Heavy metal

Junior Bum
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About Heavy metal

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Tien Shan Qigong

    I am most concerned about the fact that I am imagining light in colors corresponding to the element and breathing it into the organs I am also imagining. Is this safe? The second sound for an example I imagine and guess where my kidneys are and after doing the sound I imagine breathing in blue light into the kidneys. I can do the postures, the sounds and try to imagine to the best of my ability but I don't feel where my organs are or if I am doing it wrong so there is this doubt that arises in the back of my mind.
  2. Tien Shan Qigong

  3. Tien Shan Qigong

    Is it Chris Fazio? He has videos from a year ago showing apparent abilities ascribed to 10 years of meditation and practice of Tien Shan chi kung. He even went on TV shows and did an interview. All this seems to have happened a year or 9 months ago. If the fall out was a result of Chris going public this would mean the shitstorm happened around 8 months ago. Right after or right around the time Chris went on the show. It couldn't have been earlier because all the comments I saw were normal friendly conversations indicating they are working together or at least tolerating each other. Assuming Chris is the top student you are talking about.
  4. Tien Shan Qigong

    So where can I get an answer if 6 healing sounds are dangerous or useless exercise?
  5. Tien Shan Qigong

    He gives good advice I think. I am a complete noob so it's good to know that MCO and visualising energy is dangerous. I hear a lot of bad things about Mantak Chia from Steve and most other people. I picked up the 6 healing sounds practice as thought by Mantak Chia. Original exercise is called Liu Zi Jue and everybody teaches a different version. I thought to do the 6 healing sounds before going to sleep after full body stretching but now I am not so sure. Are there any dangers of visualising your organs being filled with corresponding color energy and doing the sounds?
  6. Tien Shan Qigong

    I am intrigued to hear about this specific Tien Shan system since it sounds interesting. Either way I have no idea what to look for because I don't know what works and what is watered down or dangerous.
  7. Tien Shan Qigong

    Can somebody confirm if this https://taohermitage.com/ Tien Shan Qigong is a legit historic system and that it works? I can't find online anything about it so this Steve guy could be lying. He claims he was trained by Master Fook Yueng who was apparently main early teacher of Bruce Lee. He says a lot of wild stuff which could be true but nobody alive can confirm. Where can I learn more and possibly hear from his students?