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Posts posted by agharta

  1. I have studied chinese nutrition theory for years. I still use a good bit of what I learned, but I focus more on traditional tribes' dietary wisdom. Most of these groups ate lots of seafood, especially shellfish and fish eggs, some organ meats and fatty body parts, and mostly raw/unprocessed. They all had excellent health eating this way. Here's a couple of links:


    Book on diet


    Another link


    the Weston Price foundation


    I used to be raw vegan, but found that eating some raw animal products really has helped my health. Humans don't usually do as well being vegan, in my experience. Raw veggies can be hard to digest, I recommend fermenting them or lightly steaming them to make them more digestible. Animal foods can mostly be eaten raw. Coconut oil works very well for many people. Mostly low-carb is also very important. I can provide more links.

  2. "You cannot fast in Canada or Siberia because you would freeze to death and it is natural to eat seals or fish and also is natural to avoid eating meat in a hot and moist subcontinent such as India or Indochina."


    That's only part of the truth. The Eskimo and the Masai ate very, very low-carb diets, and both groups had excellent teeth, health, and skeletal development. The Masai did eat a little more carbohydrate, but not tremendously more. They were still very low-carb, and in a very hot part of Africa.


    I'd like to point out that plenty of sea creatures would be happy to eat me if they could. I'm more than happy to eat them first. There's no teaching a crab morality, but I've got the brains to understand the difference between killing another human, and killing a crab.

  3. Now you may have hit on something. Being a vegan is a lot trickier than being an ovo lacto vegetarian.

    If your going to do it it has to be done right.


    As for the Kikuyu are you sure they weren't eating something that causes cavities which is undocumented in the diet. The Massai weren't into sweets.

    I can have just as many cavities eating flesh as not eating it - it's the sweets in the diet.


    I do not make a distinction between meat and fish they are both considered flesh.


    Another possibility is that the Massai flossed :) rinsed or cleaned their teeth in some manner. The urine in the cows blood would keep gums in shape and kill bacteria that causes cavaties. You don't have to be a meat eater to rinse with urine.


    Meat will kill you quicker.

    I'm willing to bet I have quite a few years on you and I have all my teeth. I've been a vegetarian since 1968.

    Haven't eaten any dead bodies except for the unknowlingly occasional bug in my food.

    You just didn't go about it right.



    The Masai did not clean their teeth. However, the Kikuyu did eat a lot of sweet stuff in the form of cooked plantain, cooked sweet potato, banana, etc.


    I'm also not talking about eating muscle meat. When I do eat meat (other than fish) I generally only eat the organs and the fat, and I'm very careful about the source. I eat a fair amount of bone marrow, and when I can get good-quality unfrozen liver (which I have to order) I eat that. Usually I stick with the seafoods. It's all you really need as far as animal products go.


    I will definitely say that sticking with a low-carb, high-good-fats diet is probably the single most important dietary thing, vegetarian or not. Excess carbs of any kind are not that great for you, whether they are whole grains, fruits, sweet potatoes, or whatever. This is the great mistake of the Chinese diet, the excess grains. It's why they are so short.

  4. I never said meat was necessary. I think seafoods will do the job just fine. For that matter, I think that a lacto-vegetarian diet, if you have sufficiently good quality raw dairy and the right plants foods of sufficient quality, is plenty good. However....that's a big if, just yet. The real danger is veganism. If you're not at least getting some eggs, or dairy, or fish eggs, or fish/shellfish, over time, you run a real risk of brain deterioration. Panic attacks, emotional problems, anxiety, early dementia...serious issues.


    It's documented that the Masai had 1/13 the cavities of the Kikuyu, and I seriously, seriously doubt that a diet that causes 13 times as many cavities as another one will be a better diet for longevity. Wake up.

  5. Guys, I know you're well-meaning. However,...


    The mostly-meat-eating Masai lived right next door to the mostly-vegetarian Kikuyu. The Masai were stronger, better warriors, and had, in many cases, no cavities at all. The Kikuyu had 13 times the rate of cavities that the Masai did. Not 13%, 13 times.


    I think I'll keep my teeth, thank you very much. And yes, I can provide links.

  6. He was a good guy. The last thing I remember Plato or someone was harassing him about doing alchemy with squirrels or something.



