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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. What are Buddha 's teaching on householders

    I thought the teachings on house holders is the same for everyone. Be good. Do good. Live a good life. Practice meditation. As to where the house holder goes, I did not know there were different heavens. From what I see here today, the sun shines on everyone, the good, the bad, and the indifferent, everyone. Just like the rain, it falls on who is there. Is there someone at Saint Peter's gate to judge one's merits and atrocities? Can sinners at the last minute repent and find entry to Heaven? Personally, I believe, the place you go to is the same. It is just how you experience it is different. That pretty much depends upon the person.
  2. Why am I not Enlightened?

    Irrelevant. The Universe is bigger than the last Bbang. There is more to the universe than can be seen with light. What caused the last Bbang? The infinite warping of time and space. What exist beyond is what came before. The Bbang did not cover the whole universe. It only covered our space of the universe. 13.8 billion light years across. Sorry, time and space are just aspects of each other. Just like energy and matter are in an equivalent equation. E=m(c squared). The missing factor is the speed of light. Travel at the speed of light and time stands still. Distance becomes meaningless. Motion while traveling at the speed of light is impossible. Time is a function of space. Space is defined by the matter in it. Matter is just energy. Energy gives rise to motion. Motion is time and space. One can not know the speed and vector of a particle if one knows its position. Observing a particle affects its properties. Double slit experiment tells us so. Consciousness matters and affects it to the point of illusion. Yes, now I am just rambling on because I can. Haha.
  3. Use cannabis to build Chi

    Too long, did not want to read all the posts. Drugs? Some are good and some are bad. Some are both good and bad. In the beginning, it may help to experience something else. Slowly it doesn't help and becomes an addiction. The old joke, I am not addicted to pot. I can quit anytime. Addiction, proof is one still smokes it. Addiction can be subtle or an all out blood sweat and tears fight to get off it. Ram Dass used drugs to alter his conscious awareness. This allowed him to experience a different conscious mind or perception. That allowed him to move forward, knowing that there is something else. But, his teacher warned him that it will be come a hindrance if taken too long. It is likened to the story of the hermit, he goes into seclusion and practices. His mind becomes quiet. But when he goes into the city, his concentration is lost. So, the question becomes, what good is your practice if it must be only certain conditions?
  4. Why am I not Enlightened?

    I said it the answer resides with the person asking the question. You have answered your own question. Personally, I doubt that I would ever be with ten thousand women. I have a wife and am satisfied with her. So, in the end, it really is the person who is asking that holds the answer. The mind's true nature is no-thing. You will not find it on or near the body once the life is gone. It did not arrive with life and it does not leave when life leaves. But, one will not find it if life does not exist (Ooops). Of course, you could say life is an illusion. But, then whose illusion must it be? And what is real beyond what one believes? And Self? It does not exist according to the Buddha. Note: These talks can go round and round. I believe this is why Buddha did not like discussing thing like this.
  5. Why am I not Enlightened?

    I guess that the answer to that question would reside with the person asking the question. Everyone eats. But not everyone eats the same thing. A man can love a woman but not all men can love the same woman.
  6. Why am I not Enlightened?

    The person whose thoughts bubbled up and wondered, "This is why I ask why am I not enlightened?". There is no mystery here. And nothing so enticing as to draw my mind to one focus. I am like everyone else, sleep walking thru life and having a good time. At one time, I asked a person if they would like to escape birth, death and being reborn again into suffering. He said, "He wants to do it all over again. Why stop?". Then, I thought that everyone thinks they want one thing. But is that just is what the propaganda wants us to believe? Does one just eat one meal for the rest of their lives? We dance this dance and we dance again.
  7. Why am I not Enlightened?

    I have read about this before. A story of the woman who thought she had lost her head. Everyone told her she has her head but she could not believe. Then she comes upon a person who knew the truth. He took a stick and hit her on the head. The woman, after suffering the hit on the head exclaimed how wonderful to have found her head. Sort of like, one does not achieve enlightenment because one is already enlightened. It is just a matter of getting hit on the head. Haha. I have had the experience of meeting people who have had certain experiences. They were terrified that they were going crazy. But, after finding a teacher and learning more, they begin to understand the experiences were manifestations of dropping this self. The Buddha said something like there are 84 thousand ways to see Nirvana. Have heard that one monk got enlightened by being ask a question. Like a monk was reciting the Dharma to his fellow monks. There is no real self. Then the teacher hit him on the head. The monk began to get angry. The teacher asked that if there is no self then where does this anger come from. Then, the monk became enlightened. There seems to be a theme of hitting on the head. Haha. But, we are not here to stop thoughts. Iron rod method of hitting the head to stop thoughts only causes concussions and maybe coma. Meditation seems to be an effort to focus attention to one pointedness. Thus to learn a different way to experience the present. But, this does not guarantee enlightenment. What does? IDK. This is why I ask why am I not enlightened?
  8. Hello from the happyAlien

