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Everything posted by Z3N

  1. The illusion of time.

    One will try its best to share the experience The present moment can be found in time and timelessness. In the transition of the awareness detaching from the functions of the organism therefore memory stops and timelessness begins the present moment can still be found. When reattaching of the awareness begins the organisms memory cells reactivate creating the illusion of what feels like a small amount of time of two minutes to the skin bag is actually three hours out of the skin bags physical time, even then the present moment of timelessness has no time and the awareness can still be present. In the void, all is void. In time and in timelessness awareness is still awareness, guest or host there still is awareness. Life or death.
  2. Mortals

    Yes you may if you like.
  3. Joint Popping

    The only gass relive is the gass coming out of your arse. Not out of your joints nor is it a form of chi.
  4. Perception...

    First you must be ready to learn before you are ready to unlearn. Like learning the perception of a centre creates a false sense of consciousness therefore affecting your awareness. The self centred nature of human life makes it so easily ready for the guest to colour in the room but the truth is still there right between the eyes. Missing the point can be a tough exercise bagaag, you must work a little bit harder.
  5. Mortals

    Well hello Juan. Reaching death in life while still living can be a every hard thing to achieve in the program of this current age. Basically you must be able to galvanize the awareness in your conscious life first so you can set out the restoration process.
  6. Perception...

    Well jewels naturally the function of perception is only limited by our psychological conditioning in tailed by the organism. It is our thoughts, opinions, beliefs and ideas that destroy the true sense of perceiving the truth and real knowledge prevailing throughout the cosmos, hence Tao Wu Shin.

    Foolish are humans who think they need religion to find peace, it is a far cry from the truth.
  8. The Taoist Mystic

    Oh goody good! can you tell the master to give him a slap for me. Eating when hungry, sleeping when tried, without a single thing on your mind, neither delusion or enlightenment has a place to hide. Smashing up heaven and earth even beyond the particle physics of the known universe leaving no dust behind to get fixed in the eye. Even the above quote of previous times is just all airy fairy dream talk, a big shiny hook.
  9. a very strange UFO video

    Just like this old story that Sifu Wolf shared. "Once upon a time a pilgrim from Bagdad met up with the plague 50 miles out of town. You look like your up to no good said the pilgrim to the plague. Im off to kill 5000 people in Bagdad replied the plague, and they went there separate ways. One week later the pilgrim, on returning to Bagdad, met up once again with the very same plague. You told me you were going to kill 5000 people, i heard that you killed 50,000. No, no, said the plague. I only killed 5000 people, the rest died of fright. Sifu Wolf"
  10. bruce lee for strength

    Hi Jing. Love whats being composed here, hitting the nail on the head.
  11. What is Taoism to you?

    Why? Dont you want death.
  12. The Taoist Mystic

    Tao Wu Shin Has come a long Way. Another useful skin-bag dancing to the sound of the way. His back will always be straight his chi will always flow on. The guest will ever rest to only blind, cognition the brain will not crystalize and will not rape the true mind. So-pose it is funny how the host answers those questions in mind when the true self is realized. Flowing between the Two and not polarized by desire. This human is not a lier. Tao Wu Shin, Tao Wu Shin always unchanged in a state of change. Spill my blood for this earth to fertilize for the sake spiritual evolution of future lives, this skin bag, this monk is expendable but a Tool for the Tao but not for that human Zoo. Nice to meet you mate, Take care Jing.
  13. Learn something!

    You people sit there in front of the computer, missing the wisdom of a experinced teacher and master. A man thats Walk'n the walk and talk'n the talk, a man that is the cutting edge of human evolution. And all you do is just sit there in your small little fucking brains tell'n him how to type and compose on this site. Its not that hard to reed surely. Sifu Wolf is'nt writing a fucking one thousand page book. Just let the man be and learn.
  14. The Taoist Mystic

    Thankyou cat.
  15. The Taoist Mystic

    Using the way of No-heart mind (empty from guestly influences only the host remains) as the way of mind. Using the way of Tao Wu Shin as the way of mind. This is the only practice of Tao Wu Shin Because every thing is empty when it is usefull. Eat, eat, eat, Shit, shit, shit, The daily ins and outs of a caterpiller to only transform into a futter bye
  16. need help please!

