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Everything posted by YMWong

  1. Can anyone help me locate a video?

    Chen Xiaowang has done this demo many times in front of the camera, maybe you can check YouTube under his name. For instance By the way, there are "tricks" involved so anybody can actually do that YM
  2. ROTFL! YM PS: Deng's famous motto in its literal translation says "get rich first" (then come and visit me, Jiang would add )
  3. I guess English not being my first language I might misunderstand what you say. When you say his retraction was "public" I suppose it is something that we all can gather confirmation, and not something you are the only one to have information about - in which case I would call it private. So my question is: how can we get that info from a "public" source? Am I right in supposing "your knowledge" comes from Zhai and not directly from the person who originally complained on the paper? LOL, those are politics-politics and not anything related to qigong or to your master! All of Hong Kong, and Taiwan, Apple publications are forbidden in China as well as most of other material from these two areas. And by the way, I am in China right now as well as when I posted the link which I browsed with a VPN. YM 踢爆 黃山奇人電功詐財 渡海拜師求打通任督二脈 拆穿是高壓線圈 2007年07月15日 【專案組╱台北報導】武俠小說中上山拜師學藝的情節真實上演。台灣有民眾為練成「庚門氣功」發電絕技,遠赴大陸安徽黃山找翟江峰「打通任督二脈」。但民眾阿德向《蘋果》爆料,他花80萬元、苦學年餘卻發電不成,在翟要求發毒誓守密才被告知,「發電是靠高壓線圈通電,一切都是騙術」。《蘋果》取得翟江峰發功畫面,揭露兩岸假氣功集團騙人內幕。 兩岸騙局 被指騙財的大陸氣功師翟江峰(43歲),自稱少林庚門氣功第5代掌門,徒子徒孫遍布台灣、印尼、馬來西亞、新加坡等地。台灣則由徒弟莊財源(49歲)在高雄開設庚門氣功民俗療法中心,收近40名弟子,不乏空軍將官、台積電工程師、教師等。 稱發功讓水變甜 阿德表示,他兩年前見識到莊財源的氣功發電,「我被電到嚇一跳」,遂花12萬元拜莊為師,前年5月在莊建議下,與師兄弟及家屬十多人,赴大陸黃山找師公翟江峰「打通任督二脈」。 阿德說,翟江峰向徒孫們展現罐拔瘀血、清水變甜、空手劈石及氣功發火等絕技。翟除說發氣變甜的水飲用後能「長命百歲」,還用「強外氣」發電為團員診療;翟用拔罐拔出團員體內果凍狀的血液,稱是「血管阻塞的瘀血」,遊說團員購買單價約6萬6千元台幣的「化血丹」改善。阿德說,團員深信不移,共掏出逾300萬元買約50顆化血丹。 阿德說,他一年間三度前往黃山找師公學藝,「他(翟江峰)叫我練習握電,我還納悶氣功為什麼要握電」,直到翟突然對他說:「你先發毒誓,我就把發功秘訣告訴你。」阿德才知發電的是儀器不是氣功,其餘也都是騙術。 《蘋果》取得翟江峰發功畫面,送交專家解讀。建國中學物理教師鄭永銘一看氣功發電畫面便說:「這是騙人的!只要在身上放特斯拉高壓線圈就能放電。」鄭更說:「氣功發火即魔術師點菸術,是過錳酸鉀加甘油的化學變化。」 台北科技大學電子系教授房漢彬則直斥翟江峰空手劈石說:「一般人也能做到!」借力學原理,物體在強大衝擊力下,撞擊面積小物體就會斷裂。而血液凝固被翟說是瘀血,中國醫藥大學針灸研究所所長李德茂痛斥:「這是自然現象,身體有病的血液才不會凝固。」 台灣師父急撇清 上月20日,記者佯裝患者詢問莊財源氣功發電治病,莊推說:「身體不適,發不出電。」但他仍推銷記者學氣功,「終身6萬元練到會發功」。 《蘋果》昨以電話與莊財源、翟江峰對質。莊說:「我只是帶這些人到大陸,收費多少是他們與大陸人接洽,有沒有被騙與我無關。」記者問翟江峰是否以假氣功騙人?翟則反問:「你有沒有被騙?沒有就不要亂講。」他並推托:「誰說假的你找誰去吧!」還說:「沒有的事你不要問那麼多。」隨即掛斷電話。 