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Everything posted by YMWong

  1. Evil Tao that promote greeds -The registers

    LOL You know shit, just to remain in a domain you are familiar with, and of course you have not replied to any of the question asked No big deal thou, as it is clear you have no answers YM
  2. Evil Tao that promote greeds -The registers

    What you call "info" adding that is simply a bunch of personal opinions factually and historically wrong. Please quote, as asked, precise sources or stop bullshitting this forum YM
  3. Case study -Camping - Night Pee-ing

    No matter where one chooses to pee, better watch out in winter !!! YM
  4. For dog lovers- becareful!

    Hello RW, Great Master Chen Nan of the Song dynasty - teacher of Bai Yuchan and one of the founders of the Southern Line of Quanzhen - was famous for getting drunk often and eating dog meat. YM
  5. For dog lovers- becareful!

    Now ... stepping - actually 'falling' - onto dinosaur's poo ... THAT can be considered bad luck ! YM
  6. For dog lovers- becareful!

    LOL You are becoming a joke everyday more HAHA The harder you try the lower you go - I am sure you have a 'step-on-dog-shit' talisman for sale YM Master Tung-kuo asked Chuang Tzu, "This thing called the Way-where does it exist?" Chuang Tzu said, "There's no place it doesn't exist." "Come," said Master Tung-kuo, "you must be more specific!" "It is in the ant." "As low a thing as that?" "It is in the panic grass." "But that's lower still!" "It is in the tiles and shards." "How can it be so low?" "It is in the piss and shit." Zhuangzi
  7. Evil Tao that promote greeds -The registers

    Mr. Mak, I humbly suggest you to keep flooding us with your advertisements but refrain from bad-mouthing about people and schools you have no clue about, let alone trying to be the 'historian' <sic> of the group (without credentials). If you want to talk history, as you seem to be doing here, please use the historian way and QUOTE from precise historical sources. Kou Qianzhi (your Kau Him Ji) banned various practices, among which mainly those related to sexual activities, but NEVER banned daoist registers. YM
  8. Tai Shi ~ Internal Breathing

    Meaning and practice of Taixi (Embrional Breathing) changed through times in China, so most modern schools won't agree on its definition since their tradition derive from different periods. The best research in a foreign language, thou dated, has been done by Henri Maspero in French. I guess some of his works has been translated in english too, so you might want to consider checking him out. YM
  9. Mak Tin Si

    "Expectation is a powerful thing," says Robert DeLap, M.D., head of one of the Food and Drug Administration's Offices of Drug Evaluation. "The more you believe you're going to benefit from a treatment, the more likely it is that you will experience a benefit." YM
  10. Daoists usually die

    From another thread, where it did not belong: Now that's funny. If 'doing good' and accumulate 'good karma', to use your words, was enough to become immortal <sic> do you think the likes of Mother Theresa - who died of an heart attack - did not do enough good to be raised in Heaven in broad daylight ? haha YM
  11. Daoists usually die

    See ? This shows once again you are not a daoist hehe YM
  12. I practice KunLun

    Yes, winpro07, yes YM
  13. I practice KunLun

    Luckily only a tiny fraction write on this board YM
  14. On the Celestial Master institution http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/09...ic_charisma.pdf YM
  15. I practice KunLun

    thousands ... eheh YM
  16. Just to inform that Memorial for the death of 64th Celestial Master Zhang Yuanxian was recently held in Taiwan. Since he had no male descendants there is a discussion in progress about the inheritance of the Orthodox Tradition, and unfortunately quite a bit of 'two-sides' (China and Taiwan) politics is involved. Sad YM
  17. Death of 64th Celestial Master

    Well, have you ever seen or known a 'true teacher' who comes on an internet board to sell talismans anyway ? YM
  18. Death of 64th Celestial Master

    Luckily you did not mention the S word !!! You would be bringing back karma to you and might die of a horrible death ... provided of course that you don't get one of MTS's protection FU's - last few available for only 19.95 !!! YM
  19. Death of 64th Celestial Master

    You obviously have 'your own' sense of ethics, which clearly do not correspond to mine. I was just posting a sad information, on which most people would reply "let's pray for him" and your reply was "that's a joke". Let's our friends here gather what they wish from this exchange. Be well YM
  20. Death of 64th Celestial Master

    I am afraid that you are going short of all your ethics and nice discussions, my friend. I don't judge his 'greatness', especially now that he has passed away, but he certainly was a Tin Si - being the direct descendant of that family - the only one with that birth right. Don't you have 'respect for the death' in your ethic code ? That would be a nice addition, let me tell you. In any case, for Vortex who asked, he was 78 and died of a liver problem. I have no idea and won't comment on his attainments, especially given that most people here have (let's say) a *different vocabulary* then myself of the terms of actual daoism so my words my be misunderstood. Best YM
  21. I practice KunLun

    Hey Win, are u the old one standing or the younger one sitting here ? YM
  22. I practice KunLun

    Given how Max's students fly away when Max barely touches them I propose to re-enact the "Docherty/Shen" scene with a caramel macchiato instead: "Docherty and Morton duly attended. On the first day, before the seminar commenced, Docherty brandished his [pounds]300 and stated that he was happy to pay, but wished first to have a demonstration of the powers. He told Shen, both in Mandarin Chinese and in English (to avoid any confusion), what he was about to do. He slowly approached Shen, gave him time to summon/prepare/deploy his special powers, and proceeded to pour a liter of water over him. Needless to say, Docherty did not collapse and roll out on the room, the water did not take detour around Dr. Shen's head, nor did it spontaneously leap into the jug. Thereupon Docherty and Morton left the seminar." Do you think it'd be feasible, Chris ? YM
  23. Mr. Mak lineage

    Different schools have created different set of rules, but those are really mainly for the beginners who have not understood the rule of Heaven - and for the general population interested in 'daoism' of course. And the rule of Heaven is actually like the rule of Earth: for every action there is an equal and contrary reaction: in chinese this is called 感應 'ganying'. If Heaven bless you with a Transmission and you use it to make money, then you 'owe' and you're destined to pay somehow - so expect a reaction. It is ok to make a living out of it, but as I said it is hard to avoid falling into making a 'good living' so most people choose to refrain totally from the risk. YM
  24. The Taoism Tools - Stone Guard

    Well, I guess you don't mind telling us when and where it originated, which Daoist sect etc. ? Thanks YM
  25. Mr. Mak lineage

    本山派 西派 大涵 I did not study Zhengyi in HK, if you saw the talisman pic I posted in your other thread you might (should) have recognized my line Indeed, there is a curse for this sort of things But, you know, "making money" means different things to different people: what for you is may be "just making a living" others may consider "living in luxury" ... YM