    Welcome HappyAlien, You have had experiences? What kind of this wild world? Mysteries? Please let's start discussing Tommy
  9. I do not understand. Is Immortal4life calling out all the people who believe they have special powers? Are you a believer or a debunker like the James Randi? Isn't that like asking if there is a God or not? Special circumstances in order to show the special powers? Personally have read about these powers that the Bodhidharma showed while he was at the Shaolin Temple. Sitting in a cave for nine years without eating. Floating on a stick to cross a river or lake. Of course, the biggest one is when Moses opened up the red sea for his people to walk across. More recently, read of Ram Dass adventures in India with is teacher. And in person, I have seen people sitting in mid air holding only a pole. But, I think that was a trick or something like that. In my simple life, I have not seen anything like this special powers (videos on the internet excluded). Do I believe this? It isn't such a simple answer. I chose to stored these thoughts away. And, I try not to doubt such things. But, having never seen such things in person, I just say it is not for me. I have got to say that in the beginning, listening to all those stories of such power, thought it would be nice to zap away muggers and bullies. However, never worked for me. I had the bruises to prove it. Anyway, it is a nice story.

    Hello Alexis, That is one impressive monologue. But, what does it mean? First said, "No fruit will be born of my thoughts. I know the time — eternal seducer of all men, eternal cause of all effects — offers me nothing but the blank prospect of annihilation. So, my dignity is broken and weak, in recognition of my impending defeat." Then said, "Though you promise me nothing I am still with you, I am still an atom of your energies, my work is part of your work; I am your companion and your mirror as you march on your merciless way. But I owe nothing to any one. I would be responsible to freedom alone." Are you saying that you know whatever you do that it will mean nothing in the end? And that you are here to be my friend? Stranger and stranger. Anyway, looking forward to being friends.
  11. Hello from Albany, NY

    Hello Cobie and idiot_stimpy, Sorry for the delayed response. There is much to read here. And much that is closed to the simple passerby. Anyway, it is nice to meet you. And by looking at your post count, you guys have been here a long time. So, thanks for the welcome. Hoping to see you around the forum. Tommy
  12. Hello from Albany, NY

    Hello all, I learned about this website from another forum. It was in Helcat's topic Buddhism Journal. In it she mentions this place. I have been on and off with meditation since I was 16 years old. I am now 64 years old. Have an interest in Zen Buddhism But am open to learn. Would like to spend time reading but will ask questions if I do not understand. Hope all will be open to questions Tommy
  13. Greetings!

    Hello, I know nothing about Daoism or Daoist. Can you tell me a little more about it?
  14. New member-shifu Michael

    Sorry for my ignorance, is there an institution or organization that ordain shifu of Daoist? and how can I learn more about, "American Dragon Gate Lineage, a branch of the Longmen-22nd generation, Lichangdao."??? Is there a fee or sign up sheet?? What books do you recommend to beginners?? Maybe a video on Youtube??
  15. shaolin

    Actually, when Bodhidharma visited the Shaolin temple, he saw weak monks with poor health. To help the monks, he taught them physical exercise in the form of fighting styles. So, the Kung Fu style had its origins from India. Later on, the reputation of Kung Fu of Shaolin temple overshadowed the original purpose of the monks. So, modern visitors would be looking for Kung Fu instead of seeking the advice of the enlightened monks. So, did Buddhism fall to the wayside and Kung Fu the only shining rainbow?? Do you push forward ideas of Kung Fu instead of Buddhism??
  16. Hello all

    Chinese American background? Born in the USA or born in Asia and moved here when young? Chinese culture while growing up? Hang out with Americans or Asians when growing up? Any Cantonese or Mandarin? I have some experience and speak a little Cantonese. Some older Asians like to practice Tai Chi for health reasons. I never learned. Keeps the body moving and flexible. Suppose to help the Chi or energy flow. Have you had any interest in Buddhism? I have interest in Zen Buddhism. Started after I heard the title, "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance". Of course, I never read that book. Instead started with "The three pillars of Zen" (An older book). And have moved onto other books. Mostly enjoy the Zen stories. Some of which have been turned into Koans. I am new here. So a welcome from me might not mean as much. But, Welcome to the forum.
  17. Newcomer