翟江峰自稱庚門氣功第五代掌門,卻以魔術手法假裝氣功,誆騙台灣民眾前往黃山拜師學藝。 大陸師公 翟江峰(43歲) 國籍:中國大陸 婚姻:已婚,育有一女 頭銜:庚門氣功第五代掌門 經歷:曾任黃山西海大飯店推拿師 身家:安徽省績溪縣300坪獨棟3層樓庭園別墅、HONDA座車 絕招:氣功發電、氣功發火、空手劈石、清水變甜、罐拔瘀血 台灣師父 庚門氣功第六代傳人莊財源在台開設民俗療法中心,收了近四十名弟子練功。 破解翟江峰「假氣功」 資料來源:建中物理教師鄭永銘、北科大電子系教授房漢彬、中國醫藥大學針灸研究所所長李德茂、投訴人提供影帶內容 手法一 清水變甜(偷拍) 1 翟要女團員買回「樂百世」瓶裝水,打開綠色瓶蓋測試水沒味道時,一旁助手偷偷靠近梳妝台。 2 翟將瓶蓋放在梳妝台,助手假裝好奇察看梳妝台,右手偷偷將原來的瓶蓋換成沾糖的瓶蓋(箭頭處)。 3  翟拿起被助手換過的瓶蓋,蓋回瓶裝水。 4  翟假裝發功,並要女團員搖晃瓶身100下,水即變甜。 手法二 罐拔瘀血(模擬) 1 在指縫間藏針(箭頭處),假裝運功卻狂刺患者,再偷偷丟掉針。 2 在指縫間藏針(箭頭處),假裝運功卻狂刺患者,再偷偷丟掉針。 血液中有凝血因子,流出體外自然凝成果凍狀,翟卻謊稱是瘀血。 手法三 氣功發電 打通任督二脈就能發電。 破解:在身上放置特斯拉高壓線圈裝置,當與別人接觸時即構成一個接地的回路並形成放電。 手法四 空手劈石 挑選頁岩,以空手劈斷。 破解:劈石瞬間將石塊稍微離開接觸物體,利用衝擊力讓石塊斷裂。頁岩結構鬆散更易劈斷。 手法五 氣功發火 徒手令報紙或雜物著火。 破解:將過錳酸鉀及甘油分裝置於雜物中,假裝發功趁機捏破,藉過錳酸鉀接觸甘油會燃燒的化學反應行騙。
  4. Just checked again, this is the original article http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/headline/20070715/3644468/applesearch/ that can be found with Jiang's name as a string. No rebuttal can be found on the same magazine with that string. YM
  5. Well, you also said but now you are not sure about that anymore. I would tend to exclude the Apple Daily anyway, as I recall quite clearly having checked and found the original article with Jiang's string that - however - did not give result of the supposed rebuttal. Frankly speaking, I still doubt there was any YM
  6. I recall at the time the first article was available on the web portal of the journal/magazine so I suppose the retraction is also available: would you be so kind to point me to that material? Thanks YM
  7. So let's say that in a "comparatively short" timefrane one can learn from him, say it is in 10 seminars - 10 *4,000 = 40,000 US$ to learn to cut a hole on a piece of paper ? This is worth it, in your opinion, right ? I can demonstrate the same "phenomena" with a laser pen which is maybe 1/1000 of that cost, and can do it in an even more "comparatively short" time. Are you interested ? YM
  8. I am afraid that is the prerogative of any normal person, the vast vast majority of us So the fact that HE has certain skills, which remains to be seen, would make the amount of money requested fair? And what about somebody's morale, beyond his skills, for asking about ~400 times the average salary for 10 days of work in China? That would be like making ~2-300,000 US$ in America for 10 days of work: would you find that acceptable ? YM
  9. We Are Tao Fans!

