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Everything posted by Dedicated

  1. 0

    I've experienced different sides of this, and my current thinking is to take breaks, or at least temporarily reduce meat occasionally.
  2. Women in Eastern Tradition (taboo)

    Gender could be said to be ego. A loss of ego experience might include transcending the gender duality.
  3. Magic and psychology

    Heya Nungali, I was reading a book I bought the other day and found a quote relating to this. The book is The Elixir and the Stone. "...such...neo-Hermetic thinkers as C.G. Jung..." Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh
  4. Meditation

    I weaved the title in, that's how
  5. Meditation

    I read a great book on Buddhism. It was a series of talks, transcribed and edited liberally. One chapter was Black Pearl Meditation. I gained the sense it is a teaching passed on to their student maybe twenty years of meditation practise. 'Reflections on a Mountain Lake' is the name of edited transcriptions. I was practising it today and noticed a great physical reaction as I visualised the in and the out and the cracking. I sat up straight spontaneously and realised I was physically responding to the process. I have lent my copy to my Auntie. And since her returning it, I have given it to a neighbour for keeps. It's great. It teaches that us newagers had it a little wrong. I incorporate it occasionally.
  6. What is Chi (炁 and 氣)?

    Lovely, thank you
  7. Women in Eastern Tradition (taboo)

    I think the best approach to some problems is to find a healthy positive rather than pick at the negative. As a Women I want immunity from over thinking it. We find this by empowering one an other without resentment. It's not a solution, but an approach. I look at things from a healers perspective more than a political one. A different way to look at feminism is to protect feminity in men and women. Some days I need to wear a skirt, that it would injure me to have to wear pants. To be honest, it's been a while since I've felt that. So I extend that might mean men feel that too. I like the idea of mixing up men and women's fashion. I'm fascinated with how medicine for women might look different. I seek ways to heal, and avoid escalating the confusion of the sexes
  8. The more I learn, the more I see there is to learn and that I have no interest in learning it all - my thought for the day - and said in jest
  9. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Don't forget to breathe" Forbidden Kingdom
  10. 經方心得分享Experience sharing of TCM

    Hi Awaken, my Aunty has a copy of Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic. We both have Healing with Wholefoods which quotes Inner Classic all the time.
  11. What is Chi (炁 and 氣)?

    Haha, thanks Chi Dragon, you read my mind. I was just looking for something like that. I want to slowly learn and build because this is a learning to be refined for the rest of my life I believe
  12. Hi Jadespear, I recently learnt the conversation on this site is better leaving Chia out of it. I quoted him and was surprised by the response. Puzzled, I let the matter go and read other posts, when I found others talking about Chia, that at this time unsure of him. I like to double check and verify what I'm researching anyway, so I was not too fussed to put him in the same category as Deepak, kind but not diamond cut accurate
  13. Magic and psychology

    Hiya Nungali, I was learning about Sacred Secretion from a cool teaching on YouTube with Sarah Elkhaldy and there it was said that Jung taught internal Alchemy in one of his teachings, and paid respect. I have since looked for that briefly, but moved on to Daoism. I can look into it further, or share more? Sarah knew more than other teachers about the subject and didn't rattle on about what everyone else does. In the movie 'A Dangerous Method' it is clear. But I don't actually believe labels need be permanent, that people can change and grow. Or our understanding of sadism. But not my cup of tea, I'm much too relaxed for that
  14. My summary of bhagavad gita

    Yeah, not very clear of me. Been feeling a little low lately and shows in my writing. I felt the Bhagavad Gita was talking about internal Alchemy when it said that 'it' can be obtained even if you come from a toxic womb. Was trying to phrase it more delicately, but just stuffed it up. I'll come good, had a tiring month
  15. What is Chi (炁 and 氣)?

    I realise now through reading in an other post that people have not been impressed by Chia. I only read this one thing from him recently. Boy it's hard discerning what is helpful and what is distracting. Forgetting Chia, what I have learnt so far about inner Alchemy includes for a short period of time we abstain from some indulgences to allow for subtlety.
  16. Haiku Chain

    Purpose? What's true North Not the mountain I look to, See the flock of birds.
  17. My summary of bhagavad gita

    What I gained was that the state desired to be attained, is possible despite shortcomings. It was encouraging
  18. What is Chi (炁 and 氣)?

    My mistake
  19. Magic and psychology

    These topics came up in my recent dash of research. My Dad was a psychologist, so I had heard about Jung, however my Dad studied it when Freud was the main psychologist taught, not Jung yet. Then I saw 'A Dangerous Method' after meeting a Women who instigated this film needs to be made. Learning Jung was a sadist put me off him for a while. Then looking into Alchemy I learnt Jung had kept the teaching intact, which renewed my faith in him. Magic is a broad term. I don't think Crowley was the reincarnation of Eliphas Levi, having read the History of Magic.
  20. What is Chi (炁 and 氣)?

    "In a small pot (either the lower, middle, or upper Tan Tien) we can cook all the mountains and rivers forces (natural forces), stars, moon, and sun forces (universal forces) and the primordial forces (cosmic particles) and combine them within ourselves to transform them into the higher force to form the IMMORTAL FETUS." It's the last sentence of explanation of inner Alchemy.
  21. What is Chi (炁 and 氣)?

    Thanks Chi Dragon, please disregard my previous comment of the Japanese pronunciation. Are you in your original post, wondering why there is a definition of chi prenatal and postnatal seperate. Could it have something to do with the Daoist term of the Immortal Fetus?
  22. Meditation

    'Reflections On A Mountain Lake' Tenzin Palmo
  23. What is Chi (炁 and 氣)?

    Ki, otherwise expressed as Chi
  24. Kundalini vs Jing Chi Shen

    Thanks Old 3 Bob! Three days isn't quite enough, good pick up. I like your Jesus reference, not what goes into the mouth, rather what comes out, for words come from your heart. What guidance do you know, heard or read regarding choice realms? I came across the term sacred secretion surfing YouTube. But I was struggling to find out more regarding recognising it happening, and what stage in the process one is in. Daoism gave the most generous description I could find within my readily available resources. But that's not how I found this site. I found it when my research lead to Pythagoras, which lead me here.
  25. Kundalini vs Jing Chi Shen

    This is the whole reason I'm on this site. From what I can tell daoist inner Alchemy is the same as what is talked about in the Bhagavad Gita that even someone from a toxic womb can attain. From what I've gathered we only need reach an alkaline state through not eating much meat, not drinking alcohol or coffee, thinking peaceful thoughts and practicing compassion for a few days. Then through conscious effort allow the process of what can be clumsily termed sacred secretion to occur. My line of investigation is how to tune into when it is going on.