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Posts posted by genmaicha

  1. Is what we can see here in the first minutes of the video (from the BBC series way of the warrior) what Otake Sensei of Katori Shinto Ryu is doing similar to the Daoist Fu?

    Otake sensei is doing mudra, line cutting and writing characters probably together with a mantra to heal people or for self protection. I think it derives from the mikkyo (secret doctrine; mijiao in Chinese) as well as Shingon/Tendai esoteric buddhism and the Yamabushi/shugenja.




    edited to embed the yt video

  2. I couldn't find any SPAM to become a member or buy something from him in Mak Tin Si's posts.

    But I'd appreciate it if you cut down the frequency of your posts to say max three new ones per day, Mak Tin Si.

    Save some for the future.

    Or perhaps even better write stuff for those interested in your practice journal or blog here.


  3. I guess it depends on your practice tradition and to a certain degree on your metabolism.

    I know for sure though that at least for raising/accumulating energy and awakening via yogic practices such as meditation and pranayama you don't need to eat meat.


    I also agree that it's a matter of compassion. The animals that get killed know what is in store for them before the slaughtering, are in total fear, and of course don't like to be killed.


    At least one shouldn't consume meat from the mass production system. The quality isn't good and more important there's tremendous suffering of the animals during their sad lives. Organically raised is much better, I find.

  4. Observers can be controlled and manipulated. So let us be happy in the entertainment value of these great artists!


    They aren't even random observers, they're part of the team.

    What they didn't think about was that people might recognize them from a previous stunt. If you look at the performances you will recognize some of the observers.

    So, for instance if Criss Angel is doing some performance on the street with people standing around him, one would immediately assume that there cannot be anything above him. Because otherwise the spectators would see it. But they're part of the team. So, he can set up things that the TV viewer cannot see.

    I don't know how he's doing his stuff. I think it's great entertainment. But I think this fact is part of the explanation.

  5. Another of his old student Chris Matsuo demonstrating the vibrating palm he learned from Max as well as Max's first teacher's Wudang system:


    Chris has a school and teaches a lot of Max's old stuff for those who are interested in martial arts.


    Hi Chris,


    can you tell us a bit about the affiliation of Max and KunLun with Kundalini Yoga and Shorinjin Ryu Ninjitsu (I think of the Saito family)?

    I had mentioned the Kundalini yoga my previous post in this thread, but got no reply.

    I'm interested because I know quite a number of very nice people who practice Kundalini yoga and believe in Yogi Bhajan. I came across this site which puts the 3HO organization in a different light:

    I'm not sure what the truth is.

    That site is actually warning of many spiritual groups. I'm not sure which criticism is well deserved and which isn't.

    On other yoga styles there are some critical (and funny) articles as well like these (for those interested) :

    * Flex Appeal- In the last few years, yoga became downtown's glamorous answer to organized religion (not to mention a way to lose stress -- and fat). But after September 11, the discipline has taken on new meaning. The story of one woman's body search. New York Magazine/November 19, 2001


    * Yogis Behaving Badly Business2 Magazine/September 2002


    And then on the site of Max's student Christopher Lee Matsuo ( we learn that he studied Shorinjin Ryu Ninjitsu.

    All that I read about that style sounds very weird. See this thread for example:

    Has Max also studied this style? I read a number of times that he mentioned ninja in some explanations.


    Regarding the authenticity of Shorinjin Ryu Ninjitsu as a Ninjutsu school this post by Dr. Karl Friday probably says ist all:;S=&P=17829



    So, it would be very interesting to hear your opinion on these twp controversial schools.


    Edited: I accidentally pressed the 'post'-button too early.

    Edit 2: I added the Dr Karl Friday post link.

  6. Just to inform that Memorial for the death of 64th Celestial Master Zhang Yuanxian was recently held in Taiwan.

    Since he had no male descendants there is a discussion in progress about the inheritance of the Orthodox Tradition, and unfortunately quite a bit of 'two-sides' (China and Taiwan) politics is involved.








    Is the guy in the front on the left wearing a mask? He looks kind of unreal. It's probably due to the rather low resolution.

  7. Regarding Max and Kunlun when I first saw the video and read the text on his website I was quite a bit disappointed: The tacky costumes, the theatrical gestures, the pseudo-science and new age talk on the site.

    But then there are many people here who had similar impression, but still went to the speech or a workshop and came back convinced that Max is the real deal and has something to offer and that he's a nice guy.

    So, that to me matters a lot. I guess the site and the video, which by the way are graphically well done, are perhaps just a bit overeager.

    So, after hearing all the good opinions I'd one day try to meet Max and see what he's like for myself.

    I bought the book and tried the practice a few times, but didn't continue as I'm busy with other things. However, I didn't get the impression that anything sinister was at work.

    The kundalini yoga connection (and I assume it is Yogi Bhajan's ky) was a little red flag, too. There are many rumours about the authenticity of that kundalini yoga (in India there seems to be a different one) and about the moral standards of the yogi (check out the Rick Ross site for that). But it appears that Max only taught at their center. Perhaps Chris can give more information on this.


    Anyways, Starjumper. You give a lot of interesting information and seem to have a lot of training behind you and accumulated skills and knowledge. I especially liked the information in the Bruce Lee thread on your teacher.

    But the impression I got from all your posts was of someone who is desperately looking for attention like: Here I am, I know a lot of stuff, I have all these abilities and I should be regarded as a master, I should have lots of students. But instead they're all running to this Max.

    And let me tell you I have lots of very interesting information on him. Perhaps I'll show you. Or perhaps better not because I was told not to. BUt I have all these juicy details and perhaps I'll let you know.

    And when Max was in my town I didn't go. Why should I? But if he tried to touch me and put a worm inside of me and suck all my energy- ha- then I'll teach this guy a lesson and show him how powerful I am. Yeahh!!


    Looks like someone looking for attention. That's my impression.