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Everything posted by Z3N

  1. Very good my friend, what is happening is that you shutting down your brain hence the beginnings of witnessing the true nature of mind. Your brain is like a computer, when you shut it down or pull the cord, the self, the center of illusion and all of its programming does not exist. Once this happens the mind’s eye is awakened, the eye of consciousness hence the ability to see and have electromagnetic sight so to speak, the opening of the third eye for some. You are starting to witnessing the illusion of self, fade away and starting to witness the animating universal force of reality. You are moving from the known into the unknown, the brain is off, dead, silent and so returning awareness back to the seat of consciousness, your natural being, center less. Keep up the good work and don’t get too excited and conceptualize the experience to much as this is all functioning within the self, the center. Where there is a center there is also a circumference, radius and measurements which is all within the limitations of “self”, the brain box of cellular matter.
  2. The Inner Work

    It means to be honest with yourself and others by only speaking and acting out of insight, and when you do this you speak form the heart of understanding which is without ego. Be a light to your self.
  3. Universe Could be Hologram

    The universe is every real!! What isn’t real is the perception of self in relation to the universe which is the hologram, because the self is artificial and this artificial intelligence that we call the “self” is also a real illusion. It is brain matter which projects a holographic version of the universe which to be fair is only but 10% of reality. All the atoms animating your body fits on a pin head…..Hmmmmmmmm Like a fresh juicy apple picked from the tree, so good in fact that you have to eat it and when you eat it, it comes out the other end as something rather different doesn't it? It smells different, looks different and so on, the apple is no longer recognizable. Well your brain works the some way so to speak in that it eats up the universe and by the time it comes out the other end it is something rather different. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! So in saying that how do you extract the essence of the apple?
  4. No, no, no, no, no, no, you humans make me sick at times and this is a crime to humanity. This is the 21st century and it’s hard to witness such things in such times is still happening all over this planet. Unfortunately your god nor your Christ will not be their savior or yours, saving these poor people from this horror doesn't come down to one man or the god. It is a human disease created only by your race it has been going on now for thousands of years and only you can stop it as a collective since you are the ones that started it, just look at human history. Only the people of earth can stop this horror and you’re so called leaders of this planet.
  5. Debunking a Creator

    What about this then? Like the awareness being aware of awareness for the first time, the universe being aware of the universe, as thou turning around and facing a mirror. “What am I?........” Boooooommmmm!!!!!!!!! (Big bang) “I will just unfold and find out.” Like stones hitting the surface of a pond shattering the stillness, like shattering the oneness into trillions and trillions of little pieces. In consequence to this cause and effect was quantified which on this scale is like quantum computations in a chaotic state of all possibility. Giving rise to intelligence and evolution because of quantum reduction, “what am I?..i must find out!” “I am the universe! The animating force! The Tao” (the universe as we know it) Peace, balance, harmony and the universe as we know it with everything else, just a ripple in consequence to this, an echo. The universe inside of the universe, the Tao inside of the Tao, consciousness inside of consciousness and so on add infinity. Humans and any other life forms throughout the cosmos are going through this same process of “what am I?” Like the white fuzz that is left over after the big bang. Oh! even solar systems and planets hence life, you know Gaia. Well it goes something along those lines anyway because language is limited therefore cannot be known, you need to step out of self. Get out of your bodies and step into the quantum. The universe has already been and gone. Is this what you humans mean by a god or creator? To the natural mystic there is no need to know.
  6. Power

    It’s interesting for those looking through the looking glass that humans obsess about this idea of power. What is it about power that plagues the human mind? Thoughts anyone?
  7. Well I can see you haven’t stepped out of your box? This is just a flex of your ego rather than anything with actual content. This is where you have become so consumed with tactical understanding that you have an over inflated sense of self-righteousness. You are so consumed with knowing that you fill your posts with long paragraphs of “I” “me” as thou the way is an academic experience. The self is a lot like a pig, as soon as your frontal lobes start to cannibalize the real experience of consciousness reality it is destroyed. Like the pig rolling around in its own muck. Guest and host move in and out and awareness is not subjected to interchange. This is the mind of Tao not being pinned down or polarized by duality. Even the term Tao is a lie hence why it cannot be known. You’re trying to fit a square in a round hole while expecting difference results each time this is futile. The formless fills the form, whether it is human, alien, bear, eagle, cell etc, makes no difference to the Tao.
  8. Fickle, irresponsible and unstable behaviour is exactly a good description of your kind. It is this type of mentality that is the problem. What a shame. And yes you humans. It’s alright thou; just keep on separating yourselves from each other. It’s all okay, you have your country’s boarders, cultural differences and religious ideas that will protect you, keeping you save from it all. It’s not one race, one planet, one solar system, one galaxy and one universe after at all, yes because were flighty and look for easy answers. Yes my apologies, how could this not be witnessable.
  9. What came first?

    What came first?...........the chicken or the egg??
  10. Well yes I so pose if you like eating the package rather then the contents it must be so.
  11. What came first?