    Emptiness is not a process of understanding but of being. Watching a movie will not help you if you sit there and just think about it so much that you fall into the guestly nature of self. Watching your thoughts is simply just allowing your thoughts to float by without clinging on to them beacuse they are always going to be there even if they are good or bad, emotional or not. And allso there is no need for visualizing breath because it is happening in every moment, it is allready there and it only comes naturally not by force. Already doing it now in the now. Mainly its all about opening up the awareness. Dont fight it, just use your awareness. So if a thought arises just let it come and go just like your breath. When you dont allow your self to rule thoughts and emotion fall into the distance then emptiness is just there naturally, body and mind are still and theres no need to visualize on breath. Remember this; breath follows mind, mind does not follow breath, it only comes naturally. If you realy want to understand how to breath after all this them watch a baby.
  17. False holders

    In the back of the skull you see, but with lack of sight you lasped the light. But with insufficient light and narrow veiws you try to sound like Lao Tzu. Ponder a few stories, memorize a few sayings. Through arbitrary guess work, this trap has you. With self appointed glory, a self appointed preacher. Look, Look these poor souls need and teacher. Forgetting is forgetting, witnessing is witnessing. Missing the point, missing the strike, the swordsman dies tonight. Missing the eye your thoughts fly aloft. Clinging to one sidedness these childern need to grow up. Grow, grow, grow up fast. Otherwise human race might not last. Maybe wrong choice words, but it all reads absurd. Half way there so cheers to they. Wolf never sleeps nor wolf never awakes. So many fall, so many rise, why chose to blink a eye. The tao is your looking glass, and a dog wipes he's ass sitting on the grass.
  18. Shank918 here

    Beware of those with a long nose. Beware not to fall in thoses traps that they sow. Because they are every where, ego's fly, ghost's in there minds. With great care tread on the path of reality and all always be aware. With thunder in the sky culitvate the eye. Good Luck and ask questions why.
  19. Urban Monastery

    Sitting in the the weeds, some one must know. Sitting on a chair, it could be any where. Watching the ghosts float by, traped within shells, traped in a lie. Buried with there heads in the sand, will these humans ever understand. Not your body, not your thoughts, you are the awareness Word I does not exist. Catching the beast by the head and tail. look there's a little snail.
  20. Tao

    So in a nut shell everyone needs to practice of reversal in the means of returning back to the origin of life. The guestly nature is the way of ordinarily going along with human conditioning, lost in the mundane, physical senses slowing becoming more and more like a zombie without any type of conscious knowledge becoming dissociated from true reality without any awareness of its happenings. Slowly fading away into the sub conscious the real knowledge becomes inaccessible without any wisdom to cultivate. Locked in thoughts, emotions, desires, I, ME s etc as Master Wolf so clearly put it. Depleting your vitality, energy and spirit to the point of exhaustion were the inherent bright and shining true essence of the host fades away untouched, unchanged into the marvel of the Tao. This pure pristine awareness is the work of going in reversal returning to the Tao, the host not modelled by yin or yang, not fixed on myriad thing of matter. Uprooting the mundane senses, restoring the whole original being by reversal of the natural process is simply doing, working on the now in the now. Watching and using the tools of the Tao to restore life by collecting the true sense, the true essence, the true intent, the real knowledge and conscious knowledge. Breaking out of the cocoon. With the art of forgetting frontal lobe murder and being in the moment of these happening.
  21. Tao

    In the back of the skull you see, but with lack of sight you lasped the light. But with insufficient light and narrow veiws you try to sound like Lao Tzu. Ponder a few stories, memorize a few sayings. Through arbitrary guess work, this trap has you. With self appointed glory, a self appointed preacher. Look, Look this poor soul needs and teacher. Forgetting is forgetting, witnessing is witnessing. Missing the point, missing the strike the swordsman dies tonight. Missing the eye your thoughts fly aloft. Clinging to one sidedness this child needs to grow up fast. Maybe wrong choice words, but it all reads absurd. Half way there so cheers to they. Wolfs never sleeps nor wolfs never wake.