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Everything posted by emily

  1. Presence Process

    http://www.thepresenceportal.com/ Seems like this would be of interest here....Have just received a new book called the presence process by michael brown. seems like a really genuine guy with a no frills approach to integrating more presence into daily life. he healed himself of horton's syndrome by applying the techniques he teaches for awareness of the present moment. he utilises connected breathing and other tools to form a ten week course to redirect our focus from the mental to a more balanced emotional and physical experience. Have started reading today, seems good so far. Will post my experiences after finishing. love emily
  2. Natural Living

    Recently I'm becoming more and more aware of the consequences of little things in my life that I used to take for granted. Things like all the chemicals used to clean toilets and drainage systems at home. Honestly, when I was young I was quite spoiled and my mum used to do all the housework so it's only recently that I'm starting to pick up on this stuff. Plus the fact that all the vegetables I buy are organic but their shipped from Kenya or somewhere else equally far away. It's so ineffective and damaging. When I was in Tesco the other day looking at some dried fruit it all just seemd so clincal and withered sitting there on the shelf. Plus I'm starting to grow increasingly aware of the fact that I'm painfully domesticated. I've got no real idea of how to look after myself outside of the confines of everyday life. If there was a food shortage what would i do etc. Nowadays is such a strange time...so much unrest and uncertainty, I feel it's time to shape up a bit. Whenever I get into a new topic I'd rather go on recommendations because the net and publishing world is pretty vast. Does anyone have any recommendations for learning about thigs like self sufficiency, cleaner living etc? thanks, emily
  3. Bye for now!

    hey everyone would just like to thank everyone who shared any knowledge with me in this site. there are some really great people on here am having a bit of a indefinite internet hiatus. i have some goals i really need to focus all my energy on right now. i wish everyone the best in life and hope they get what they want from their practices! all the best, emily
  4. Natural Living

  5. Presence Process

    someone on a website said that its like going to hell and back. theres some truth in that. its is something i will do again because i think it is a fantastic method and i am grateful i started it because it has brought to my attention things i wasnt consciously aware of that have probably greatly hindered my life.
  6. Yang Jwing Ming

    its sad but true. i got one of his dvds, and it was really good seems like a great guy and it was a good qigong, set... BUT...... at the back of mind i just couldnt stop think "WHY THE COMBOVER!!!!!! YOUR ONLY KIDDING YOURSELF!!!!!"
  7. Energetic Aromas...

    In the Kunlun & Kungfu thread, both Rain and I mentioned when practicing Kunlun we have noticed a flowery scent as a result of practice, not from any flowers in the room. Anyone else expereinced this phenomena or able to enlighten us on its cause????
  8. Kunlun and Kungfu

    Il make a thread about this its interesting
  9. Kunlun and Kungfu

    This is off topic a bit, but the first time I really felt the energy during Kunlun (without attending a seminar) I remember a flowery scent, it still happens occasionally. And no, there were no flowers in the room with me!!! haha
  10. Wisdom teeth

    but youl lose all your wisdom!!
  11. Natural Living

    thanks to everyone for their suggestions
  12. hey i agree with hundun, clearing up blockages aids in meditation. i got into meditation last year. i had no technique as such just simply setting and being still. i also was doing abit of yoga. after doing energy work my meditation is deeper, or i find it easier to get into a meditative state. if i do qigong, particularly outside on a nice day, sometimes remain in a very calm present state for the whole day. so it helps. but ironically there was something really true and simple about my initial practise. my own little meditation and a few basic asanas from a book. when i discovered the wealth of information on the internet i did get bogged down in academically researching what was best to do, therefore practicing less!!! when i first started reading i felt like you did, all of a sudden what i was doing wasn't enough!! but i then realised if i took into account what everyone id be doing so many different techniques that id die from overload. so i think find a basic system that works for you so you feel secure and have your basics covered and then just follow your own flow. for me i like the concept of working with the three treasures. exercise the physical, energetic and spiritual bodies. thats a nice framework for me to evolve within.
  13. Natural Living

    cool!! thats the type of stuff im interested in elarning to live off the local enviroment. what you said about landscaping being a good workout...its interesting beacuse one of my mums friend is a keen gardener and has her own little greenhouse and shes the most grounded person i know, i always say how shes like a big oak tree, so rooted, so theres defintely something in having a close connection to the earth. broken, thanks for the vegbox link. should come in handy.. i know tesco sucks but its the only big supermarket in my area. any sprouters here? apparently its possible to live off them as main source of food?....not an experiment i feel like trying right now!
  14. The GoldRing: Are you a player?

    Yeah definetely a mind control thing. Cos theres talk of chakras and things but i couldn't see any exercises , practice etc. I think what you said about the videos being fun highlights something that's amiss in spirituality. there's a prevelance of a seriousness which borders on pretentiousness most of the time. i mean seriously, how many times can people use the word path??!! i missed the bus today....it wasn't meant for my path haha i digress....anyway my point is that there should be an element of playfulness with these things. for instance eckhart tolle: i was sent his power of now audiobook. i listened to it and on hearing the droning tone (to draw the listener into "stillness" i guess) i listened to about two tracks and wanted to kill myself it was so dreary. not literally but you get my drift. i then came across a video of eckhart on youtube and the guys great! witty, entertainging AND capable of bringing the listener into stillness. seems like the whole spirtuality movement has a bit of a veneer.
  15. Is it a good idea, or safe

    beat me to it!!
  16. The GoldRing: Are you a player?