    No, if you play all day and don't have a team you can be a football player but not a Miami Dolphin A Miami Dolphin makes million a year playing, a "football player" at best sweats and maybe doesn't even know where is Florida YM
  10. We Are Tao Fans!

    Daoists are simply Daoist, there are no "religious daoists" or "alchemical daoists", those are categories made up by those outside the tradition I don't know much about Christianity but I read that John baptized Jesus, but who baptized John? There is always a beginning, hopefully nobody dare to compare themselves to Laozi By the way, "Daoism" and therefore "Daoist" appeared as terminology well after the texts you mention which are not "the bible" of Daoism YM
  11. We Are Tao Fans!

    Sorry, double posting
  12. We Are Tao Fans!

    It is very simple in fact. A (Medical) Doctor is such if he has followed a specific academic curriculum and has completed it with success. Then there are healers who are maybe very good at what they do, but they are not Doctors. When one is sick he can choose to get help from a healer or from a Doctor: a healer might be better than many doctors but it is only with a doctor that we are sure about having to do with somebody with a minimum standard knowledge of the subject. And of course medicine is where it is because of the medical (official) advancements and not thanks to the few good healers we have around. To be a Daoist one must be officially taught by a Daoist, who can pass a complete curriculum of knowledge which in turn was passed down (and evolved) thru generations of pratictioners. Through the transmission, the new pratictioners is introduced to the line of teachers before him and therefore he is "known in Heaven". Then there are people who might be spiritually good, many of them gain their insights through different means including Nature or even readings of Daoist-ish texts. While some of these people might again be very good at what they do, they certainly cannot be called daoists. In both cases, this real transmission is not a guarantee of success (which is in the hands of the pratictioner) but a precise road indication without which most people are bound to go astray. If one who has never been on a mountain and he wants to hike the Himalayas he can only do it with the help of a guide who has done that road before him, following him and his indications step by step. Trying the hike alone will lead most, if not all, to certain death. YM
  13. Trying to find out who these gods are...

    Yep, if you ask somebody who doesn't know he may say they are the same as the Three Pure Ones And by the way, also is wrong, as the Kitchen God (in Guangdong and elsewhere) is NOT related to the Three Pure Ones or to fu-lu-shou, he is a separate God YM
  14. Trying to find out who these gods are...

    Right and left are the remains of an original trio fu-lu-shou, as somebody said. The central one is Guan Gong, not related to the other two as you can see even material and details are totally different. And yes, by the way, fu-lu-shou have nothing to do with the Three Pure Ones (sanqing) YM
  15. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

  16. Hidden Immortal Lineage Taiji by Master Wu

    Don't waste your time. He lists a partial lineage of Youlong Pai which is obviously taken from some Chinese articles, then his final line is actually zhaobao, at least from the few final names he mentions. You can find million of zhaobao videos in YouTube YM
  17. Yes, and with Daoist practices there is not even the help of making usage of anger or shouting because calm is one of the basic requisites be be attained and kept thru out the routine YM
  18. One who wants to be an olympic athlete must first make sure to have the qualities necessary to be one, which apart from some eventual inborn talent are mostly geared around the ability to stand the pain and never give up. One who does not have them, and here we talk about the vast vast majority of us, and yet get disappointed on not getting that gold medal is an idiot and should watch himself at the mirror as this is the one to blame. Dedication is not learned through books or speakers but it is fully dependent on ourselves. Some have the "fortune", or misfortune when looked at from a different angle, to be born in the right situation: you can look at the history of many of our musical "talents" for instance, and you will see how they were stripped of their youth by a strict family who put them over a musical instrument (for instance) hours and hours a day since they were born. Nothing else but music, eat, music, sleep, music .... Those who are grown up and can decide for themselves don't have this luxury of being forced and, as I said, can only blame themselves if they don't reach their goals. Luck of course plays a part, as everything in life, but it is usually a minor one. YM
  19. This is a mostly misunderstood subject, and often on purpose as the various "Dao of sex" <sig> lessons sell well. First of all "jing" does not strictly mean "semen", while it is related to it they are not the same thing. Celibacy for Daoist practice means total abstention, which include desire, any thought and the likes. Meditation, I mean real meditation, shall lead to a loss of desire too so as you said practice and abstention are linked in a complex manner. The schools/sect which do not have FULL (complete) celibacy as a rule shall require the pratictioner abstention in particular times, during which Qi can be accumulated, Jing can be eventually transformed etc. As I said in my previous message, those substances are continuously accumulated as long as one lives and in particular when one practices properly. They are however also consumed/wasted by the body so this is where practice and following the rules makes a difference. Jing, Qi and Shen are always present in the body as long as one is alive. In the same way that standard gymnastic transforms the body, as for example I have the same muscles in my legs as an Olympic marathon champion but there is no way I can even got close to compete with him, Daoist practice transforms the subtle body. Just like with the leg muscles then, we basically all have what it takes to do the job. What most of us don't have, however, is an expert to teach/guide us and - most of all - the commitment and dedication to follow the training. Again, think about what an Olympic athlete can endure and see how many of us could do the same - then multiply that by many, many times YM
  20. Complete (life) celibacy is a requirement of Quanzhen and various other schools. Zhengyi and many other groups observe the rule in the occasion of certain practices, rituals or specific times. YM
  21. So much confusion ... If you are not a pratictioner, as it seems from your "interpretation", you can consider using logic which is also totally missing in your writings If the original writer wanted to mean "generate" he would not have used "hua" 化 but "sheng" 生 instead, you say you read the DDJ you should know better So "transform" is the correct translation in that, to use your words "when jing transforms to qi, jing IS NOT maintened". Again, just use logic: we breath, drink and eat and our body TRANSFORMS those substances into nutrients that produces movement etc. When those substances are transformed they are GONE, and we keep creating them simply because we keep breathing, drinking and eating. Stop one of those and you will die. So drink a can of coke and your body will transform it to piss (and various other things) After you piss the coke is gone and you will be able to piss again tomorrow only if you assume new liquids YM