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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. It seems to me that the eightfold path is one of putting things right. A sort of correcting the things in one's house. One can not perceive the truth of nature without having one's own house in order. The Buddha called it a path. To me it is straightening out those things in one's life. To clear the way for the true self to come. The person wishing to see Buddha nature is not actually the same one who sees the truth. How could it be?
  2. Impact upon reality? There is an old saying Before enlightenment, chop wood carry water After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water The world doesn't change. There is no fundamental impact, ... meaningful or otherwise. What needs to be done daily, doesn't change. The miracle is not the seed sprouting or the ant moving the nut. It is that you can perceive it at all. Perception that one has free will to choose one's actions Three monks go into silent meditation. Bodhidharma follows. He asked what they are doing there. The monk answers that they are trying to become enlightened. To become like Buddha. Bodhidharma starts to rub a roof tile. The monks ask him what he is doing. Bodhidharma answers trying to polish this roof tile into a mirror. One can not make something into something else that it is not. One can not have any sort of fundamental , meaningful or substantial impact on reality thru watching a seed sprout or an ant lug a huge nut. It is not wonder of the worlds. It is the perception of the worlds. Sorry, I have a tendency to rattle on like a snake in the desert. My hiss is worse than my bite.
  3. This is somewhat similar to what Gurdjieff taught. That people cannot perceive reality as they are, because they are not conscious of themselves, but rather live in a state of hypnotic "waking sleep" of constantly turning thoughts, worries and imagination. In different words, when watching oneself, events will happen to trigger a reaction from us such as anger. The anger needs the mind to reinforce it with thoughts to support the anger. And thus the feelings of anger are fed and stay alive in the mind. One does not make decisions but react to situations. One does not see clearly because the mind works on auto pilot. So practice is not so much for extinguishing the self. More of the art of putting things in order for the true self to come occupy its rightful place. To let go of auto pilot running things. To take control again. There really is nothing to prevent us from seeing clearly. It is just all this stuff we put up front. Put things in order and naturally, the true natural mind will take over.
  4. It use to be the same for me. When sitting, the mind would always look at itself and have another thought about what was going on. A sort of ego watching and having thoughts while being there with mind on breath. So, that ego continues to make thoughts. I have found that if I just focus upon the actions of my mind. Doing what I am set to do. Nothing else. That I truly begin to let go of thoughts. Mind becomes focused. From there, I know my concentration is better. The quiet between thoughts last longer.
  5. Wait, was that a threat to remember my feedback? I hope not because then I won't be able to sleep at night. Nah, I can barely remember anything now a days. It almost feels like I am turning into a new man. Wait, was that politically correct? Wow, I am failing on all sorts of points. Maybe take a lesson from the story of the Zen master who says "Is that so?" The neighbor girl got pregnant. Her parents kept badgering her to find out who the father was. The girl say it was the Zen master who lived next door. The parents confronted him. His only response was "Is that so?'. When the baby was born the parents brought the baby to the Zen master. And told him to take care of his baby. He took the baby in and got what he needed from friends and relatives. Year later, the girl could not live without her baby then confessed that the father was a boy in the fish market. The parent went to the old Zen master and apologized. Asked for the baby back. The Zen master said "Is that so?" So, my response from now on will be, Not "Is that so?". My response will be it was the boy in the fish market. So, it is not my fault. It was the boy in the fish market.
  6. Transgender Q&A

    So, not happy with the way you have been treated by being different. But, happy that things have improved. Sounds like a very common struggle (for many teenagers and some adults). Of course, some episodes are more intense than others. I wish you well on your journey to happiness and hope things just keep getting better. Sorry, I sometimes forget what I wanted to say here. Humm, ... oh, something about old age and knowing the time is shorter. Knowing what age my parents died and makes me think about how much longer I have left. No that wasn't it. Got to do what makes you happy?? (Hands in the air) Fudge.
  7. Transgender Q&A

