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About JKJB

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  1. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    But yes though. You are wrong here. Where you are semi right is that Cinnabar and mercury in some texts are used as cryptic symbols etc. But in most they are not and there are a multitude of formulas in TCM where small amounts of Red Cinnabar is used to clear heat and other issues etc. Especially because it helps flush the kidneys without harbouring mercury like if you were an actual fool and didn't know the difference between mercury and Red Cinnabar... Formulas still used to this day in TCM not limited to: Sheng Tie Luo Yin, Ci Zhu Wan, Zhen Ling Dan, Zi Xue Dan, Zhi Bao Dan, Hui Chun Dan, Su He Xiang Wan, Qi Li San, Bing Peng San, Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan, Zhen Zhu Mu Wan, Niu Huang Qing Xin Wan. But these doctors are just prescribing these as a cryptic test to see if the patients are stupid enough to ingest poison.. Instead of intellectually pissing of some grounds of territory by spouting you wrote a paper on it or claiming your titles like this actually proves to me you are knowledgeable in other areas than bluffing your will through with gullible people by claiming authority by reflex when you encounter areas where you find yourself lacking. If the Church really wanted to help with this they would hire a lot more people and start to learn many more skills than they do, and they don't have a good success-rate either I've been told most places and the one dude covering often for a whole country or district is booked for a long time and often not very versatile in skills. The truth is that the Church imploys more dark forces inforcing their will WITH demons than the other way around. Thus seeking help from the same culprits perpetuating this mess on so very many people would be like asking the online scammer to help you install anti-virus software.
  2. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    You would make a great politician the way you pick this, from a study full of statements saying Cinnabar in medicinal use is safe and well-tolerated. Cinnabar-containing traditional medicines are generally relatively non-toxic at therapeutic doses. The correct preparation methods, appropriate doses, disease status, age and drug combinations are important factors impacting cinnabar toxicity (1, 8, 31).It should also be pointed out that the dose of cinnabar or mercury sulfide (1.0 g/kg) used in these studies is at least 100–500 times higher than human daily dose (i.e., 50 g/50 kg person, while allowable daily human oral dose is 0.1 – 0.5 g)
  3. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    Nonsense and reverse gate-keeping. Read about it before you join the rage-train please: Cinnabar-containing traditional medicines are generally relatively non-toxic at therapeutic doses. The correct preparation methods, appropriate doses, disease status, age and drug combinations are important factors impacting cinnabar toxicity (1, 8, 31). In general, the adverse effects at therapeutic doses of cinnabar-containing traditional medicines are rare and are largely tolerable and reversible. The cinnabar poisoning cases are associated with overdose, long-term uses, and improper processing such as heating, decocting, fumigating, or in combination with other drugs (31). For example, heating cinnabar resulted in mercury vapor release, and acute inhalation of mercury fumes can be fatal (32). Grinding cinnabar using aluminum utensils or in combination of iodide- and bromide-containing drugs could increase mercury toxicity (31), but the mechanisms of such interactions are not completely known. The long-term use of cinnabar-containing traditional medicines could result in renal dysfunction due to accumulation of mercury in the kidney. Blurred vision due to accumulation of mercury in brain is possible, gastrointestinal symptoms also often occur following long-term administration (9–11, 31). Skin allergic reaction may occur when cinnabar is used in tattoo dyes (33). Oral administration of cinnabar at a high dose (1.0 g/kg/d for 7d) produced reversible hearing dysfunction, learning memory deficit, and other behavioral abnormalities in mice (24), rats (25, 28), and guinea pigs (29). In comparison, the ototoxicity produced by methyl mercury was so dramatic and irreversible, even at doses 1/1000 to 1/5000 of cinnabar (24–29). It should also be pointed out that the dose of cinnabar or mercury sulfide (1.0 g/kg) used in these studies is at least 100–500 times higher than human daily dose (i.e., 50 g/50 kg person, while allowable daily human oral dose is 0.1 – 0.5 g)
  4. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    Do go ahead and read the studies please, before you circle-jerk yourself into a witch-hunt there. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2755212/
  5. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    People seem to mistake regular mecury from the form that is found in Red Cinnabar. Toxicity levels are very different as you can see here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2755212/ And no indeed it is not very easy to disperse and expell these larvaes and astral leeches, if it was so easy why is there written countless manuals of people who struggled with this in severity not to mention the many who are either unaware or succumb to the illnesses and sickness they bring about. Some are blessed with protection, and for them sure it is much easier others on the other hand are not so lucky to have special protection.
  6. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    Take a break from the paranoia weeds there my man. I am not at all. I'm just someone who from a lot of experience with negtive entities and old texts would like to defend the sanity of the people using these remedies back then as they do seem to work especially on astral parasites. Just because the West back then couldn't seem to integrate this knowledge and wen't all overboard in mercury poisonings and blood-letting doesn't mean that the original science behind these techniques were also ill-adviced. Also lazy noble-men have had a tendency to go overboard in the mercury which lead to poisonings and a reputation for not working even though countless seekers have used this throughout the ages to get rid of the most stubborn astral parasites or corpse-demons/worms what have you. Some other remedies now we're at it are. Asafoetida, mugwort ofc, ammonia strangly enough but dark entities and demons can't stand this stuff, epsomsalt and regular salt, great for cleansing baths after a Day out there in these modern dark ages, incenses like white sage, white pine, francincense, sandalwood etc. also burning bayleaves and cloves may also repell certain entities too. In general most people carry buttloads of entities, and trauma leads to energetic bleeding which too attracks this kind of nasty critters which will do everything they can to avoid you healing these core traumas that acts as anticoagulants for the wounds of energy of which they feed within your weiqi fields. Certain lifestyles keeps people in the unknown about this stuff and they will act as if you are offending them for trying to help them get rid of these little devils, that tend to form symbiotic relationships feeding them emotions, insights, or trying to control them with negative imputs etc. Thus disconnecting them from their yuan shen and original self, that often is way more beautiful, powerful and able to cope with the actual reality than these bloodsuckers which if they can will try to distort ones whole reality to keep feeding them these emotional discharges, thus many people have very restricting World-views often due to this.
  7. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    Ah yes Western medical science. Always 10 steps behind, and ever-so arrogant to not think their bias today resembles the same biases that held back medicine in the West for thousands of Years.
  8. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    A little Red Cinnabar incl. Mercury is great for expelling the three corpse-demons and nine corpse-worms though. Red Mercury is also quite a mindfuck, go look at the video's on it. Toxic as damned but in tiny dosages these suckers repell off your energy way easier. Don't go consume this stuff though without knowing and reading a lot about this ofc. But they weren't crazy for using this in the past, people have just grown so unhealthy most don't realize the scale of negative entities feeding off of their system.