    Well assuming now that your assumption is an assumption and you are outside of all assumptions, because you gave me your 2 cents. Well then tell me who is making the assumptions now?
  12. When the “host” is away the “guest” comes out to play. When the guest receives information, inform of the host, it can hardly keep up, the spirit functions are far faster than, and outside of electrical impulses and synapses respond time. Even this primitive guest can understand that within its illusions of existence, which spirit moves faster than the speed of light. Therefore anything to do with “guest”, “self”, “human organism” or whatever primitive label you wish to impose on reality is subject to duality and the delusional paradigm of self. In its every own nature, the fact that I’m male is subject to duality and so forth, you know it live it every day. Likes, dislikes, cause, effect, yin, yang and all the stuff in-between. It is after all a skin bag, an illusionary body of reality containing the formless spiritual essence of the universe. It is just the packaging after all not the contents, even the frontal lobes of this primitive organism can understand that. And yes the guest makes mistakes form time to time, as it does have its Learner plates on because I have made a promise on this third dimensional plane of existence. So in fixing the mistake; Divination, astrology and any attempts of foretelling the future, and all other primitive means is just relative to the observer using it and that’s all, because it is subjective to observational reduction based on ones owns contents. You only see what you want to see basically. Therefore cannot predict universal events as a whole, on a whole or humanity because time is always in a constant state of change due to universal freedom and ability to makes choices. Ultimately time is just an illusion, but we can discuss this some other time. Anyway, any half-witted human can see that the future doesn’t look so good for the generations to come, unless you awake up people!
  13. Apologies for seeing them as one system in relation to each other but you had a good laugh and so did I.
  14. The I-ching is just the I-ching and like the I-ching it is only relative to the observer using it and that’s all, because it is subjective to observational reduction based on ones owns contents. Therefore cannot predict universal events on the whole for humanity because time is always in a constant state of change. The I-ching is random and behaves just like the quantum and just like the quantum the more you repeatedly ask it expecting the same result, the more it changes hence the book of changes. The every fact that you have cast out a prediction and posted it means it has already changed. The future isn't set in stone but you humans act like it is and it seems to me that you humans want a pathetic prophecy to reach fruition, a armageddon. You humans should be ashamed of ourselves.
  15. What came first?

    The universe is all one animating force of reality. The first multi celled organism is made from the same animating force as the egg. The single celled organism is also made from the same animating force. Still nothing has come or gone. You might dig a hole in the ground, and yes there is a hole but also now there is a small mound and still the animating force remains the same, nothing has changed. Not one jot. Bio-diversity is all the same, it’s all biology nothing more nothing less so for argument sake yes its neither but chicken-egg will do. Humans need to establish a tactical understanding of things in the frontal lobes in order to stimulate higher states of consciousness and therefore expanding awareness. Dwelling on little single pieces without putting them back together collapses insight and the big picture. Everything else is just fancy packaging and not the contents.
  16. Hi!

    Good luck!
  17. Yes well, don't believe in beliefs.
  18. Yes okay this is good. So let’s look at it in modern terms which are more relevant to now in this currant time frame. The organism is the accumulation of all the sensory information and systems feeding into brain matter and creates the artificial “self” within the real therefore the term “guest”. Therefore the guest is a mental construct of psychological content in relation to the organism and its external environment in which it evolved out of, and so naturally is delusional because it has separated oneness of the universe as a consequence of “self” therefore illusionary. “Me, me, me I, I, I.” So “guest” is the elephant in this case and therefore the vehicle, or a skin bag in which contains the real universal essence of spiritual awareness. Now the guest is very, very clever and is basically a form of artificial intelligence in that it will do anything and everything within its means to not lose control over the mind by imposing distractions of genetic outcome also past, present and future events in relation to its self. Like in this case of the elephant sees a female version of its self and then the beast naturally wants to spread it genetic material and rider losses control or does it?. These impressions upon the mind are the cause of constant chatter and the divided sense of self and is reason as to why it appears that the consciousness is in two separate parts. like the elephant seeing a female version of the same version which is just the same elephant. Sub conscious and conscious, are of course just overall consciousness and yes awareness is the key to the mind. The guest remains and can only live within the conscious self hence as to why when you sleep the self does not function because your body is asleep hence the notion of “self.” So actually what does the seeing, hearing and so on in your dreams then? To give those a clue it certainly isn't the eyes and ears of “self” or any of your physical senses. Let’s leave it there for now.
  19. Yes all is a direct consequence of a continuous time line of corruption, greed, power, control etc. It’s like a blood sucking vampire that needs a wooden stake in the heart.
  20. Note; All religions are stuck in the cultural past that worked for a very short time in controlling the human population, this suppressed the need to question and self-inquiry which controlled public order. This was indeed intended and part of the spiritual evolution in the greater scheme of things but does not apply to now. Therefore all religion is now primitive and detrimental to the human consciousness because it is in fact what largely separates as from the universe and all of its contents. This a huge problem and if you with lack the capacity to see this then you are and others like minded to you are then subject to being a effect of the problem which of course increases the problem.
  21. You humans are that separated, that divided amongst yourselves that you are the cause of the problems hence its current effects on the globe and your psyche. The earth will just keep on doing its thing and you all should know that, it’s an accumulation of little things over a long expansive course of time which eventually leads into a great change. This can be seen anywhere and in anything as it is the way “things”.
  22. What you humans face is largely delusional in most parts, you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, and this of course is short sighted and is the nature things so far. It is also the nature of things when there is so much discord on the globe amongst the population, that it effects the human consciousness overall, which is now sick and needs healing. This ripples down into your daily lives and affects our decision making, thoughts, emotions and etc. This is because our physical reality and spiritual reality co-exist within the overall human consciousness. Human consciousness has in fact reached the point of no return, you guys either get with the program or not, hence more people are awakening out of their slumber imposed by these systems that govern you, keeping you a slave to the system. It is your is choice, everyone any everything always has a choice whether you are good, bad or somewhere in-between, this is natural law of the universe. Like the old saying you must lose control before you can gain control, this is exactly what is happening now.