    Okay, Have noticed this has devolved into a . . . I don't know what. Anyway, did anyone ask you, "Are you happy?" I mean it has got to be quite a journey. Feeling things are just not right and then moving on to how to get where one wants to go. So, are you happy? When I met my wife, I fell for her. But, things wouldn't have gotten very far if I saw that she wasn't already happy. As an individual, I know that I can not be all for another person. They have to be happy first. Then, my addition to her life would compliment or add to her life. Now, that's the other end of the spectrum, if she was already set and did not need me or I could not make her life a little better then marriage would not happen. I saw she was happy with her life. But. also saw that I could help to make her life better. So, I married her. We have been married since 1996 or about 27 years. I think you said before that you have no interest in marriage and having a family?? That is fine. It isn't for everyone. But, my question stands. Are you happy? Of course, I don't mean crazy happy. Just generally happy with the way things are now? Buddha might have said that life is suffering but I do not see it as suffering all the time. There has to be some calm in the midst of the storm. Some bright spot. A place to absorb the warmth of the sun and feel good about oneself. Note: I guess I am no better at this topic than anyone else??
  8. What do I think about this analysis? I think I am too old and tire. So, tl-dr (too long- didn't read). My dementia is kicking in. I don't even remember being in this thread. Shalom. Or is it Namaste? Eh, aloha.
  9. Education - advice

    I have seen ads for apps that are suppose to predict what and when to buy or sell stock. They all say they make money. When I was younger, I tried trading in stocks. Read books and subscribed to papers dedicated to analyzing stocks and trends. I found owning stocks nerve wracking whenever the stocks goes up and down. One week it was up and the next day it lost all gains and then some. So, something so unstable, after a year, I gave up. As for education, I always liked working with my hands. And now a days there are fewer and fewer people in the trades. In had a fascination with Mike Rowes on "Dirty Jobs". So, after getting a degree in electronics, I went to work for Xerox fixing copiers. The job became tedious and really low paying. So, then went into a company that did military electronics. Truck driver. Maintenance. Janitorial. Auto parts. Tried side hustles that landed me in legal trouble (Resolved). I like autos and should have gotten into that in one way or another. My advice is to find something you like to do so. That going to work doesn't feel like work and you get paid for it. Keep trying until it doesn't make any sense anymore. Does it make sense to get student loans and after four years, look for a job to pay back that loan? Are you looking to become a doctor? Do what makes you happy and pays the bills (and then some). Buy a house and rent it out. Buy more assets so you have time to spend "just sitting".
  10. Sorry, what seems to be the problem? You tried suicide twice? Why? Because of your uncontrollable thoughts? True spiritual practice would never send one on a path such as the one you were on. Personally I would like to ask more questions but do not believe myself qualified to help. This one needs a person with more qualified training. Good luck.
  11. When it comes to the Bible, everyone picks and chooses their own meanings. But, what was written has a meaning when it was written. Choosing to ignore it and take whatever one wants is similar to making mistakes and calling it the truth. However, this isn't a class room and there are no rules to follow. No structure. Just people reading words on paper and taking whatever they need from it. God bless them all.
  12. Yes, he did say it was necessary but he did not advocate violence. He was fulfilling a prophecy. You are picking and choosing your meanings instead of reading what is there. Still, if that is what you need or want then so be it.
  13. Google search provided this, ... What did Jesus mean when he said "I did not come to bring peace but a sword"? "It is a call to war against ego-identification. Using the sword of discrimination, we must cut away attachment to fleeting identities (this body, this personality, this family) in order to realize the eternal soul. His teaching presented an “either/or” proposition. We can't have both."
  14. Revelations came after Jesus. So, I do not think Jesus was referencing Revelations
  15. Matthew 26:52-54 Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword. Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then should the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?” John 18:36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”
  16. I believe Jesus was opposed to violence much like Kung Fu students are taught how to fight but also to not fight whenever possible. Being taught how to fight doesn't mean to go out and find fights. And when in situations that absolutely requires fighting, one fights. Not to harm or to kill. But to protect. Wasn't there something called the Sermon On The Mount?? May be that wasn't real? IDK. That was over 2000 years ago. It could have been just being surrounded by a whole bunch of passerby people?? And Jesus was over heard teaching to his disciples. IDK. You could be right. But then that would make Jesus someone who I would not like to be around. Preach violence and I don't want to be around you much less listen to your words. Hmm, why would someone say the same thing twice? Maybe to emphasize something? IDK. It isn't unheard of. And sometimes poets use that method to bring about a point. Who knows?? Note: Jesus knew very well what was going to happen. I doubt his religion would have been as big if Jesus died of old age and not having bring about change.
  17. Headache, daydreaming need help

