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Posts posted by Elysium

  1. On 31.05.2024 at 6:46 AM, Paradoxal said:

    While I was in Okinawa, I was blessed enough to learn some Motobu Udundi and some Goju ryu as well, which I might pursue again soon, but I think WC and the animals will always be my core.

    Oh man, to train in Motobu family's style is a raging boner for most Karateka. How was it like, if I may ask?

  2. 1 hour ago, Maddie said:


    sounds like there's some unresolved guilt issues in relation to sexuality to deal with there. 


    Were you raised in a very religious family?

    This question is not for me but coming from an Islamic background, I have seen masturbation in a negative light for the most of the time (not that it stops me from it but the guilt). Even after years of quitting the religion I still have some programming from it. Impossible for me to sleep after a session unless I shower ASAP, for example.

    • Sad 1

  3. @Maddie If you had to list one thing, what would that be on what I will write down below 👇


    What was that one thing that held you (assuming there was one such thing) from transitioning, that you had to shed before commiting to your decision?

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  4. On 26.12.2023 at 10:57 PM, Maddie said:


    Maybe so because very little of that book makes sense to me. 


    On 26.12.2023 at 11:00 PM, ChimpSage said:

    Exactly why I think it is overrated ;) 


    No one can understand it so what’s the point. A true master can outline it clearly and simply with 0 room for misinterpretation 



    Glad someone else thinks so. I have tried to read it five times, some parts are interesting but that is all.

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  5. Near perfect on concentration nowadays. Visualisation still needs work but I have come a long way. 


    Kinda feeling insecure about whats forward next both mundane and non, but I think its high time I progress.


    Mouni Sadhu instructs that one must visualize an objects from all sides, as if we gained an infinite amount of eyes. How? I am not a 4 dimensional being. I could stretch an object in my mind to see all of it but that is turning it into a 2 dimensional thing. So that can't be either.


    Seeing it from multiple angles seem like it misses the point as well.


    For the easier side, also tasked with combining senses when visualising, such as sound+sight. That is easy.


    Last but not least, pore breathing. Breathing with ones all being. This might differ in eastern practices I guess, I am following through Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon. Something I can already do. I wonder its just placebo or there is something else going on. Would I even care as long as it works? 🤔

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  6. 13 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

    For the record, I wish people would stop taking sides and would start thinking for themselves. 

    Man I couldn't care less, I am a college student not a representator of LGBT community or last line of defense about traditional stuff. Its just dumb y'all are going on circles about whether somethings form is its nature or not. How many pages has it been the same argument?


    I don't know about gender stuff but this threads form isn't its nature anymore. If there is a way to mute it please let me know.

  7. 3 hours ago, Maddie said:

    as trans but since they're very religious I've been told repeatedly that I'm possessed by the devil and going to hell

    Wouldn't you be a victim therefore not go to hell if you were possessed :lol:

  8. 14 hours ago, Nungali said:

    Because , I can assure you  MY gender is stable and firm  !    NOTHING 'threatens it at all  .


    I am staunchly male and heterosexual !


    I do have a complaint though ... that gay guy next door , parades around naked inside his house with his curtains wide open !  Who does he think he is ! ?    -  Now, you might think I cant see into his windows from mine , however , if  I go out into the back yard and stand on a milk crate and part the hedge  ......

    That indeed is so disgusting, can you send a picture of him so I can be more disgusted? ☺️

  9. 1 hour ago, silent thunder said:

    Best day to start training is just like the best day to plant a tree... twenty years ago.

    Second best day is today.  Don't let the past keep you from the present I say.

    Damn right :). Thank you for the encouragement. 


    1 hour ago, silent thunder said:

    , I met and studied with one of Bruce Lee's first generation students/inner door and trained in a combination of Jeet Kun Do and Shao Lin Five Animal.

    Thats amazing! Say, did the JKD you have trained in had its own identity, or was it just a mix of different arts?


    1 hour ago, silent thunder said:

    training and when recovered, returned to play my former forms as able to this day, though my emphasis is internal as I move on toward my 60's.

    As a senior, how do you think your body and mind would do at your age without martial arts I wonder?


    1 hour ago, silent thunder said:

    Jump in the pool I say and enjoy the process wherever you are.  It's an age like no other with many avenues to many styles available no matter where you are. 


    Welcome to the Bums mate!


    Pleasure to learn from the experienced, and thank you very much :)


  10. 34 minutes ago, RobB said:

    I practice Cheng style Bagua. My teacher has quite a martial focus but most of our group are too old or too abstract to really train that stuff properly.

    Internal arts do look awesome, I wish I could find a teacher for those. It seems unlikely where I hail from though. :(

  11. 3 hours ago, Sanity Check said:

    Earlier this year there was a scuffle around 8 miles up the road where the loser later burned down the house of the guy who won the fight.

    I am hoping that de-escalating will be a lesson that is being taught there. I can see how this entire thing may get out of hand if I be a loud-mouth about this.

  12. 3 hours ago, Nungali said:

    Hmmmm ... I suppose that depends on your why and  what your focus is .... if it IS to defend yourself on the street , then I might say that . If it is to  get fit, or some experience or to practice the 'art ' then 'not working' on the street is  an insignificant aspect .


    So what are you interested in discussing , aside from our experiences

    Well, I was interested in this even when a child, honestly can't figure out why I did not join in anything all these years.


    Another big reason is that I want to be able to have more control of myself & just discover what I am overall. Obviously meditation helps on that area, BUT.... I think you get the point. I suppose I would try kickboxing if I really wanted a brawl in street. But a fight that hasn't happened in the street is a fight I won. Everything is risky, needlessly so. Of course I do wanna defend myself however, I mean who doesn't?


    3 hours ago, Nungali said:


    I hope you dont mind being kicked in the head ?    I am a bit averse to full contact kicks in the head ... man, what I do has been considered hard core ... we often got injured, some people didnt want t train with us ... too 'rough' , but I am not up for full contact kicks in the head thanks . Then again, even within a style,  some clubs work very differently . I see that some kyokusin  clubs say they give the kids head protection to protect their young brains .  :huh:

    Man I don't know what to expect, I have to be honest. I don't have years of experience to spread wheat from chaff. Hopefully wherever I enroll will be good in quality with lots of pressure testing.


    That being said it looks like pretty much all of the traditional martial arts got watered down and got turned more sporty. I don't like that, so there will be some scholarly digging in future :D.

  13. Ladies and gentleman and myriad of all kinds of beings, I am assuming there are a lot of you who are practicing a martial art.


    So I am wondering if I may hear your story? Which are do you hail from? How long has your journey been? How many arts have you gone through?


    That being said I am not interested in "my art is better than you" or "this won't work in streets" business, and I sure hope everyone who contributes are on same page.


    Me, regretably I haven't had experience in any, I should have joined one in my teens, its a shame. I will be enrolling in a Kyokushin dojo after this summer for sure. Long overdue.

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  14. Already at 2 minutes on visualisation. I will also start training it eyes open when I get to 5 minutes. Things are going well.


    There will lots of things to do after I get through this. Of course 5 minutes isn't all that impressive but I wouldn't train anything else for years if the goal was like 30 minutes or something. I don't think I can muster up that kind of motivation. So this suits me better.

  15. 1 hour ago, Maddie said:

    I have no idea what we're even talking about anymore and I still love it 😊🥴🩷

    This sums up my couple months long experience on DaoBums 😂

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