    As far as I know, "spiritual" has two meanings. 1 is relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. 2. relating to religion or religious beliefs. Isn't the spirit or soul given by the deity or God? Being a staunch atheist and disbeliever, wouldn't that mean that you do not believe in the spirit or soul? In Buddhism, there is a doctrine of no self or emptiness. Believe it to be called Sunyata. Achieving emptiness or void is to see the truth of Buddha nature. No spirit, no soul, not a spiritual matter?? Or is it no spirit, no soul, no self but it is a spiritual matter?? I am not looking to have an argument. Just putting things in perspective. Humans have the unique ability to accept many contradicting things and make it all seem to be perfectly natural. Like practicing the outer form of Tai Chi in order to manifest internal changes. Like making oneself strong by lifting weights until one feels weak. So, seeker, what is it that you are looking for? For me, I thought it was enlightenment. However, it means no self, sunyata. Achieving emptiness and void. Practice is sitting in meditation to still the mind. I understand the practice but yet to experience anything close to enlightenment. So, what do I believe in? I live and let live. Have interesting conversations with people who are so smart and have delved so deep into the doctrines and speeches. Then I wonder to myself, is this really what the Buddha taught? So much stuff that makes my head spin? But, what else is on the menu?
  18. Thanks for the advice. I know what I should do; just not willing to do it. The moment when thoughts stopped. I panicked and never wished it to happen again. And so, almost 40 years later, it hasn't. I don't feel a need for enlightenment. I like the journey.
  19. Newcomer

    Thank you Cobie. I did say I did not know it could be a traumatic experience. I am sorry for my ignorance. The stories I have heard have been positive. One person found God. Another no longer fears death. So, in my mind, death was not something to fear. Now, I am hearing something different. Personally I would rather not learn more about that side of it. I respect those who are able to find a way to survive traumatic events and possibly grow stronger from them. Namaste.
  20. Newcomer

    The NDE (near death experience), that I have read about or seen on Youtube, all seem to be related to seeing light and loved ones with feelings of love. And after the NDE, those people would then not fear death anymore. To hear you have trauma from your NDE is something I have not heard about. But, I hope your life gets better and you get the healing that you need. Good luck.
  21. Hello from a newcomer

    Hello wuweightlifter, I joined this forum after your did. The appeal of Zen to me was it is more direct and cuts out ... stuff. Like the story of the westerner who goes to meet a Zen master in Japan. The westerner is invited inside. They sit and the master asked if the westerner would like some tea. Then, the master pours the tea and continues to pour even after it reaches the brim. The westerner then says that there is no more room in the cup. The master then says something wise like the westerner's mind is like the tea cup, it is full of thoughts about Zen that no more will go in. An example of cutting out the discussion with an analogy easy to understand. So, Zen to me was a way to practice and not get lost into all the conversations about this and that. Although it doesn't satisfy the curious mind, I thought it was better to not have so much stuff to think about. Anyway, after years of practice and much curiosity, I have learned a little bit more than I intended. But, I still enjoy the stories of Zen masters. I do hope you reach your goals. And have a good life. Good luck.
  22. Thank you sterling for your response. It sounds like everything else I have read. Early on, when I was 16, I had the chance to learn and practice meditation. After about two weeks, I had an experience where my thoughts stop and I was seeing my present actions in motion. But, there was no direct after that. No understanding, no subject, no meaning. And for that brief moment, everything felt empty. And, it is only with this thinking mind that there is action and understanding, desire and joy, the continuous world. Since then, I have other experiences but the thinking mind does not relent as it is the method of understanding and action. Have spent time sitting in the quiet and attention held thru concentration upon breath. It last for a moment at a time. Intent can arise from deep without thought. But, it is thought that drives desire and brings on more intent. I have spent much time sitting. But, have not advanced. It is thru forums and reading that I learn a little more and more. It is fortunate I have learned quite a bit. It is unfortunate that I have not been able to help anyone move further along the path or journey. So, thank you and I will continue to work on myself.
  23. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it.
  24. Thanks for the reply. I understand this as what the Buddhist disciples describe as dust on the mirror. The mirror being what perceives the object outside of itself. And to clear the mirror so no dust collects on it. To remove the thoughts because they are not the awareness but dust on the mirror. I know I do not see this correctly. But, it is what I observe. I do not just look at the finger because I become the finger pointing to the moon. Thanks for the reply. As seen from this mind, thoughts are the driving pulse of actions and desires. Without them then no action is possible. There can be no observer without the thought to understand the perceived or object. No understanding means no notice of the object then the object is meaningless. Some thoughts are the follow thru of intentions which also arises with thoughts. What is self? Good question. Since I see self as a the collection of thoughts re-enforced by experiences moment by moment, self is this thinking mind. This of course is not what the Buddha or the Dharma teaches us. That at the center, we are emptiness. Being the same emptiness, we are one and the same.
  25. That is what I am wondering. Awareness is Buddha nature? My awareness as it is now, it is comprised of thoughts and impulses. My attention drawn to those thoughts. They guide me thru my experiences and direct me to answers and actions. For example, a feeling of urgency to go to the bathroom to urinate. The feeling or sensation makes my mind think of thoughts about rushing to the bathroom. The thoughts follow the logic of finding the directions and acting in a fashion to aid it the completion of the act of urination. Of course, this could have been eating or sex or whatever there is in life. The experiences reaffirms my thoughts and actions. No wisdom, no compassion, no love ... just needs and desires. So, how do I direct the mind to dwell in Buddha nature since I have no idea what Buddha nature is (thru or by experience)?? Sorry for my confusion. And for drawing the conversation off topic.