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Everything posted by Knightgame15

  1. Meditation Recommendations

    Hello again everyone! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day today. I wanted to ask around today to see if anyone had any favorite places, music/sounds, smells, techniques, etc. for meditating. More specifically I'd like recommendations for meditation that will help me build up humility, ridding myself of the illusion of control, and generally being still and thinking on the sections of the Tao Te Ching (as I've been going back over the audiobook to take notes). I'm sorry if this isn't the proper place to ask this question but I'm still finding my way around the forum and haven't interacted with many forums before this one. Have a great day everyone <3
  2. Unsure where to start

    I've been wanting to get deeper into Taoism as a philosophy for awhile. I started after seeing a video on characters in popular media that seem to fit with Taoist ideals (these characters include Uncle Iroh and Master Oogway for anyone curious). I've listened to the Tao Te Ching a few times on audiobook but I'm unsure where to go and what to do beyond that. I grew up as and am still a practicing and believing Christian and I found what I learned about Taoism to be fitting with what I think a "good christian" should believe and practice, on top of this what I've heard and tried to apply in my own life has been very helpful with my anxiety and depression. Due to these things I want to attain a deeper understanding of Taoism while being humble and respectful of the long history and deep culture at play. I've reached the part of the Dunning-Kreuger effect where I know that I don't know anything and I'm ready to learn from people who know more than me.
  3. Hello there

    Hey everyone. Not sure what all to share in this greetings post other than that I'm pretty excited to see a forum dedicated to Taoism, I've been trying to learn more about this stuff for awhile as the basic ideas I've heard about interested me, I'm interested in Taoism and would love to learn some more but there's so much going on I find myself easily overwhelmed when trying to search about it. I'm usually a fairly reserved person so I'm sorry if this comes off in any way odd, but I'm excited to get to know people here and learn more.