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Everything posted by RomeoGunn

  1. Hi, I found this forum through some random endeavour but I've always been quite interested in taoism and especially in the Tao teh Ching. I've recently begun reading the Chuang Tzu but I'm actually really looking for some advice or some slight direction as to what I can do to help in practicing meditation. Any help would be grealy appreciated, thanks.
  2. New User interested in meditation practices

    Thank you very much, I'll try it
  3. New User interested in meditation practices

    Aside from just trying to dabble in things on my own I've only ever really been taught Mokuso which is not really what I'm looking for at this moment. Although I am more interested in learning meditation to clear my mind and remove anxiety I'm currently more interested in meditation to increase my sensitivity to the outside world or or to increase my self-awareness. Thank you very much for your reply