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Everything posted by kcyeong

  1. To members who practice SCQ (soaring crane qigong), I'm curious as to what the phrase "use your mind to contract your hui yin" in the ending form of each routine means. This phrase is found in the SCQ booklet https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://dyhr.com/qigong/Chinese%20Soaring%20Crane%20Qigong.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjp1-z-nOKDAxXxbmwGHTMxACAQFnoECBMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3km6kQLXTjwWfAWhIfbOj5 . Does it mean (i) to gently (with least or no physical effort) to contract the hui yin or (ii) to contract hui yin strongly and physically to increase and retain chi in dantien? The phrase of using the mind confuses me. In most youtube videos I've reviewed, this step is glossed over. Or is it not important?
  2. Hello

    Hello all, I have interest in health qigong. I've learnt qigong from a sifu by taking a qigong course about 10 years ago in Kuala Lumpur and has been practicing it ever since. The practice has been beneficial but I would like to take my qigong practice to the next level. I hope by joining this forum, I look forward to contribute my experience, to learn more about qigong and to seek guidance from members.