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Posts posted by genmaicha

  1. Rick,

    I met David when he came to Indonesia. He introduced himself as Dr. Verdesi. I have no intention of bashing him as he was clearly a pleasant and nice guy when I met him. My intention was only to correct some of the false information that he put out. I only wrote on what I know based on my first hand knowledge and thus my comments have been limited to Mopai and "Lei Shan Tao" matters.


    I agree with Neikung that most people here do not want to bash David.

    The point is to collect and share some information so that people interested in these kind of seminars can make a better informed decision.

    Kind of like asking what people thought of the Tai Chi Pasing school in Munich. Some will find it expensive, some will find it worthwhile. Some will like the teacher, some will find him pretentious.

    The situation with David is similar. Obviously he has learned quite a bit in his time in Asia and obviously he has the skill to present it and possess some charisma. Otherwise he wouldn't have been able to conduct a number of seminars.

    The price to some it's worth it, to others not. To each its own.

    And in his marketing it seems that he's also only human, with some exaggeration and/or misunderstanding because of unclear communication like his PhD, the seemingly made up LeiShanDao term and the cancelled Denmark seminar.

    I also think it is thanks to him that many have heard of Wang Liping and the other teachers.


    In the end I agree that you can only judge after you have participated.

    And to decide if you want to make the investment to participate and find out (for most people it is, with travelling costs, etc.) it's good to get as much information as possible.

    As always life is not black or white.

  2. It seems to me that you're justifying all the money you spent to yourself.


    Still, it's not that people write here who haven't met David. Ramus said that he has studied with David.


    Also, the facts around the Denmark seminar are pretty clear to all who have read the posts by Hsiao Weijia. David and his colleagues advertised the seminar even though Wang Liping never agreed to come.


    Now, David certainly has some things to offer. I guess so at least, because he's been occupied with learning Daoist methods for many years. And I can understand that he needs to support himself.

    Still it seems he's feeding off the gullible and desperate, like these guys selling secrets to 'get the girl', and here it is with super powers.

    The way the marketing is done reflects on the guy offering the stuff. I mean he advertised himself as a PhD without having one. Come on.


    But everybody can do what they want. Still, the internet is here to share information and help people make more informed decisions.

  3. Exactly, I felt it when I first saw the advertisement for the seminar, before it was canceled.

    To be more specific, I felt dismayed and saddened that a person like Wang was associated with and doing business with such a person as David even though I had never heard of David before. It is possible that Wang picked up on my sentiment and that is why he canceled the seminar.


    You mean Master Wang realized what kind of man David is, similar to what you were thinking, and not that he picked up on your thoughts, right?

  4. Sorry to hear about your loss, Seth.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Your father must have been very happy that you were there for him.


    The thread shows that it's quite a nice community here.

  5. Im also told there is some kind of box (size of a matchbox) that can easily be concealed in a pocket.







    So, the person zapping doesn't even need a ring or anything?

    How would it work? He's got the box on his belt. Then let's say with the right hand he's touching the other person's finger while at that moment he's activating the electricity with his left hand.

    Something like that?

    Can the person doing the zapping also feel the electricity or only the one on the receiving end?

  6. Some more complaints about Jiang below.


    Too many complaints for my liking,Wheres there smoke theres fire.


    This looks very much to me like the one that had been posted before. The one that was written in the Apple about Ade/Atek from Taiwan.

    Still it seems very fishy.


    How does the blood extraction with the cups work?

    Do they have to prick the skin with a concealed needle?

    Apparently the claim is that there is some 'bad' blood that causes blockage and that needs to be removed.



    I have reread this whole thread, including going to David Verdesi's website promoting his upcoming Nov NY seminar. Yes $200 a day is about the standard cost for a qigong chi initiation training. I can attest that this "electrical" transmission is real -- I've done it myself.


    Can you be a bit more specific. Are you talking about a transmission from David?


    But much more powerful is the LASER transmission which is done by Chunyi Lin and now Jim Nance through -- they charge about the same price $200 a day or $100 for one healing, even through the phone.


    Also here some details about the LASER (gotta think of Dr Evil here :D) transmission would be great.


    To consistently transmit electromagnetic energy by a European is very very rare and so I can understand Verdesi wanting to charge the "going" rate in the Western yoga-qigong spiritual transmission circuit.

