history - it's just got a lot more sophisticated and high-tech...the matrix, if you will. If you look at the very nature of fiat money-creation, taxation, fines, etc you can clearly see it is a mechanism for control and that people are indeed being controlled by so-called free-market capitalism, etc. Furthermore, when addressing this topic, I find the very nature of external authourity to be an extraordinary fascinating point - be it that of religious institutions, schools, government, the you-know-what-they-say mentality. The authourity that has risen up around us, so to speak, has squelched and drowned our inner authourity, from a collective stand-point. God has a new face. It is a stepping stone for some people who have chosen a slightly more intellectual approach to the path and it has importance and it is real. But one most go beyond it, in my humble opinion. But nah, it's all a conspiracy right?
  11. Hi everyone, This may sound like an extremely juvenille question/fear but nonetheless it is something that I have worried about. Can poor teeth health and also having multiple missing teeth affect practices such as Tai-Chi / Qi-Gong in a negative way? How about if a person had all of their teeth removed later in life? What would it do to the energy flow? Opinions and responses appreciated, Thanks, Matt
  12. Poor Teeth Health and Taoist Practices

    Thank you both for the information.
  13. Hope...

    What makes anyone think a defacto government which is in fact a corporation, existing solely to profit off of OUR expense, would care?
  14. De-reflexation

    Very interesting. Thanks for the link, I am definitely going to give this a try. I am kind of surprised nobody else has replied yet.
  15. Easynow, First of all I would like to congratulate you on having the courage and the intelligence to talk about your issues - especially communicating with your family. Secondly, I agree with the previous posters who have recommended physical exercise / martial arts / yoga in conjuction with counselling and diet. Try tiring yourself out on a daily basis so that you don't have the energies to worry or doubt yourself. Additionally, I would perhaps recommend not dwelling on your sexual concerns - you are young and have the rest of your life to sort that out. Certainly it is good to talk about it if it is bothering you, but not overly so. Sex is a small part of life and I would firstly recommend developing a solid inner foundation and then approaching the world and experience from that front. Lastly, the answers to problems are always fundemental and simple, it is only people that complicate things. Don't get lost or delluded in too many therapies that lack tangibility and rationality i.e. energetic this or energetic that. You are on the right track, Wishing you the best in your journey, Matt
  16. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. This one of the most amazing videos I have ever seen.
  17. Kundalini?

    Hi everyone, So here's the deal. I had a pretty profound experience 3 years ago which I am still trying to integrate. To this day I am still uncertain of what to fully make of it. It was intense, it was surreal and it also drove me a little crazy. I know there is often a tendency for people to jump to the spiritual/paranormal side of things but due to the extremity of what I experienced I really don't see any other alternative. My question is: is it common for kundalini to get stuck in the solar plexus/chest area and also cause crippling muscular tension in the neck/head area which also causes tension everywhere else? I would immensely appreciate some opinions or views on this matter and also any recommendations for a remedy. Thanks, Matt
  18. Kundalini?

    Thanks for the advice. Strangely, I have "The Way of Energy" book and have practiced Zhan Zhuang. Additionally, I have tried squatting. Moreover, I too used to be overly intellectual - well okay, still am but I am working on it. AND I also tried spinal breathing from aypsite for about 3 months. But I let personal doubt get in the way and dropped practically everything. I sincerely appreciate this reminder because I believe there is something to these practices. ...Man, I'll never forget the time I was practicing one of the Zhan Zhuang standing postures and my leg started vibrating and bouncing up and down . Anyway, just have to summon my will and get on with my journey. Thanks again
  19. Kundalini?

    Thanks Darin. I certainly resonate with the aversion towards meditation because of the immense, persistent, mind-numbing tension. It seems as if during the course of my "dark night" so to speak, I have been avoiding facing myself and have had my will drowned by the sheer profundity of the experience and not being able to manage or integrate it. Total system shock. Oh and, I certainly have more respect for natural substances - they scare the hell out of me . Rather, I think that the average person is so toxic that that approach may not be the best path to take. I guess that's why I find myself on this forum and appreciate the value of the Taoist approach.
  20. Kundalini?

    Thanks for the replies everyone. 3 years ago I had reached a point in my life where I was yearning for a greater meaning to life i.e. there has to be more than this. I felt under attack most of my life in that there was constant hostility in the home environment and basically society/school at large. I had been a thinker for a long time, this was my to cope - to think about things on a deeper level. In some respects I believe it was to my detriment. In fact, I can say that I had somewhat disconnected from my emotions, lived in anger and developed an over-compensatory intellect. Anyway, I started to experiment with natural substances, having read about the shamanic tradition. The only problem was, I lacked the self-knowledge to really know what I was getting into. Moreover, I thought it was possible to understand reality purely through the intellect. I had begun to explore the ease of thought in these altered states and eventually I started to lose myself. One day, while not under any influences, I was concentrating and experienced a jolt to the head - and abruptly I felt awake, as if I had never been awake before. From then onward, I could probably write a book about the experiences I had. I started to observe connections everywhere in the midst of a racing mind. I had immense energy. My vision/perception was altered and I begun to see the deadness in people's eyes. When I observed people and listen to them speak it was if they were not speaking from their soul - they were robotic. To reiterate, it was surreal, most everyone's eyes were lifeless and asleep. I also experienced being able to profoundly think about things from other people's perspective. As if, on some level, I was literally out of my head. Anyway, there was a lot more than that but suffice it to say that I got overwhelmed by the intensity of the experience. I lost myself in thought. To clarify, the experience was two fold. On one hand, I could literally see things, not from mind-produced thoughts and I truly believe most everything was valid. However, on the other hand, I was also contemplating reality from an intellectual and technical standpoint - and that is the venue in which I became ungrounded and became, well, temporarily insane. Ahhhhhhhh.
  21. Hey Moonbar, I am sure you are aware of practices such as pranyama which I am sure would benefit you. Additionally, I recall skimming over an e-book wrote by a person who developed specific exercises he claimed would cure asthma. I know it is floating around the net somewhere. Will post more information if I can find it. Dietary restrictions such as ellimination of dairy might also be something to consider. Good luck on your quest.
  22. The Zapper Work?

    Hey Mak Tin Si, you are in violation of one of the five precepts as well, along the lines of your logic, by nature of the fact you have an immune system which kills stuff 24/7. I feel for your bro, because if your posts are not actually one big elaborate joke than I suspect you have either been raised in a cave, have been brainwashed by a cult or have a serious mental disorder. If you want to talk about it, we are all here for you.
  23. Do not mix up these 2 "tao"

    Oh, well if he was ordained as a taoist priest maybe, there is something to the profoundly absurd, superstitious nonsensical, information he posts This has obviously got to be one elaborate joke, I mean come on.
  24. Do not mix up these 2 "tao"

    Hey Mak_Tin_Si, you seem to be a prolific poster with aaalot of knowledge. Maybe you can comment on "kundalini psychosis" brought on by tai-chi/qi-gong practices. Something tells me you might be an expert on this topic.
  25. psychiatrists and therapists piss me off so much

    Brother, May it be a possibility that the reason why you were put on meds is because you were having a reaction to an insane world? Could it be a possibility that you are in fact more sane than some of the people (all of the psychiatrists) who purport to help you? Maybe the world is backwards and you have seen the truth on some level all along even if you couldn't articulate it. Everybody has healing to do and it is a journey which requires time and patience. Don't deny the reality of your own experience, nor be too hard on yourself. I highly recommend checking out "John Breeding" on youtube: Matt