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About tommyprotramp

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    Seeker of Light

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  1. "Dao is existed before any god." - Sounds like the God, the Source, and the many other gods which are his many forms, faces and names. In Zhuangzi the Dao is referred to as Zhaowu - He who creates things. - > The Creator. "It seems like before the heavenly god." The Heavens are Yang, the Earth is Yin. So yes, before the heavenly... before the Yinyang.
  2. Mantra and chi

    Om (Aum/Amen) is the sound of vibration of material creation. Mantra that is harmonizing Yin and Yang is Soham. So with inhale, Ham with exhale. This mantra is intoned mentally, the so called Japa. So stimulate Yangqi, Ham stimulate Yinqi. I really recommend Swami Nirmalananda Giri books, which you can download for free here: And that is a real Guru, he share his knowledge for free!
  3. Mantra and chi

    More like Qi = Shakti + Prana.
  4. In India the general term for Alchemy, both external and internal, is Rasavada. In Rasavada, Rasayana is about external alchemical work, with potions and elixirs, with the goal of creating Amrita - the elixir of immortality. Rasashastra is about working with internal juices of the body, so we can say that equivalent of Neidan in Indian terminology is Rasashastra. In Greece equivalent of Neidan is Theurgy aka Divine Magic. The ultimate purpose of Neidan is to unite with the Dao. Dao is the other name for God. Christian monks from Athos practice meditation with the purpose of union with God, they call it Hesychasm. This is also a purpose of Sufi, which is mix of Yoga and Islam.
  5. Depending on the context, Chinese De is equivalent to both Dharma and Ishvara. De as the reflection of God/Dao in all that has been created is equivalent to Ishvara. De as virtue is equivalent to Dharma. De is also equivalent to Dharma as the universal eternal principle of everything, the direction in which everything moves, in this sense De is synonymous with Dao as the Way. Dao as God/Creator/Source is Brahman. Dao as the Way is Dharma.
  6. ह Ha (moon) + ठ Ṭha (sun) = हठ Hatha. So Haṭha could be translated as Yinyang. हठयोग Hathayoga - Union of the Moon and the Sun, Yoga of the Moon and the Sun, Yinyang Yoga. 👻 योग Yoga - union, unification. हठ Hatha - strength. So strength has a feminine aspect (Yin, Moon) and a masculine aspect (Yang, Sun). Cool Sanskrit! Hathayoga itself is a set of conscious and active practices that aim to achieve harmony of the bodymind by balancing the energy of प्राण Prana in the two main channels of नदी Nadi: इड Iḍa (Yin, Moon), पिङ्गल Pingala (Yang, Sun). The female aspect of Prana can also be called शक्ति Shakti, and the male aspect शिव Shiva, or Vishnu Shakti (the power/principle of Vishnu - Yin) and Shiva Shakti (the power/principle of Shiva - Yang). On the graphic we see the Indian symbol षट्कोण Shatkona in a Tibetan mandala, which is the equivalent of the Chinese Yinyang. At first glance, it represents the perfect harmony of two opposites, but in reality, like Yinyang, it is a symbol of the trinity त्रिमूर्ति Trimurti: ब्रह्मन् Brahman (Tao), विष्णु Vishnu (Yin), शिव Shiva (Yang). This symbol is also known as the Star of David, symbol of Judaism, coincidence?
  7. रासायन Rasayana = Waidan 外丹 = External Alchemy रसशास्त्र Rasashastra = Neidan 内丹 = Internal Alchemy रसवाद Rasavada (Alchemy) = Rasayana + Rasashastra तन्त्र Tantra: scientific method, scientific work, doctrine, the right way of doing things - correct way/method, system of philosophy, secret teachings, science of Siddhis - development of psychic and paranormal abilities.
  8. ब्रह्मन् Braman/Brahman = Tao/Dao 道 धर्म Darma/Dharma = Te/De 德
  9. Yes, but don't forget about many different meanings... Jing, Qi and Shen is one meaning. Another is: 慈 Ci - compassion, love, mercy, gentleness. 儉 Jian - moderation, restraint, frugality. 不敢為天下先 Bugan Wei Tianxia Xian - I will not dare to be first in the world. So we can call this different meaning of Sanbao: Three Virtues.
  10. Seated figure of Djenné peoples - Sahara, Africa.
  11. Wasn't western fake yoga limited to asanas? In the glossary you see 8 limbs of Yoga. I added Prana Vidya which is ancient part of yogic practices closely associated with Pranayama. The source of those 8 limbs seem to be Ashtanga Yoga. Is Ashtanga fake?
  12. We can do this together. 👻
  13. What do you mean?
  14. Couldn't find Sanskrit equivalent for Neidan. Equivalent for Waidan is Rasayana/Rasavada.
  15. I've putted together Yogic and Daoist cultivation terms together for the same/similar practices. Maybe it will be of help for someone. Chinese terms are in pinyin. Yoga. Xiu/Xiuyang/Yangsheng. Pratyahara. Neiguan + Neishi + Neiting. Asana. Daoyin/Waigong. Pranayama. Qigong. Prana Vidya. Waiqi Liaofa. Dharana. Yigong. Dhyana. Zuowang. Yama + Niyama. Sanbao. Samadhi. Shenming.