    I believe it was "Pyronecrobestiality", and it involved burning a dead squirrel with a lighter whilst fucking said squirrel. Also there was drool, which made the burning more difficult.




    Biel was a smart kid. I liked him.

  7. Oh, boy, another "meat vs. vegetarianism" thread.


    Don't give up the meat. Vegetarianism is a Buddhist philosophy, and was unknown in China until Buddhism showed up. If you're talking about eating for health, who do you think is going to get it right, the Buddhists, who disdain the body, or the Taoists, who seek physical immortality?


    I know I've posted about this before, but it's worth repeating. Humans are natural meat/fish-eaters. The healthiest traditional groups like the Masai, the Eskimo, and the traditional Maori-before-processed-foods all were big meat and fish eaters. These groups never had heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, etc. until the switched to processed and mostly-plant-based diets. Some traditional groups were close to vegetarian, but they were not nearly as healthy as their more meat/fish-scarfing neighbors. I have studied this for years, and Max and Plato can confirm that.

  8. I've posted this a couple of times before, but I'll mention it again. I studied with a Tzu Jan Men teacher (natural systems) for several years. I never knew he had "chi" powers, he never mentioned them or demonstrated. One day during class, he rolled up his sleeve and said "grab my arm". I tried, but I never got my hands closer than 6 inches from his arm. Instead, I went flying across the room, landed on the floor, screaming and holding my belly. He never touched me. However, I am pretty sure he trained for decades to get that level of skill. He also mentioned a time when his most advanced student was attacking him so quickly during practice that he had no chance to respond with a physical level defense. He did some kind of chi defense, and the top of the student's forearm sort of exploded, he said it looked like someone had taken a hypodermic needle and stabbed the buy all over his forearm, and blood flew all over.


    There is some weird stuff in Chinese martial arts. There are probably more fakers than actual people with these skills, but there are at least a few systems that teach these kinds of abilities.

  9. I've been squatting like this for close to 20 years, particularly when I poo. I lift the toilet seat and squat on the bowl's rim. Careful! :lol: you can fall.


    The next level is doing the entire motion from standing to squatting in front of a wall, with your toes less than an inch from the wall. This forces all kinds of extra opening. I haven't mastered this yet. I just started playing with this about a week ago.

  10. I have toyed with a face yoga that I made up. I read that the reason botox gets rid of wrinkles is because wrinkles are caused by permanent tension patterns in the facial muscles, and the botulin toxin in botox paralyzes the facial muscles. I tense the facial muscles slightly for a second or so, then relax them for a minute or two. This helps me be aware of underlying tension patterns.

  11. I've read that European-descended people have a less robust knee joint structure, on average, than East Asian-descended people. This has implications for kick practice, etc., does it not?

  12. My understanding was that "san gung" was the result of doing too much very-hard-style martial arts over many years. Eventually, when you are too old to keep doing it, your body suddenly starts aging much faster than before. I compare this with a similar phenomenon that happens to people who abuse steroids to build muscle mass and strength, they have a very similar problem when they stop using the steroids.

  13. how would you contract your tail bone...



    put the tip of your finger on the tip of your tailbone. Start contracting the muscles in that area as if you were drawing upward. Experiment with contracting and relaxing the muscles in that area in different ways until you can feel the tailbone moving. Voila! you have learned to move your tailbone.


    Procurator, the only poisonous lie is that you know what you're talking about re: nutrition.

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  14. Caffeine I think is OK in moderation. That's my experience with it. I don't have any problems with a lack of energy, because my diet is good, so I don't drink much coffee. Drinking it to get energy isn't smart in the long-term, although short-term it won't do real damage for most folks.


    As far as coccyx breathing goes, I think it's great. I think that really, really strong contractions of the tailbone and perineum area are extremely helpful. I can move the tip of my tailbone back and forth about an inch or a little more, and I do these tailbone and perineum contractions 40 or more times a day. I'm doing it right now as I post. I often have 2-3 very strong orgasms every day just from doing this. I have noticed that my semen is much whiter since I started really strongly contracting the tailbone many times a day. You can't just contract it, you've got to do it really, really hard, and make it move a lot, in my experience. I also have found that the pelvic area can benefit tremendously, at least in my case, from pressure point massage. I used a ma roller to open up all the big points in my lower back, buttocks, and the back of the whole pelvis. It really, really changed the flow of energy in that area for me.

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