    Again, have you felt him do it?

    How do you know he can do it consistently?

    Do we know that he wasn't shown by Zhai/Jiang how to use tesla coils and has got some in his shoes or on his belt or whatever?

  7. And regarding David's ShaolingGongMen teacher Mr Zhai (first name Jiang Feng) there are more complaints.

    Sean Denty would say that it is just a disgruntled customer or ex student or whatever. Perhaps, perhaps not.


    Google won't translate the whole page. You have to copy and paste to get this translation:

    On the original page there is a picture of the 'qi' burn mark.


    The following is my process of being cheated, and now write it down, please stay at the hotel's Mix to be cautious.


    June 1 of this year (that is, a few days ago) I and the wife admitted to the floor, Pai hotels, time is about 20:00 or so, climb a mountain one day we were a bit tired, so they in the hotel on the second floor staircase at each cast one-dollar coins seated massage chair massage. We just do not sit there a few seconds, more than 40-year-old dressed in suits and uniforms look like as the hotel manager, who came with us A slander, he said that he is about some understanding of Chinese medicine, and then my wife to see her like that seem to have a The symptoms of bile leak, while a bit gynecological diseases, and then he pointed to the stairs to the right of the second floor of a room said there were a traditional Chinese medicine, told us to take a look at the past, and say that the Chinese will not charge, open to us a few traditional Chinese medicine prescription be able to cure the.


    For such things, when usually we are not reasonable grounds, but it was only 8:00 more little things to do anyway, we walked into the room, it is so big liar Di Jiang-feng that there (lived in the guesthouse of the donkey You will find the stairs on the second floor where the most prominent affixed with a lot of the liar, "medicine" of the photo).


    Liar first wife said to me at first glance you can see her guts spill disease, in order to prove his diagnosis, he asked me to love hand-rubbed look at the navel to the right belly, and then lick your fingers to see whether what is bitter, and I love According to his method of doing, it really is bitter,.


    Liar and then said to me: look at my mouth to know that I have hidden diabetes, the same, in order to prove that assertion in his letter, he asked me to rub his hands three inches below the navel of the place and then lick your fingers to see what is sweet, I done according to the method, it really was sweet.


    We certainly get the answers to cheat out a thin light blue cover on a small book, saying it was the essence of traditional Chinese medicine in China for thousands of years, he turned to me to see the first page, the contents of the first page I do not need You may have guessed can be out no more than the harm that a variety of diseases, including diabetes, there is bile leak and hidden, but made it a terrorist, where he will die like species.


    To show us a small book to us, after blowing a lot of fraud, how to how to blow his qigong, blowing his ethics to how the class and asked us did not know about qigong, we are also very honest answer to that is just to listen to said qigong. After the crook of my wife that her illness would require little effort for him, and asked that we should not rule, and we nodded, he agreed to after the point a bit behind my wife said that he had used qigong point of the acupuncture points that I love and have cured of her illness.


    To see him to do so, when my mind wanted to: It seems that my "illness" is not good governance. Sure enough, not as I expected, the crook in turn told me that my "illness" bad governance, he needs to open up my luck acupuncture points ask us whether or not to try, when I carry a one-to-eye love to me I do not call test, but driven by curiosity I agreed.


    Liar told me to bring clothes, exposing the stomach, and then he took off his jacket, wearing a long-sleeved shirt to me "credit", as he issued a "credit" to the right side of my navel belly was a very intense tingling Chen, was the feeling of hot water burns the same time to see where the color becomes blue and white. Liar stopped, shook his head and said that he made a great deal of skill, but I did not point to respond to, so he tried a second time, finally said he had tried, but still can not open the acupuncture points, because my body has congestion, the only way is to use internal strength to congestion forced out, but need pay 500 yuan.


    My wife is a more alert person, each of the previous movements are clearly ask whether or not to charge, the answer is negative, but the last was finally exposed the nature of the fox.


    Since he has mentioned the money, we do not stay, from his room came out my first idea was an online check what kind of character in this Di Jiang-feng, and if he was so powerful words can certainly check out from the Internet.


