Sleepy Bluejay

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Posts posted by Sleepy Bluejay

  1. 6 minutes ago, Maddie said:


    I'll think about that.... ;-)




    So mature of you and not giving stranger danger vibes at all <3

    remember folks, she is over 40.

    • Confused 1

  2. 4 minutes ago, blue eyed snake said:


    not really, would be a book so you'd better read one of the books already written


    point is


    I used to be like you, at least what I read here from you.

    you are a smart young lady that is very rational in the way she perceives the world, I was in academics too and that sharpens the mind to work like that. That's a good quality but it's not all there is.


    ehm, you read the golden flower?

    no matter, here's a link.


    Its the most well known and reasonable accessible text


    but when you read it many parts read like total hogwash, some of that is because its shrouded in terms, but another part turns out to be quite literal.


    I started training before I did read anything, so when i read this for the first time


    for instance chapter 3 paragraph 3

    3. Only after concentrated work of a hundred days will the light be genuine, only then will it become spirit-fire. After a hundred days, from a point of real yang in the light, suddenly a millet pearl is born by itself, 


    I have been aware of the birth of that milletpearl, had at the time no idea what happened until reading this, it's a very literal description. and there are more literal descriptions in that little book.


    this one was a very clear recognition too, this is an exact description

    chapter 6 paragraph 6

    6.   , when one has entered the state of meditation, it is like one`s spirit is in a valley. When one hears someone else talking, it is as if one hears it from about half a kilometer away, yet clearly. It sounds like an echo in a valley. One definitely hears it and yet it is not oneself that hears it.



    but when you have not had those experiences you would regard the birth of a milletpearl as hogwash/ delusional.

    being just as rational an animal as you are I was quite happy i had been training before I read this ( and other) books.

    Neither is a story about a spirit in a valley especially elucidating.


    there are some things you cannot learn with the rational mind, it needs to be set aside for awhile. Just like learning to ride a bike, you can know everything there is to know about riding a bike, about balance and vectors and such things.


    but to learn it you have to climb on and put your body to work.

    and after you've learned to ride that bike without even having hands on the handlebars


    you cannot explain to someone how you do it


    thus is it with cultivation, the only way to find out is to do the practice and to empty the mind



    And so far all I have gotten is that you all are making a mockery of religions and others occult belief but still have the audacity to have a "General discussion" containing religions.

  3. Just now, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

    Couldn’t you have been the better person and not insult her though?

    If everyone is a better person every time she does this, how will that grown ass adult ever learn not to disrespect others when she cannot handle it herself?

  4. 13 minutes ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

    But what was the need to insult her personally? She didn’t direct any insults directed to you specifically. She just made a general statement.

    a statement she could have kept to herself.

  5. 1 minute ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

    If you are so sure of your beliefs and practice then why get so upset when someone calls you delusional? If you are right then it doesn’t matter what others say. 

    True, but as you can see, she is not apologizing so neither am I.

  6. 6 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:


    I would report Sleepy Bluejay but I'm sure it won't be necessary -- your report will be more than sufficient.  I used to be a mod and feel confident that they will take this seriously.  The least that will happen is that Sleepy Bluejay will be suspended and a ban wouldn't surprise me.  


    There's a lot of love and support for you here on the forum, Maddie.  I hope you feel it.  You've doubtless had to deal with many "sleepy bluejays" in your life, online and perhaps in person so, but you strike me as a strong woman.  Don't let the occasional twittering bird get ya down.

    Oh please, her being trans doesn't make her immune to being a disrespectful jerk that need to learn some respect for others belief. Her belief in what her souls gender is, is no different than any others belief about the soul.

    • Haha 1

  7. 5 minutes ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

    Jesus Christ, I tried to help but you keep digging yourself a deeper hole



    I know, sorry but I refuse to say sorry when others think they aren't at fault for anything they did or said. Why should I be sorry when they aren't?

  8. 3 hours ago, Maddie said:


    No sorry it still sounds delusional. 

    This is the comment.


    1 minute ago, Maddie said:


    I was asking why you believe these things to be true, and how can you know such a belief isn't delusion. I guess I've been in the scientific community for a while because these are not personally disrespectful questions, but questions simply asking a question to get an answer. There was no personal disrespect thought of or intended at all. 

    If I should respect your belief in your gender, then why are you not respecting my belief in something more and possible not discovered by science, yet? What about the Yuga cycle, does that sounds delusional to you too? of course it does since you aren't a religious person. It is still a small but really rude remark you posted so casually.

  9. 1 minute ago, Jenn said:


    The appropriate approach in the future is report the comment or explicitly say that the comment crossed a line and that it hurt you rather than lashing out.  Never attack someone's gender, it is not okay in any circumstance.  Had you responded by simply pointing out that you found the original comment offensive or reporting it this post, you would not see this backlash.  Someone threw a fork at you and your responded with a nuke.


