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Everything posted by Jesse

  1. Taoism in Chicago

    Hey J What are you looking for mainly; qigong, tai chi, internal martial arts, meditation.
  2. Today I tried to live simply and frugally

    Give EFT a shot. It's helped me with some habits that I wanted to change.
  3. Alternatives to Healing Tao?

    Check out you should be able to find what your looking for there
  4. Teachers in the Bay Area?

    Here are a couple water traditon Fong Ha enjoy!
  5. SleepTracker

    Hi Mal My wife bought me this watch for a gift(I asked for it) 4 or 5 years ago and i was hoping it would solve my "i hate to get up in the morning syndrome" the reviews that i read on it were pretty positive and such, so i was excited to get it. This is how it worked for me you set the time you want to awake at let's say it's 6:00 am. You then set the sleeptracker feature i think it was 15, 30, 45, minutes before your alarm sounds(6:00 am) and then it measures your most awake period within those 15,30,45 minute cycles and wakes you up at that time. For me i would set the alarm (for 6:00 am) and then i would fall asleep and in the morning i would roll over or something in bed and wake up at let say 5:30 am and then a split second later the watch would start beeping(very annoying sound). I can't say I felt more rested or it cured my hate to get up syndrome but i wore it for a long time until the band broke. My wife hated it. She would always say turn that annoying thing off while half asleep. It really is a annoying beep. So to make a long story longer i would say it's no better then an alarm clock, for me at least.
  6. A lot of yoga practitioners follow an Ayurvedic Diet which is focused on balancing your Dosha's(your constitution)they don't usually mention balancing your chakras. They stress following a Sattvic(pure)diet based on your constitution and eating an amount that can fit into your two hands per meal. Check out any book by Dr. Vasant Lad or David Frawley for more info on Ayurveda/Yogic diets.
  7. Kunlun and Demons

    "The Taoists say because the ghosts in your mind are not real, they don't have a right to inhabit the land of the living. Yet we allow them in all the time." "The ghosts are only in your mind. They might be in your nervous system, they might be in your emotions, they might be in your psychic field-but they don't really exist. Nevertheless, it's one thing to know this as an intellectual comment; its another thing to practice and clear the ghosts." Bruce Frantzis BOOK Tao of Letting Go Meditation for Modern Living
  8. WANTED writers

    Hey everyone I'm looking for people to contribute articles, video/photo features for a website i'm starting called qigong (it's not live yet). It does not matter if you are a beginning qigong student or an experienced one a qigong teacher or master i'm just looking for people who love to practice qigong. What i would like to see is articles, video/photo features (they don't have to be super long) on different aspect of qigong and styles of qigong,practice tips, qigong stories,benefits of practice etc. Let me know if you have any questions you can PM me or email me at qigongjournal[at]gmail[dot]com Thanks Jesse
  9. WANTED writers

    Thank You Drew i would be happy to have you write an article, if you have any ideas for one just shoot me a PM or email(qigongjournal[at]gmail[dot]com and we can talk about it. I'm open to any insight or thoughts you have. Jesse Thank You Wudangspirit i would love to publish as many qigong articles as you would like to write. Like i said to drew if you want to PM me or shoot me an email at qigongjournal[at]gmail[dot]com we can talk about it. thanks again Jesse
  10. WANTED writers

    Absolutely, i would love to have your contribution. Thanks for the offer Jesse
  11. WANTED writers

    Michael I will do that, thanks for the advice. Jesse
  12. Wu Dang Ba Gua

    and others Jesse
  13. Cultivation for longevity

    Thanks Scott, I love to learn new things so if you could explain it that would be great. Jesse
  14. Wu Dang Ba Gua

    I'm not sure if he has anything to do with Wu dang but you could check out Frank Allen, not sure what his website is but I know his school is called Wu Tang physical culture association. I've never trained with him but I've heard he knows what he's talking about. Jesse
  15. I am starting Baguazhang classes on Thursday

    Is this the guy? If it is his bio explains who his teachers are and they are definitly legit teachers. If you don't get a good vibe from him though I would look other places. From my expirence if you have some reservations about your instructor your motivation to practice the art is diminished.
  16. vipassana

    Have you read the book Beyond the Breath by Marshall Glickman. He explains the SN Goenka method of vipassana in depth in the book. You might want to keep an eye out on Bruce's website because i got an email saying his new book should be out any day now(i think he even said it is supposed to be out today), it is called the Tao of letting go and it's his new meditation book on Inner Dissolving. If you got both books you would pretty much know the similarity's/differences of the two styles
  17. According to Dr. Vasant Lad in his book the yoga of herbs(which is a great book if your into herbs/ayurveda)that turmeric is great for purifying your channels. Here's his actual quote. "Turmeric gives the energy of the Divine Mother and grants prosperity. It is effective for cleansing the chakras, and purifying the channels of the subtle body."
  18. Hi there!

    Welcome Vlad Glad to have you here.
  19. Dissolving in Watermethod

    Bruce recommends learning to dissolve in the 5 modes of being human. (standing, sitting, moving, lying down and during sex). He only say's not to lye down for beginners because they have a tendency to fall asleep( a block can be to powerful to dissolve so you go unconscious i.e. you fall asleep to avoid it) . He recommends that you build up your concentration/awareness through standing,sitting and moving meditations first.
  20. Water Method and Inner Smile

    You might want to pick up the book Opening the energy gates of your body by B.K. Frantzis in it Kumar goes into great detail about the Outer dissolving process and longevity breathing that Pietro and Snowmonki are mentioning. If you really practice and then practice some more the methods in that book, you would have a VERY solid foundation in Frantzis's energy arts system.
  21. 6 healing sounds

    You could also just place your hands on the specific organ that you are exhaling the healing sound with(while your standing) for example both your hands covering(or rubbing)your kidneys while you exhale CHUUUU or CHUUWAAAYYY or which ever version of the healing sounds you practice. Like Dainin posted Ken Cohen has some really good practices of standing Liu Qi Fa (Six Qi Method). Jesse
  22. Nei Gong: Taoist Process of Internal Change

    His Nei Gong taoist process of internal change page reminds me of Kumar Frantzis 16 part Nei Gung system. Thats awesome he teaches and practices the Hun Yuan Nei gung/tai chi system of GM Feng Zhiqiang. It really seems like he teaches some interesting and legitimate practices. If i was in his neck of the woods i would look him up. Jesse
  23. Dr. Baolin Wu / White Cloud Monastery

    I completely agree with Scott about the warm up section being the best part. i read the book a few months ago and was head over heels with the first part of the book. I remember thinking to myself "this is amazing stuff and i have never read or seen any of it before" but then i got to the actual 9 palaces qigong and i lost all interest in the book. It was actually kind of weird how that happened. Oh well like Scott said the warm up is totally worth the cost of the book. Jesse