    Just realized that it is similar to the car forums where a person says that his car is having problems starting. He then states that he has replaced the starter but still have the problem. Then asks if anyone knows what problem is. There is just not enough information to make any real diagnosis. As a person who knows a little bit about cars, I know right away there is not enough information to give any advice. The OP, in this thread, has stated his issue and question. But, he has not given much information. So, as advice might be plentiful, it still misses the mark of being helpful since there is not enough information given. It is a shot in the dark. I am sorry to have taken this thread into a tangent.
  18. So, telling his disciples to protect themselves amount to preaching or advocating violence? Is this what he taught to the general public? That his message to the people was to go inflict violence upon one another? Then why heal the one who is injured? Jesus did not come to bring peace or the status quo but to bring about change. Some changes are violent (not all are).
  19. Headache, daydreaming need help

    I feel that blocking people only makes me smaller as I would then be uncapable of handling the situation. And it would make my world smaller as it shuts out other ideas. I do not argue with anyone here. Only ask questions to learn more. I apologize to anyone who thinks I have offended them. My thoughts were that this was a spiritual question related to one's practice. There are many who do not have teachers nor sanghas to help them. So, being sent to a psychotherapist was not entirely helpful? IDK. It may be what the OP needed. It may not. Again IDK. And I apologize for my rudeness in asking these kind of questions.
  20. I have a hard time distinguishing the truth. As in the story of the farmer who lost his horse, the next day the situation makes what happened before bad luck into good luck. And like subjective truth, Hamlet says that a thing is neither good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
  21. I tend to think of it as saying that bringing peace would be keeping the things the same (Status Quo). Where as the sword means change. He did not advocate violence. Wasn't he the one who said that if a person strikes your cheek to offer him the other cheek?? Treat thy neighbors as one would thyself??
  22. Headache, daydreaming need help

    I was on another forum which I had done just that. Attempt to actually help where the person who wrote 5 separate threads about the same thing. My advice was straight forward. But apparently it didn't help the person cause she reported my post as inappropriate. The moderators sided with me and left my post alone. Others there said a kind word would have gone further to help. So, am at a loss. And questioning this one. But, as I said, never mind. It is not important. I am just being overly critical.
  23. Headache, daydreaming need help

    So, you are saying the content of the question matters which why you advised to see a psychoanalysis. And seeing lights is a flagposts. Okay. I am not trying to contentious. Just trying to understand Obviously you see this situation more clearly than I do.
  24. Headache, daydreaming need help

    It is not a question what the OP had as an intent when asking the question. It is about people who answer. Is it a knee jerk reaction or was it well thought out response. Was it because of the content of the question being violent images? What if it was about light he sees? Then would you recommend a psychotherapist in order to get to the reason for seeing lights? Was the response given a knee jerk reaction or was it a measured act? I am not a good judge of these things. IDK. So, I wonder about these things. If the advice given was go see a psychotherapist no matter what the question was about then it would seem the response did not depend upon the question or nature of the question. However, since it does seem to be dependent upon the question, the response is dependent on the question. Yes, good point. Why react this way to advice given to talk with a psychotherapist? IDK. If I was the OP asking such a question then I figure that the more advanced people here or more knowledgeable people here would be able to answer the question. And, that advice to go see a psychotherapist was a little mean and uncalled for? This OP took it well. Yes, agreed that meditative practices can bring up strange things. Not always repressed or poorly processed experiences can arise. And that is my idea, that which is the most compassionate way to handle such situations. Some people will come to a forum for kind words. This is not a teacher - disciple relationship. Never mind. I guess I am being overly critical.
  25. How to draw a 60 inch long katana

    Knee jerk response would be " Very Carefully". How else would one do it, mindfully? Will watch video later.