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Posts posted by zanshin

  1. Read a science magazine few months ago to the effect that it depends whether the RNA/DNA first model is true. Scientists are still a long way off from understanding how life originated. They have shown how very simple amino acids chains could form from "primordial soup" and electricity- still a long way off from life. simplist living organisms incredibly complex to have spontaneously formed. If there are intermediate forms of simpler self replicating life it could be a common occurence in the universe, if the original life was some form of RNA/DNA it would be an incredible random coincidence with the odds of this happening in all the planets in all the galaxies we could indeed be alone.

  2. Is this sort of thing a problem if you're not tired the next day? I've made this mistake of doing energy raising practices late too, so while I try to temper that, sometimes I'll watch some late night movies or clean the house get thru the next day okay and doesn't seem so bad. The OP didn't say if he was tired during the day, I seem to have bouts of insomnia few times a year which has been fine since I realized these seem to be times when I have lots of energy and do fine without as much sleep as usual.

  3. Whether we are immortal or not, we are immortal. I don't know about our individual conciousness or astral body, lots of traditions have ideas about that and I'm not ready to find out yet.


    But something does go on. Most obviously through our descendants if we have them, but all actions and interactions. Like the saying about planting trees so your descendants can enjoy the shade. Going to the park and sitting under a big old tree, contemplate- the person who planted the tree may have died before you were born, over the years people took care of the tree, even kids who played under it and animals and insects had a part in the small legacy you are experiencing in present reality. Some day the tree will die too and maybe the wood will be used for something ot it might be reabsorbed into the earth and help something else grow. Our lives and everything we do makes myriad ripples in the fabric of time and space, but nothing is ever really gone, it just spreads out and flows into something else.

  4. Animism - seeing spirits and divinities in all natural things- is considered one of the oldest forms of religion and one followed by hunter/gatherer people- which at one point in history was everyone. When we changed to an agricultural society people started focusing on distant sky gods as the weather was so important to their prosperity. Also societies became much bigger and were controlled by kings who might rarely interact with the common people and seen as gods themselves or given right to rule from the gods, so less focus on the individual experience of religion listen to the government dogma instead.

  5. Actually, seeing that the figure is CAD$310 and the donations will be in USD the converted figure based on current currency rates is USD$255. It gets easier and easier.


    So we have:


    Stigweard $20

    Froggie $10 (I will make up the difference up to $10)

    MPWay is down for $10 because I have promised to refund his money if it doesn't work :P


    Total: USD$40


    USD$215 to go ... YAY! Go team!




    Will give 10$ (waiting for Sean's okay to actually give it as per first post).


    Good luck Gossamer!

  6. But if you owe them money maybe another story!


    It's good to consider other possible causes and factors for behavior besides dementia. You mentioned she doesn't put the lids fully back on jars, but if her grip strength and coordination is not too good what seems like an absentminded annoying thing to you may be an adaptive habit for her.

  7. Yes, the repetition is very frustrating. Part of that is it just isn't registering but maybe part boredom too. It's difficult when people can't get out and participate in old activities and family has taken over household management, but the wheels are still turning. I agree with the recs for a support system, but specifically you might ask for referral to licensed social worker in your area and recreational therapist- they should be able to help you a lot in finding support and services in your area and hopefully to find some activities your mom can participate in, maybe adaptations to old hobbies etc.- is there a senior center or adult day care she could do an exercise class, play cards, have lunch with other people in her generation nearby? Also speak with physician about possibility that depression could be part of the problem- sometimes with older people it can manifest as sort of a withdrawal and fogginess that may be mistaken as dementia. Good luck!

  8. I have mixed feelings about it. My son has a little girl in his class who had chemo and radiation last year, we parents have been asked not to send our kids at school if questionably sick because something like a normal kid case of flu could be very serious for her and not considered safe for her to get the shot either. So you might wonder why her parents would send her to school at all- well with 5 brothers and sisters very hard not to get exposed to things regardless. So although my son never had the flu shot before and never more than mild colds/flu without it, he got it this year, I be quite grumpy if the government made it mandatory, but for Tara- sure her best protection is "herd immunity."

  9. Use the last line of the preceding haiku as the first line of yours.


    The structure is three lines:


    5 syllables

    7 syllables

    5 syllables


    You should remind me

    About the finer methods

    Of Haiku prose :D


    Of Haiku prose

    delirium protocols

    madness by number