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Posts posted by ChiDumbass

  1. I would say that the best way to identify if someone is a good master or not is by the person looks. The outside reflects the inside, so if he looks tired, sick or bald, he clearly not mastered the art.


    My master is 6'3 and 265 lbs, with very little bodyfat. He also has long and lustrous ginger hair, along with a nice tan at the age of 37, indicating that he is very healthy and actually know how to channel chi toward health and spirituality.


    As he said : "The body reflects the power of the soul"

  2. 2 hours ago, Cobie said:



    I now think I understand your choice of username, very apt indeed for one choosing a master that imo is a total arsehole.



    :lol: imo far from it.




    25 minutes ago, Taoist Texts said:

     a student always surpasses his master


    I would report those posts to the mods because that's cyberbullying, but my master don't recognize bullying as a legitimate complaint and also is against talking to 3rd part to solve our problems, we solve this type of thing with our fists .

  3. As my master said, chi is the manifestation of power . It isn't really a ability you cant get with specific training(actually can, but I will explain it later). Everyone who excels in their field emits chi in their own way. A succeswful chess player emit chi in his plays , a champion fighter with his punches, a surgeon with precision, a politician with his words. That's the principle of chi emission .


    If you want to emit chi do those 2 things :


    1- Have a lot of sex. At least 3 times a day if possible, when you are tired you can do some more until your body aches, then you do some more

    2- Be better than other people. Basically you want to be on the top of the totem pole. More status = more chi . Wonder why high priests are more popular than regular ones ?? Its status, status is power and power is chi.


    Emiting chi as chi is another question . You need to be good at being good. Imagine that every other skill is a software of a computer, that can be updated and improved. Your chi ability is your operational system, you can improve it but its much harder, but , in other hand, improving it will make much more impact than regular programs. Every single program will work better. And, at some point, you will be able to do stuff regular people can't.


    My master would beat the shit out of me if he saw my nerdy analogy(he has a lot of sex and multiple kids), but that's about it .

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  4. Well, my master has a totally different perspective about sex.

    I will put it in a quote by my master when I asked him about having sex with may girlfriend. I'm getting this from my memory so it may not be EXACTLY what he said , but here it is :


    "While you are enjoying  your little romance, there will be some dumbass who don't understand and try to meddle your affairs. They will give you advice that means as much as a fortune cookie when its none of their business. Don't listen to them, you better ignore everything they say. I been through all this and I know what I'm talking about. Forget celibacy. If you want to get stronger, do it! Morning, noon, and night, do it ! Before and after every meal , do it. Do it until your body aches, do it until you cant stand straight, do until you are sick of it, then do it some more !"


    I kind of burned what he said in my mind because it changed my perspective. My master is a very strong and accomplished martial artist and I would even dare to say he is one of the strongest in the world. He proudly have multiple children around the world and fought in the most dangerous arenas in the world. Emerging victorious. I wouldn't be impressed if his kids dominate the sport in 10 or so years.


    I used to be very cautious about this and did semen retention for a long time. I would feel bad after ejaculating and it would make me sad and lose confidence. Now I know the truth and I'm stronger than ever



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  5. So today I finally managed to move the tingly feeling to my balls, and Im pretty good with it, Im doing it for the last 15 minutes and they are tingling, pulsating and superhot. I also feel a bit of sexual arousal.


    Could it increase my T levels? It would be nice since Im big on bodybuilding.

    Is it safe to do that ? Its getting really hot and I dont want to kill my kids.

    Also, is there any taoist/shaolin training that does that? 


    English is not my first language so go easy one haha


    Thanks in advance

  6. On 24/11/2022 at 5:27 PM, ChiDragon said:

    Hi CD
    Welcome to TDB. 
    Whatever it might be. If this is the case, the sensation is increasing in strength, then, you must have been doing something right.
    Can you tell us what is your developed ability to move the "chi" around your body?

    Take it from me. Nothing that can be dangerous doing on your own and gone this far.

    Thats good to know.

    Well, I did a lot of zhang zhuan and other basic exercises that I have no idea how they are named at some point I could feel this hot tingly feeling circling around my arms and chest. At some point I could do it without doing ZZ, so now I basically lay down for an hour while cicling the feeling around my body. Naturally it got stronger and now I can induce it in almost any part of my body with the exception of my back and the left side of my belly. Its much easier to do it on my arms and legs tho. 

    Sometimes I feel a strong but pleasurable feelings on some part of my body spontaneusly and then I can induce direct the sensation to that part of my body in my next session.


  7. On 21/11/2022 at 12:43 PM, Pak_Satrio said:

    Best thing you can do is find a master and don’t play around by yourself. There is good info on this site that will help you find one. 

    Its quite hard for me to find a master as Im a young guy with not enough income to save, I can at most pay rent and food. I go to doctors school but I will only start working in like 3 or4 years.

    I also live in a south american 3rd world country.


  8. 20 minutes ago, Wilhelm said:

    Hey there!


    In Qigong that's called Yang Qi.  Probably some of the other bums will have different models for understanding it, but I was taught it's analogous to electricity as the energy the moves throughout your nervous system - which is why you don't have to create a path for it to move from A to B.


    The utility shifts with the system you're studying, but in Qigong/Neigong it's very much the energy of life that's directed, thickened, refined and stored to increase the efficiency of your health overall.

    thanks for your input.

    I don't actually have a system, can I continue harnessing my sensitivity to it? Can it be dangerous ?

    And what about Yin Qi ? I cant seem to find much information online .

    Thanks again

  9. I dont really know how to explain it, but I've been doing chi kung since around 2015, going on and off, and about 3 years ago I started to be able to move this tingly feeling around my body that feels like static eletricity and sometimes I feel pain and pulsation in places that I focus . I also do feel some of this static when I move one of my hands next to another or to any more "sensitive" part of my body, such as arms, legs and lips .


    I dont need to think about the part Im directing this feeling direct or make a "path" inside my body. For example, if I bring my awareness from my head to my feet, I will feel it on my arms if my arms are resting on my body . Also, I can kind of imagine a "ball of awareness" or something like that and move it around outside of my body, and every time it comes near or pass throught my body I feel the same static feeling .


    What is that, and does it have any utility ? Its also the same feeling I get on my hands and other parts of the body when I practice chi kung.



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  10. I train Qigong since 2015 and with time I developed the ability to move the "chi" around my body. Since I cant find a master, I myself creating my own training and I do it around 1 hour a day . The sensation is increasing in strenght, not sure about other stuff tho.


    Could that be dangerous ? I dont know if I will stop if its actually dangerous but I want to know.



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