
Junior Bum
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About Zeropointtheory

  • Rank
    Dao Bum
  1. Happy to be Here

    Hi Everyone, This is my first post. I've been a lurker on the Daobums for over a month and decided to dive in the other day as I liked what I saw in this community. I've been practicing martial arts for a number of years studying mainly Shotokan and Krav Maga while practicing Zen and other forms of meditation for much longer. About two and half years ago I stumbled upon Qi-Gong through a practice called Lo Ban Pai and following that Neidan. In the course of a couple years my understanding and interest in the subject has grown tremendously, but I would still consider myself a newbie in the area. I live in Los Angeles and am currently looking to find a practice that meets what Earl Grey would describe as the four key criteria: good lineage, good system, good teacher, good community. I have the 5th which is being a good student. Currently my practice of Lo Ban Pai brings into question the lineage portion and it is out of state without any online written forum/Telegram so the community is lacking for me. So far the options for me from what I have researched seem to be only Terry Dun, Rudi from Authentic Neigong, or The Shaolin Temple LA led by Abbot Shi Yan Fan: although I am definitely open to anyone's suggestions I had hope Master Zhou might still be leading sessions since he is in LA but based on some of the posts here it seems as if his school is currently taking a break from classes. I want to be sure the time and money I am investing into my practice will maximize results over the coming years so I am building my discernment and knowledge base by joining this community and hoping to add to the conversation where I can. Any suggestions or direction would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your time and looking forward to the conversations to come! -Zero