    thanks. yeah i heard that it was bad for men but my dad told me today he had it 25 and im here!! i just watched more on their site. seems like a cult. i liked the video you posted because i watched it from the perspective of a matrix style metaphor for how nuts everything is. i think for a lot of people madness is a gateaway into realising the illusory nature of things that bothered us, but there is a different become the madness of being disillusioned which brings freedom , or madness of adding more illusion. theres a definite sense of us and them mentality in the videos, and no real clarity. plus their using a lot of trends in metaphysical issues all compiled into a system with a definite sense of heiarchy. so they feed fear, use elusive wording, and theres a chance to rise through the ranks thus gaining acceptance. i think theres hypnotic suggestion the videos too. seems like cult stratetgies. plus all the members begin using the vocab of the texts and videos in describing themselves which enforces the nlp/hypnosis aspect. its the us vs them mentality that i think is most worrying. i read the definition of SIN is to miss the mark. therefore i see the devil or demons as metaphors for the element of ourselves that denies reality. i personally believe that we all have the capacity to be good loving people no matter what our past and to label people as servants of evil forces or whatever could cause someone who is psychologically unstable to cause a lot of problems. on the lighter side!!! when i saw this on one of the members profiles i burst out laughing: "MY COSMIC NAME IS NORIS" noris!!! made me think coronation street (uk tv show for non uk tao bums) something about it reminded me of a doucmentary on youtube i saw about alister crowley.after reading some books by robert anton wilson i wanted to find out more about him out of intrigue. seeing the way he ended up and the effect he had on the lives of others led me to the conclusion that many people ( i think castaneda was one of them) have tastes of a higher perception and attatch it to a series of illusory concepts and i think this is more damaging than just blindly accepting the day to day illusion. it has so much more power and can not only ruin the individuals life but many others. especially if they have charismatic cult leader qualities. i can't possibly say if that is what the leader here is doing, or whether he is just riding the new age wave but i think people should be wary.
  17. The GoldRing: Are you a player?

    At first I thought it was a bit iffy but the whole thing elucidates a process of dislullisionment and detattchment ocurrring in our cultural psyche. plus its coincidental. i left the house yesterday t clear my head after getting in quite a jaded mood and asked the questions said in the video and all of a sudden looked at life as a challenge or game!!! haha only to be admitted to hospital in a ambulance a few hours later with a fever, spasms, chest pains and a massive lump on one side of my face which after all the drama transpired to be..............mumps. MUMPS!!!! the silliest illness, curse of the hamster cheeks! i don't even have it on both sides of my face!!! so that took the edge off my newly empowered mood. so checking out these vids will help wait out the process!!!
  18. Full-lotus fallacy

    yeah you do have a point there!
  19. Kunlun and Kundalini

    hey all although i don't want to rush in and say what anything IS (high five robert anton wilson fans hehe) i think everything's working with the same source materials, the energy just a different configuration of the energy. like say for example you wanted to communicate a 2 paragraph document in 2 different languages, english and german. you don't do the first paragraph in german and the second in english. no you, translate into english, finished product and then into german, finished product (or vice versa ) so it's like talking in a different wnergy language. you learn two at the same time and no one knows what the fuck your talking about anymore! hahaha that's just my view though cos i'd find the feeling of my kundalini experiences right now a bit too much. but if it works for you cool!! emily
  20. Full-lotus fallacy

    Not been here long but here is my attempt at a balanced persepective on this. I think people's motives for commenting on someone's actions generally fall into these categories: 1: compassion 2: the need to feel superior 3: a combination of both 4: whimsical spur of the moment fun i think in this forum its generally 3. There is a tendenancy amongst people who have started to acquire any kind of power (whether it be in an energy practise or any other field) to develop a slight superiority complex, I think particularly when experiencing things outside most people's day to day perception. Because we have experienced something and acquired a degree of understanding we know what the other person is experiencing and what is best for them. I don't reckon anyone disbelives Drew's experience, I think people are merely concerned about what it may do to him in the long run. And it is not the content of his experiences that is the main concern, but the way in which the vast majority of posts he writes are long and intricately detailed diatribes integrating his theories about full lotus and o's at a d's into any seemingly unrelated discussion on the forum. search and you will see. three pages of reasoned and fairly considered discussion (within internet forum limits of course! ) about say for example hindu mantras and wham, a page full of generally impenetrable, dense theoreitcal abstraction on bushmen, o's at a d's, full lotus, harmonics and pineal glands. To the outside observer this could appear as an unhealthy fixation. i think that is why people spoke up, not to be nasty. On the other hand I can totally understand why he promotes Spring Forest so much. it is a phenomenal system and Chunyi Lin is one of the loveliest humans I've encountered. Whatever I think of Drews current practises, I think he has his heart in the right place and his honestly trying to share things that make him happy. I think the real problem here with the reactions it provokes is the human tendency to assert ourselves before we are honest to ourselves about why we are actually doing it. Like me here, getting all caught up in being reasonable. Anyway I hope Drew and everyone here finds something that makes them healthy and fulfilled. i'm going before i get all peace and love and get on my own nerves emily
  21. Full-lotus fallacy

    the sorcerers apprentice has arrived! soon non contact mutual orgasms will be the new cocaine or whatever the kids are doing these days. swarms of lotus' sitting up a riot. i love it this website is like a soap opera so many characters around.
  22. cheers m'dears!!! this will be very handy
  23. Full-lotus fallacy

    I agree!! Reliance on a technique just seems like an attatchment, when the opposite is what the lotus-ette or lotus-ee may be seeking. Unless someone persevered so hard with full lotus they drove themselves crazy at being so ridiculous and this realisation made them snap out of the dream..... But yeah, I like full lotus, nice little meditation posture!! For some reason at the age of 14 I discovered I could do it spontaneously and would sit like it very regularly. No full on enlightenment yet though!! Or any o's at a d's... haha
  24. High frequency tone!

    It comes back periodically, I treat it, it goes away!!! A-B-C!!!
  25. Bye Bye & Wish you all the best

    All the best to you, have enjoyed reading your posts here