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Posts posted by tommyprotramp

  1. On 22.05.2024 at 3:29 PM, dwai said:

    I don't think the mapping is accurate. Sanbao refers to "Jing-Qi-Shen." 

    Yama + Niyama are related to the conduct of the practitioner


    Yes, but don't forget about many different meanings...

    Jing, Qi and Shen is one meaning. Another is: 

    • 慈 Ci - compassion, love, mercy, gentleness.
    • 儉 Jian - moderation, restraint, frugality.
    • 不敢為天下先 Bugan Wei Tianxia Xian - I will not dare to be first in the world.

    So we can call this different meaning of Sanbao: Three Virtues. 

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  2. 14 minutes ago, Taoist Texts said:

    i mean there is a western fake  "yoga" and there is a real yoga. which one do you mean in your glossary above?


    Wasn't western fake yoga limited to asanas?

    In the glossary you see 8 limbs of Yoga. I added Prana Vidya which is ancient part of yogic practices closely associated with Pranayama.

    The source of those 8 limbs seem to be Ashtanga Yoga. Is Ashtanga fake?

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  3. I've putted together Yogic and Daoist cultivation terms together for the same/similar practices.

    Maybe it will be of help for someone.

    Chinese terms are in pinyin.


    🕉️ Yoga.
    ☯️ Xiu/Xiuyang/Yangsheng.
    🕉️ Pratyahara.
    ☯️ Neiguan + Neishi + Neiting.
    🕉️ Asana.
    ☯️ Daoyin/Waigong.
    🕉️ Pranayama.
    ☯️ Qigong.
    🕉️ Prana Vidya.
    ☯️ Waiqi Liaofa.
    🕉️ Dharana.
    ☯️ Yigong.
    🕉️ Dhyana.
    ☯️ Zuowang.
    🕉️ Yama + Niyama.
    ☯️ Sanbao.
    🕉️ Samadhi.
    ☯️ Shenming.
    • Like 1

  4. On 16.11.2009 at 4:25 AM, voidisyinyang said:

    goose bumps is the JING energy -- electrochemical -- clearing out the blockages -- so it's an early form of chi.


    Chi is actually composed of the three parts jing, chi, and shen -- but it can be more of one or the other. Professor David Palmer's new book "Qigong Fever" details this well from the perspective of qi transmission -- in martial arts it's called Fa Jing, Fa qi, Fa Shen.


    I've Qigong Fever book, but there is no mention of goosebumps or chills in there. 🙄

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  5. There was a discussion in the past about relationship between Dantians and Tripple Burner.

    I'm practicing Qigong and Tui Na, and I have some answers.


    In Medical Qigong there is cranial (upper dantian), thoracic (middle dantian) and sacral (lower dantian) rhythm. 

    Those rhythms are exactly like those in craniosacral osteopathy, you can listen for them with your hand, and you can work

    with them indirectly by different soft tissue work, or directly with your intention and Qi, Qi follow intention.

    If you can feel for your own Qi in your body and you have a ability to induce with your mind the flow of Qi from one part of the body to another part of your body, than you will be also to notice those dantian rhythms while laying on the floor or grass or sitting... 


    Btw, if you can do those things with your Qi you became a master of Qigong, and this kind of work is called Microcosmic Circulation.


    Macrocosmic circulation is about sending Qi to the body of your partner/patient/client for healing purposes, or for martial purposes, like in Taijiquan or Yongchunquan. You can use your Qi for it, but it will deplete you fast, and you will be weak or even sick. So it is better to use Earth or Heaven Qi for this. You bring in the Earth/Heaven Qi into your lower dantian, some masters use their middle dantian, and from there you direct the Qi into your hand or eyes and from there you visualise light beam entering the body of other person. With animals and flowers it is the same.


    Now, when it comes to Tripple Burner, they are groups of internal organs.

    Upper Burner - Heart, Lung.

    Middle Burner - Spleen, Stomach, Small Intestine.

    Lower Burner - Large Intestine, Kidney, Urinary Bladder, Liver and Gallbladder. 


    When it come to Tripple Burner meridian... it's existence is controversial, at least this will you get from Chinese medical texts...


    Dantians and Tripple Burners are totally different things and concepts.


    Upper Dantian is in the area of cranium. All of the Burners are situated on the torso.


    Dantians are energy fields, Burners are groupings of internal organs.


    Those fields are cyclically expanding and shrinking, and those movements make up their rhythm.

    Expanding phase can be called flexion phase, and shrinking phase can be called extension phase, like it is called in craniosacral osteopathy.


    I hope I helped someone,

    may Qi will be with you! 👋🏼



    I highly recommend medical qigong textbooks by Jerry Alan Johnson.

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