    I GOOGLE is to enter "Di Jiang-feng" in the name, resulting in an outcome that I want, that one is written this way:


    1. Exposed fraud, Huangshan Electric Power strange man - the sharing of human cloud water blog - udn blog

    - Fan - [to Simplified Web]

    July 15, 2007 ... accused of fraud in mainland China qigong teacher Di Jiang-feng (43 years), claiming to be a small door Qi Gong Lin Geng 5th head, ... Ah, said he went to Huangshan three-year search Shigong talents, "He (Di Jiang Feng) told me to exercise power grip, I also ... - 29k - Cached - Similar pages


    Just a pity that after opening the web page.


    Then we went to investigate the "bile leak," Cha Cha a half late and there is no harm, then we check the "hidden diabetes," diabetes, there are 20 kinds of hidden performance, but I am not even one.


    But at that time the feeling has not deceived, after all, is not deceived to the wealthy.


    But the second to open, my belly began to blister, burn exactly the same symptoms and have been boiling water, we began to have the feeling of being cheated, so only after careful analysis of the details.


    The focus is twofold:


    1. Into his room and we did not touch any of the things that our hands are a sweet? One is bitter?

    二. Seen from the martial arts novels have been qigong acupuncture should be Ma Ma, or from the inside to the outside feeling a little heat, but I wound completely skin trauma.


    After careful analysis we believe that there are two places where the suspect:


    1. Massage chair. Swindler should be coated with something in his chair, so we encountered after the hands have different taste. Should be said that massage chair is his bait.

    二. Cheater shirt sleeve should be in possession of electric shock stick, like laser or infrared device, can lead to non-contact burns.



    Did not expect such a nationally renowned Huangshan places like Pai Yun Lou Hotel grade, suddenly became a liar nest, which more or less makes me a bit disappointed.


    Finally, I want to say is: It is now the way the fraud endless travel should be more careful, and do not gain petty advantages, any small inexpensive bait may be a cheater. "

  8. Very interesting, indeed his shoes when he gave me the shock and the possibility that it was a trick I've also been warned by a combination of investigation into alleged paranormal phenomena, in particular I had been told of these machines to produce electricity but I thought objects were not hide in your shoes but more like heavy bags.


    Regarding the tesla coils.

    It would be very interesting and helpful to gather some information here on how it is done to prevent people from getting fooled, often for large amounts of money.

    For example would the fake qi master need to have anything in his hand or connection to his hands?

    You already said neikung that the fake qi i.e. electricity is unpleasant and thus won't be applied for a longer time or it would be painful whereas real qi wouldn't be.

    I wonder if anyone has come across the situation that the person receiving the qi treatment would have to stand on a wet towel. If so, what is the explanation for that? Would it indicate fraud?

    How big are the tesla coils? Would the fraud have to wear special shoes?

  9. Yes, I've seen this here:


    It seems that David is now about to jump onto the popular Satsang train with talks about love and non-duality.

    Say it's for free but still insist that everybody donates the recommended 50 Euro ;D


    And he still promotes himself with Wang Liping:

    "David is a closed-door disciple of the famous Wang Liping Sifu, the Daoist master whose early life is portrayed in the acclaimed biographical novel Opening the Dragon Gate: The Making of a Modern Taoist Wizard. David lived with Wang Sifu for a time during his on-and-off study with this important master and underwent an intense period of private study with him over the course of several years from the mid nineties on. "


    And that after the failed Denmark seminar and David's voiced disappointment with Wang Liping as a government controlled figure and not much achievement among his long time students.

  10. I have the same feelings like you Spiritape.

    In the past five or six years I started not to like meat so much anymore. Intuitively I would order veggie dishes.

    Also I started to feel that eating meat for me is causing suffering to animals which is not necessary.

    Still, once in a while, perhaps 1 or 2x per months I feel a hunger for meat and then I eat it.


    To get to the diet. It's no problem to be strong and a veggie. A friend has been veggie since birth and is very strong.

    What I recommend is the following:

    The usual stuff: No sugar, no white flour products.

    In the morning you can make yourself a kind of musli/grits (spelling?) by soaking roughly milled (is that the word? The process of making flour out of grain) grain like buckwheat, barley or oat.

    To be easy on the stomach you can bring it once to a boil. THen add some fruits and milk or yogurt if you like.

    Then for the main course I have whole rice, some vegetables and a bit of tofu or similar protein sources like lentils. Potatoes are very good, too, of course.

    Once in a while I still have an egg.

    In the evening I have a salad and/or some bread with cheese.