    Also this is a Daoism forum.  Discussing whether immorality is real or not, is what this forum is for and is an attack on your IDEA not on YOU personally.  An attack on someone's gender is an attack on THEM personally, not their IDEAs.  Personal attacks and prejudice have nothing to do with Daoism or this forum.  

    say that to the Jews about their belief, I dare you.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Jenn said:

    This is a Daoism / et all forum, comments should be about those topics only.  If you feel triggered or attacked, call out that comment or report it, do not attack people's gender(, race, orientation, etc).  None of those qualities have anything to do with what this forum is about, and as you can see, those are qualities participants of this forum want protected (as they should be).  Also we have rules specifically that protect participants from attacks on gender.


    Let's keep this place about Daoism, Buddhism, and all the wonderful religions and practices we have out there.  I think we can all agree that we're all striving to be better people through our various practices and cultivate ourselves to the highest degree.  To attain this, we must overcome the barriers of hate and prejudice or else we will always be stuck in our acquired minds and never reach the levels of cultivation we are here to achieve.  

    The only thing I'm doing is calling her out for her rude remark, in a different perspective, so that she can understand how hurtful such remarks can be.

    And now the whole ass community is ganging up against me for pointing it out. Is she a toddler that needs you to defend her 24/7? or is she a 40 + years old grown ass adult?

  11. 1 minute ago, snowymountains said:


    Why are you doing this ? Does it give you pleasure to get under people's skin?


    You're not making a point here, you're trying to upset someone.

    So the B doesn't like me upsetting her, but she does that to people that she doesn't agree with? funny.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Maddie said:


    You just won't stop will you? I would encourage others to report Sleepy Bluejay for his blatant transphobia here. I will have no further discussion with a hateful bigot such as yourself.  

    Do report me and ban me, you people are hopeless and cannot see your own reflection.


    Also me being a bigot? seriously? Why don't you just stay hidden behind your "crying transphobia when people call you out on your BS" tactic.

  13. She was being an asshole, so I'm gonna do just the same thing to her.

    She is a full ass grown person and doesn't need everyone to cuddle her like she is some type of royalty.

    Her rude remark is just disrespectful as mine and she should learn that saying rude remarks can hurt, which is why I gave her a taste of her own medicine!

    • Sad 1

  14. 1 minute ago, snowymountains said:


    If it needs further spelling out, you're not mocking a view or a post, you're mocking her inherent characteristics.

    Like she did to me, someone who believes in spiritual stuff.

    Yes, my belief is a characteristic.

  15. 2 minutes ago, snowymountains said:


    What you can and cannot say is determined by laws and the ToS of the site, not for me.


    If your question is what I consider fair game, I consider fair game to comment on uninformed views or beliefs, user behaviour but not on inherent characteristics, ie gender.

    Which btw is exactly what you did.

    Like I said, she trigger me, I trigger her. Fair

    • Sad 1

  16. 1 minute ago, blue eyed snake said:


    well, a whole lotta people believe in a personal god , i would regard that as delusional too but in general I am too polite to mention that. A very good friend of mine is a devout Christian, who am i to think or say that her brand of woowoo is less worthy then my own.


    about mortality as it is raising up out of neigung/neidan practice .


    I would guess for most it is just wishful thinking from young people. Being a bit older the idea does not hold any attraction, apart from things as creaking joints it would get boring to keep on living in the same body for eons.



    I thought this was theDaobums, a spiritual forum.

  17. Just now, Maddie said:


    I'm going to stop you right there. Just because I don't agree with your views on a topic IS IN NO WAY EQUIVILANT about you making my existence into a cheap jab and a joke. I have never made a personal attack against you. 

    cry me a river...

    personal attack? like saying my religious belief is a delusion?

    Beside I'm a big fan of Blaire White, so that transphobia aren't running a mile in your shoes buh~

  18. 6 minutes ago, Maddie said:


    We don't prove the non-existence of every possibility, that is not how the burden of proof works. If we are going to accept something as being true, then we have to show that it is true. 


    Also I did see your comment about my gender and yes it is transphobic and yes you are going to be reported.  

    you trigger me, I trigger you b :-*

  19. 23 minutes ago, Sleepy Bluejay said:


    Dragon Ball Z is honestly not the best reference to cultivation in comics, life-action movies or web-novels.


    The goal of cultivation in those type of medias, beside of revenge or being a hero, is to become a god like God himself (Jehova) and to comprehend the great Tao of every subjects (the Tao of sword, the Tao of balance, the Tao of calligraphy, etc.)

    Basically they want to reach the realm of the Xian Immortals and ascend further into a true god.


    This sounds silly and childish, but if you think of it as evolving the mortal soul into a celestial soul and then above that rank, it sounds at least a little less delusional and a little bit more about spiritual growth in the sense of ghost, spirits and the occult.

    I wonder if this is possible in real life, to cultivate into godhood, maybe this will make the Yuga cycle turn from Kali Yuga to Satya Yuga..

    Though I don't know anything about Hinduism and only came across this in my studies about internal alchemy, I really hope this could work that way.