    During the day I eat fruit. Sometimes I also eat only fruit for half a day.

    This works very well for me.

    Have fun.

  11. Didn't he write recently that he was disappointed by WLP and some of his group? And he stills uses his name for his marketing.

    And didn*t he also write that back in Italy he found the real deal? Why isn't that guy mentioned?

    And who will believe the story about the Dalai Lama wanting his chakra back from the teacher in Korea?

    What*s next? A Siberian shaman? An Egyptian adept? A teacher in direct lineage of Jesus?

  12. If any of you guys rely on the US financial market to hope to preserve and grow the fruit of your work so that you can afford to take time off for intensive practice you might be interested in this new article on that I mentioned above.


    Basically there is one simple demand that is not fulfilled today: Settle the trades. If I buy stock and give money I want the stock and not some IOU.

    And of course reinstate the uptick rule. It's amazing that this could have been abolished.

    The US stock market watchdog SEC is a big joke. After Madoff everybody knows this. People there have been captured by the financial industry. Instead of controlling Wall St they were (are) kowtowing to it, hoping to get well paid jobs with hedge funds or WallSt law firms.

  13. Thanks for the feedback.

    I just ordered the two books.

    Apparently his documentaries are not that good as he doesn't seem to come across so well on screen compared to his writing.


    Fearing to fall behind the Soviets in the Cold War the US army seems to have looked into a number of unconventional areas. Remote Viewing comes to mind.

    I saw a programme on TV on which McMoneagle (who was part of the US army Stargate project) demonstrated his skills. It was astonishing. He was sitting at the lawn of his house in Vermont. The programme people (from University of Edinburgh- Parapsychology Dept., so not fake, I'm sure) asked him to tell them about a person who was in Paris at that moment.

    McMoneagle then drew a bridge and some houses with distinct features. Then they revealed that the person was in fact on the bridge. The features that he drew were nearly identical with the ones of the building near the bridge.

  14. In the going through wall-meditation thread a Tbum mentioned the book "Men who stare at goats".

    It's apparently about the US military's study and application of paranormal abilities. It seems to be well written.

    I was surprised that a search here hardly got any results on the book.

    Has anyone read it and can comment on it?

  15. That's interesting, a medical doctor[oncologist] who's also involved with casting out spirits from a christian perspective is constantly going on about pratices from the east which make the mind more suceptable to entities.Emptyness[or super trance state] for one,when she's done with the redemption work she has the liberated person placed on a steady diet of mathematics and critical thinking skills.This augments a person's natural willpower and sense of self.


    That's interesting, a medical doctor[oncologist] who's also involved with casting out spirits from a christian perspective is constantly going on about pratices from the east which make the mind more suceptable to entities.Emptyness[or super trance state] for one,when she's done with the redemption work she has the liberated person placed on a steady diet of mathematics and critical thinking skills.This augments a person's natural willpower and sense of self.



    Why do you always double post? Please check that.


  16. People died from holding their breath for 2 seconds at the peak of their inhale and exhale?


    I seriously doubt this, seeing as I have asthma and have been doing this daily, and so far my heart is pumping just fine ;).


    Could you please elaborate?


    English is not my native language. So I probably expressed myself not clearly enough.

    Let's take a simple breathing pattern. In the beginning you

    1. inhale for 7 seconds.

    2. you hold the breath for 5 seconds

    3. you exhale for 10 seconds.


    Someone with strong lungs might go for

    1. inhaling for 15

    2. holding for 10

    3. exhaling for 20.


    Now even if you have strong lungs and practice daily you shouldn't add more than 1 or 2 seconds per year.

    After 5 years you might get to:

    1. Inhale for 25

    2. Hold for 20

    3. Exhale for 30.

    But if you do this as a beginner or even more, say hold for 30, and practice like this daily for 30 minutes or up to two hours, according to experienced people I talked to you might very likely get into trouble.

  17. Regarding dangers of certain practices especially for the heart: I think when it comes to breath retention one should be very careful.

    This is something where even regular pranayama practitioners just extend one or max. two seconds per year!

    As long as you just sit and watch your breathing and your internal chatter, I don't think there's any danger.

    But once you get into holding your breath, be very careful, don't overdo it and be sure to have a trustworthy and experienced teacher. People had to be brought to the hospital after overdoing it and some even died.